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HomeSports & GamesHomework, 2 important key concepts for parents

Homework, 2 important key concepts for parents

How to instill good study habits in the little pupil, what the role of the parent should be, and how to understand if there are discomforts.

Homework: a much-debated topic and not only in Italy, due to the implications it has on family life. Often it takes very little to get to crying and screaming. So weekends instead of regenerating parents and children turn into (useless) matches.

1) Homework is useful for the child

Homework is useful for children and their growth have a look on do my paper for me  for the following reasons:

·         They help the little pupil to deal with the dimension of duty, they make them learn hard work;

·         They develop the child’s ability to organize and become more autonomous;

·         Through work at home, a child learns to know himself better, to react to frustration, persisting with constancy and determination to pursue the goal;

·         At home, the child can be more or less good, this is not the essential point. What matters is the challenge to carry on and not give up. “We remember that in many cases the rejection of a situation is linked to the fear of failure,” says the psychologist.

Of course, it’s not easy to ‘convince’ a child that homework is especially useful for him. For him, they are an obligation and take away time from the game. Wrong, according to the psychologist, to persist in saying that homework is something fun. Lido Learning has always been knowing this in deep detail and has changed the whole scenario of studying with games.

For children, homework is a duty and, therefore, boring a priori. A task is what it is, it doesn’t make much sense to associate it with the idea of ​​fun that creates confusion even in the child.

2) You can avoid stress with good habits

The first step to accustom children to carry out their homework without too many protests, in an increasingly autonomous way, is to follow a series of simple (but effective) precautions. Here are some tips for parents.

·         When doing homework Don’t leave homework time to chance. The organization is important for children. In the beginning, it is also essential to be a little prescriptive: if you decide, for example, to dedicate Saturday morning to homework, that’s it, full stop, you don’t have to do anything else. Such an approach helps the child learn to self-regulate.

·         Where to do their homework The place to do their homework should help children concentrate. So, if the homework is done in the bedroom, the room must be tidy and above all the desk must be. Also, there must be no games, video games, TVs, balls or other things around that can distract the child. If the bedroom is shared with a little brother/sister or it is impossible to tidy up, perhaps it might be necessary to find an alternative place. For example, the kitchen table or a corner of the house where there are a desk and a chair.

·         Help when you need it The parent who has more patience takes on the task of lending a hand to the child who asks for help or who does not understand something. Better to put it in your head: scolding and screaming only serve to stress the child and undermine confidence in his abilities. What parents should do is exactly the opposite: trust and highlight positive outcomes (that’s what psychologists call positive reinforcement). Read how to cultivate self-esteem

·         What to do if he is wrong When the parent notices a mistake, he should invite the child to reread and understand what is wrong. On the other hand, it is useless to send the child to school with perfect homework if he has not understood the concept. Indeed, it can also be deleterious because the teacher will not be able to understand the actual preparation of the child.

·         Control or not control? At the beginning of school, it is best to check, for example, that the child remembers to do all the homework (not just the ones he prefers!) Or that he brings the necessary for drawing or physical education on the right day. But then, little by little, control must become less and less tight and, above all, the adult must not take the place of the child and do things for him. The child grows, becomes more responsible and autonomous, and also learns to manage his life at school. Of course, every child has his own rhythms, mum and dad must respect them and understand when the child is ready for greater autonomy and no longer needs constant ‘supervision’.

Parents can get their children to enroll with any reputed platform that is providing game-based learning. The Lido classes are one such example that has helped children to enjoy their homework.

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