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HomeEducation & CareersEasy Tips For Writing Novel For The First-Timers

Easy Tips For Writing Novel For The First-Timers

If you always dreamt of writing a novel but were afraid of how to start with then this article is for you. Writing a novel can seem like a daunting task at first but the truth is only the starting can seem intimidating. 

Fortunately, there are many ways, you can simplify your novel writing with ease. Here is the list of easy novel writing tips for the first timers that will help you to stay focused, motivated, and organized throughout the writing process. 

However, if you need any professional editing services for your novel then you can contact Splash Editing that offers different editing services such as US grammar check, ESL editing, plagiarism checking, and many more. 

While talking about your novel, here are some tips that will help ease the process of your novel writing.

Deadline and Writing Goals Comes First

The first rule of writing a book or novel is setting a measurable deadline and writing goal. If you have read a novel then you might know that most of them are between 50,000 to 100,000 words. Because it is easier to add words than cut them, so it is better to set your word count lower than 70,000-75,000 for your first book.

In order to determine the best writing goals and deadlines, think about how many words you can write in a day. Setting deadlines will push to your limits and write even when you are not motivated to write. 

Make Preparations before Writing

Some writers just start writing with no plan and idea which can be pretty difficult to keep a story going or you may hit the writer’s block. So the best thing you should do before writing is to prepare a basic synopsis, mind map or outline for your ideas. This way you will have something to reference when you come across a writer’s block.

Here are some examples of ways you can prepare. 

  • First, write about 1-2 pages of synopsis of the novel
  • Then create an outline for your novel
  • You can also use a note to organize and plan your novel 
  • Or a mind map with your novel’s ideas

These little steps can go a long way in helping you stay focused and on task while writing. Having all your ideas and thoughts organized can also be favorable for you as well.

Understand the Characters

Characters give life to your story, so it is better to know them. Know your characters just like you know your friends. However, you don’t have to write every little detail about your character in the story, but the more you know about them, the more you will be able to imagine new scenes and develop the story further. 

Schedule Time to Write

Actually, there is no perfect time to write. Waiting for when you have time to write a book is a surefire way to never start writing your book. You might be looking for a motivation for your novel which is not easy but sometimes scheduling time is just as hard!

You should schedule a time during the day to write with minimal distractions. If you are getting distracted from the internet then try to disconnect it. Although, making time for writing will surely help you complete your novel.

Edit it Later 

Many new writers do the mistake of editing while writing. If you are worried about making your first draft perfect then do it in the revision stage after the first draft is completed. Further, you can also hire professionals such as Splash Editing which offers ESL editing and many more services. Hiring professionals will save your time in editing. 

Try and avoid reading what you have written and just keep moving forward. You can always edit sentences and cut out scenes or can also add scenes later. 

Wrapping Up

If you are writing a novel or a book for the first time then these are some of the things that you need to keep in mind. While if you are worried about editing and grammar checks then don’t worry, just call Splash Editing right away! 

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