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HomeBusinessFeatures you will find on most small business telephone systems

Features you will find on most small business telephone systems

When setting up the basic foundations of your business, you will find yourself in need of installing a telephone system. Especially within a small business. That communication channel is crucial to have.

Did you know though that most telephone systems come with added features?

Many forget to get the best out of the telephone system they install. So I will be going through some cool features that you might not be using, that your business could really benefit from. So is it time to install a small business telephone system?


When you set up your telephone system, did you know that you can also set up a door intercom with the software?

A door intercom is a two-way communication system that allows you to engage with the outside world from inside your building.

So someone would ring your doorbell or room number and this will alert you that there is someone at the door to see you in particular. You can then communicate with that person and then ‘buzz them in’, granting them access to the building.

This saves you time on getting up and physically answering the door yourself. This is particularly useful when you work in a large office building.

As most small businesses work in this kind of environment, you might find it necessary to have an intercom integrated within your telephone system.


An auto-attendant or overwise known as a digital receptionist. In telephony, this is used to describe a voice menu system.

We have all been there on the phone where we hear an automated voice saying ‘Press 1 for customer services, Press 2 for accounts’ etc. This is what an auto attendant would be.

These systems allow callers to choose where their call is transferred to. Ensuring they speak to the right person about their queries. These voice menus usually come with numerous options and sub-menus.

Businesses find software like this particularly useful as it saves time on users having to redirect calls to the right person should a customer contact the wrong person in the business. On top of that, they are very cost effective as they cut out the need for a human operator being paid to answer and transfer calls.

Call Recording and Logging

In any business, it is always important to keep improving. This is where call recording and logging come in.

Most telephone systems will now have this feature included. It allows your business the ability to monitor and evaluate all calls and any recordings made. With the option to instantly listen to a recording and to create reports based on who is calling and what type of call it might be.

Call recording also gives senior members of staff access to monitor how team members communicate during phone calls. Allowing them the chance to intervene and deal with any mistakes or problems effectively.

Call recording and logging features also open up doors for more effective training in the future. Allowing members of staff the chance to hear and experience how a call should be dealt with dependent on the type of call.

Call Forwarding

As many small business owners may know, that you can never always be in one place all the time. The same is said for being in the office. Also if you are a sole worker or have a small team then there are times where calls may be missed.

However, most telephone systems will allow for call forwarding. This is when a call is automatically or physically forwarded onto another number. These can be multiple numbers including mobiles. Allowing seniors to answer the phone whilst on the go.

This feature means that no matter where you are, essentially no call will go unmissed. Allowing you to answer any important phone call and also that no major opportunities are missed.

Number Tracking

Now we all know how important it is to build a good client database. So, of course, it would be important to be able to track the numbers that call your business. Especially if they could lead to a possible sale or partnership. Tracked numbers give you the opportunity to call these numbers back

When you install a telephone system, you will find that this will have the feature to track any numbers that dial your business.

Marketing is also key for any small business. So when you have the ability to track your calls and where they came from. With that, you can find out more information about the person and then decide on whether you can effectively market your products to them either online or offline.

What’s Next?

There are numerous different small business telephone systems to choose from. So when it comes to choosing the right manufacturers it is important to fully research which ones will give the best features for your buck.

No matter the size of your business. A good telephone system with most of the functions mentioned in this article can benefit your business in a variety of ways. Key advantages would be saving on time and resources overall. Leaving you as a business owner to get on with other important work.

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