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HomeHome Improvement7 Key Elements of a Relaxing Bedroom

7 Key Elements of a Relaxing Bedroom

Out of all the rooms in your house, you probably spend the most time in your bedroom. And most of that time is spent doing relaxing activities like sleeping.


Because it’s a place of rest, your bedroom needs to be a peaceful environment. You should decorate it in a way that combines your personal style with aspects that encourage rest.


If you want to sleep better and instantly feel calm when you walk in the room, it’s time for a redesign.


It doesn’t take a complete overhaul and brand new furniture to give your bedroom a laid-back vibe. Just use these seven key elements to create a relaxing bedroom.


1. Clean Surfaces


If you’re having trouble sleeping, your untidy room may be the culprit. Studies show that clutter is distracting to the brain, even when you sleep. Since the bedroom is where most people keep their personal things, it’s easy to let this area become overrun with distracting objects.


Before you start redecorating, take some time to get organized. Keep nothing on the surfaces except what has to be there.


Keep these tips in mind when you’re deciding what to store in a drawer versus on a shelf:


  • Your nightstand surface should have only the necessities, such as an alarm clock and phone charger. Everything else can go in a drawer.


  • Your dresser surface can hold a few knickknacks, but try to keep this area clear. It’s easy to fill your dresser top with unnecessary clutter.


  • Shelves are a great place to store valuables. But make sure not to overcrowd your shelves with too much stuff.


By reducing the visible clutter in your room, your brain will be more at peace when you are trying to rest.


2. An Inviting Bed


No matter how clean your room is, if your bed isn’t comfortable, you’re going to toss and turn. An inviting bed is crucial to a relaxing room.


If you don’t already have one, consider investing in a high-quality mattress. The right one more than pays for itself as you reap the rewards of quality sleep.


Decorate with warm-colored linens and bedding in styles that soothe you when you look at them. A soft comforter in a material that makes you want to cozy up and relax should finish off the ensemble. 


3. Calm, Quiet Colors


Your bedroom is where you go to get away from the chaos of the world. So, you should decorate it in soothing colors and patterns.


You may love wild prints and bold, bright colors, but save those for the rest of the house. Stick to neutrals, pastels, or warm colors in your bedroom.


This includes everything from the paint and wallpaper you choose to the styles of art you hang on your walls. Some people prefer minimalist bedrooms, while others opt for more traditional decor. The theme is up to you, but keep the color scheme relaxing.


4. A Little Texture


A little texture in each room goes a long way. In the bedroom, textures can be used to add a sense of comfort.


For instance, cold floors are hard on the feet first thing in the morning. But an area rug can add a soft texture around your bed. Your bare feet will thank you!


Which part of your room could use a touch of calmness? You can get creative with textures and add textured wallpaper or paint. A soft throw at the foot of the bed or hanging as artwork on the wall adds a nice touch, too.


5. Dim Lights


Bright overhead lights are the norm in most houses, but turning them on when you’re getting ready for bed can jar your brain. It slows down your body’s production of melatonin, which is the chemical that tells your body when it’s time to rest.


There are many ways to ensure your bedroom lighting doesn’t mess with your sleep cycle, such as:


  • Replacing your default bulbs with dimmer ones


  • Placing a lamp with soft-colored bulbs by the side of your bed


  • Opting for natural light when possible


  • Adding nightlights to your room


  • Resting by candlelight (as long as you remember to blow the candles out before falling asleep)


  • Using a Himalayan salt lamp


These tricks will make it easier to fall asleep and help you rest better.


6. Plant Life


Plants are expert-recommended decorations for people who spend a lot of time inside. They have plenty of health benefits, including cleaning the air of toxins and reducing stress. 


Greenery in any room adds to the sense of calm. But in the bedroom, a plant or two can create a tranquil ambiance that enhances relaxation. 


Small, easy to care for plants, such as anthurium and asparagus ferns, don’t need a lot of sunlight to thrive. They’re great houseplants, especially for the bedroom, because they require little maintenance and look great as decorations.


7. No Devices


Electronic devices, including TVs and phones, are part of our day from the second we wake up until we fall asleep. And although they make our lives easier, they can affect our ability to rest.


Similar to the way bright lights affect your circadian rhythms and melatonin production, the lights from devices do this as well. Electronics stimulate the mind so that even when you fall asleep, your brain is not at rest.


For a thoroughly relaxing bedroom, it should be designated as a device-free zone. If you’re one who has to fall asleep with the TV on, try to find a new way to relax. Journaling, reading a book, or having a quiet conversation with your partner are all non-stimulatory ways to relax before bed.




If your bedroom doesn’t feel like a sanctuary, it’s time to redecorate.


To recap, here are a few key elements that you should have if you want a relaxing bedroom:


  • Clean, uncluttered surfaces

  • A cozy bed with a soft comforter

  • Relaxing colored linens, walls, and decor

  • Texture in the form of rugs or wallpaper

  • Some low-maintenance houseplants


And don’t forget, if you want a truly relaxing space, you should do your best to keep all electronic devices out of your bedroom.


With this list, you can swap out your loud or distracting elements with ones that promote rest and peacefulness instead.


Chris DeAngelis is the founder and principal of TriArch Real Estate Group, a multi-strategy real estate investment and property management firm. In this role, Chris oversees the company’s acquisition, management, design, and development activities. He spends much of his time working with Monarch Heights to help them with their marketing efforts.

Vivek Kumar Singh
Vivek Kumar Singh
Vivek is an avid writer with expertise in different niches, including sports, fitness, fashion, business, and more. Known for his engaging writing style and in-depth knowledge of the latest trends in all industries, Vivek enjoys a decent reader-base.
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