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HomeMiscellaneous6 Common Printing Mistakes That You Might Be Making

6 Common Printing Mistakes That You Might Be Making

Print ads are the heart of traditional advertising. Print ads in their various forms and types take advertising to the next level, making it accessible and exponentially increases the reach. In a time of digital advertising also print ads have not lost touch with the target audience at all.

According to one of the best advertising agency in Pune, print ads are high in demand and are very effective for any industry. They are loved equally by advertisers and the masses. Print ads could be pamphlets, banners, brochures or even newspaper ads in local or national newspapers.

Since print advertising requires the high monetary investment and is not easily reversible, there are some common mistakes associated with printing that you need to avoid. This blog written by an ad agency in Pune will help you identify and overcome all of those mistakes.


  • Bad Quality Of Paper

When it comes to printing, the paper is the foundation. Good quality paper leaves a great impression on the minds of the target audience. The bad quality paper brings down the level of the advertisement that you are putting out. It makes the ad displeasing visually and brings down your brand value.

If the paper quality is bad, then the colors and the images or even the typography will not turn out the way it appears on the computer. Hence, it is important to invest in a good quality paper for your printing needs, reiterates an advertising agency in Pune.


  • Lack Of Proofreading

Most of the word processor software comes equipped with spelling and grammar checks, also there are apps like Grammarly available to help you in proofreading your content. But despite these modern technologies, ads end up with a lot of grammar and spelling errors. This is bad news for your branding!

Ads need to be error free. It is therefore important to add a round of proofreading before you send the copy out for printing. Once the printing is done, we cannot go back and undo it like a digital copy. Hence, according to the best ad agency in Pune, proofreading your content should always be a top priority item.


  • Low Resolution Images/ Incompatible Images

Pictures and graphics are an important part of the visual imagery of an ad. They make the ad attractive and eye catchy. A good image can capture the audience and a bad image can lose them. When you design your content, sit down with the graphic designers and creative team, and ensure that the images you are using are high-resolution images.

Another aspect about images is the color scheme compatibility with the printers you will be using, ask the design team whether the image is compatible for CMYK or RGB and choose accordingly.


  • Not Using Guidelines And Borders

Most design software comes with an inbuilt scale for guidelines and borders. These are vital when it comes to creating print quality content. They define the length and breadth of the printing area. If guidelines are not defined then the printing could go awry. The end result may not be what you want it to look like, explains one of the best ad agencies in Pune.


  • Not Understanding Your Target Audience

This is a very common mistake associated with print advertising. Printing is a monetary investment you make to send your message out to the public. But what section of the public are you targeting? Is it the young college going crowd or is it senior citizens or is it the middle-class household?

Depending on your target audience, everything about your content will change. Sadly, a lot of companies try to advertise for everyone, instead of the right target audience. Such ads may look appealing but do not have any impact on the minds of the readers. Therefore, in the opinion of an advertising agency in Pune, choose the target audience carefully before printing.


  • Creating A Text Heavy Copy

Sometimes advertisers believe they can maximize their ad’s potential by putting all the information about their company and products in one ad copy. This is a mistake! Adding too much text to your printing, can ruin the effect of the ad.

The audience of today has a low attention span, a text-heavy copy makes them lose interest in the ad. It is not necessary to incorporate all of the information in one print copy, add only vital information and a call to action to succeeding, explained an ad agency in Pune.


Mistakes in advertising are not a unique phenomenon. They are an everyday event, but considering the amount of money you invest in printing, it is important to avoid them as much as possible.

Printing is a nonreversible activity. It also consumes a lot of resources and time for delivering the final output. Hence, we hope the above list will ensure that you do not commit these mistakes and have an error-free printing experience!

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