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HomeTechnology & GadgetsTop 10 Steps to Improve Your SQL Server Performance

Top 10 Steps to Improve Your SQL Server Performance

Microsoft SQL Server is the most sophisticated and complex relational database management system that helps businesses store and access data as requested by the other software apps. There are over dozens of editions available for SQL Server, and each aims diversified workloads and audiences. With proper utilization of the SQL server, businesses can boost efficiency and enable collaboration and proves to be an affordable enterprise management tool. Learn the difference between mql vs sql.


But, your SQL Server needs occasional SQL Performance Tuning for better performance and efficiency. But, tuning the SQL Server is not easy, and it makes it challenging for database managers to tune up the server. Below you will find some helpful performance tuning tips for your SQL S erver. 


Taking Note of Monitor Index Usages


Taking note of the sys.dm_db_index_operational_stats, DMV can offer you multiple information related to the index usages. Database managers can make use of these details and reports to ensure a smooth user experience.


Finding the Problem Queries


More than 90% of the SQL Server Performance errors occur due to 5-10 queries or stored procedures. It is the common SQL Server instances. So, when you notice the poor performance of the SQL Server, ensure to check the procedures and queries stored. 


Use All Available Tools


Most of the SQL Performance issues can be resolved easily using the tools made available by Microsoft. SQL Server comes with the dynamic management views or DMVs, Extended Events, SQ Server Profiler, Execution Plans and newer versions that comprise the Query Store Tools and Live Query Stats. All these tools offer you a plethora of performance issues that can be solved with ease. 


Locate the I/O Choke Points


I/O stalls are considered the most common factor that hampers the SQL Server’s overall performance. So, it is important to regularly find the I/O choke points and fix them quickly to restore the server’s performance. 


Refuse Hardware


The biggest IT expenses for an enterprise are the CPU hardware and memory capacity for the SQL Server. The applications that are not utilizing the stored procedures and properly defining the queries put an extreme load on the server, which may hamper the server’s overall performance. 


Prevent the Shrinking Data Files


Most of the shirking data files are likely to impact the performance of SQL Server significantly. So, it is extremely crucial to avoid such files. Shrinking of the data files leads to fragmentation, and it may hurt any flowing queries. So, it is suggested to avoid the shrinking data files as much as possible. 


Monitoring the Log Files


The transaction log files are crucial when it comes to monitoring the performance of the SQL Server. But, when you fail to offer sufficient space for the transaction log files to work normally, it negatively affects the server performance. It leads to auto-grow operation, and it causes issues with the SQL Server Performance. So, it is suggested that you focus on reducing the log file backup at regular intervals to avoid the log files from growing beyond your control. It will further optimize Database Optimization.


Organizing the Data


Programmers tend to keep their code clean always. Similarly, it is important to keep the SQL Server clean by organizing the data, Database Optimization, and storing the log files on the different physical drives to reduce the latency and drive contention. It is also important to store those log files away from the operating system drive to avoid a single point of failure. It’s important to keep your business secure by improving your SQL server performance by having well-organized data.


Minimize the Tempdb Contention


Many applications tend to rely heavily on tempdb. If your organization has the same problem, you need to opt for some contention related to the internal structures that work smoothly with the tempdb files. If you notice any contention in the service, it is suggested to increase the amount of tempdb data files, and it will ensure that the files are sized equally for smooth performance.


Customize for Max Memory Limit


Microsoft has recently improvised the memory allocation for all the 64-bit users, and it makes sharing within the operating system and other apps in SQL server easier and smoother. But, it doesn’t mean that you need to set the Max Memory setting always as it is not considered ideal for all situations. 


You must never use the highest setting for the memory on the SQL server. It is only best when you need the operating system and other applications to have higher memory usages for smoother performance. The most effective solution is to set the memory limit to 80-90 percent for all the server applications. If you notice no major applications on the server, the memory limit must be reduced to nominal. 


So, these are the effective tips for SQL Performance Tuning that you have to follow to enhance the server performance and best SQL Server experience. If you need professional assistance, ensure to seek help from the certified IT experts.    

How To Keep Your SQL Server Secure

While there could be a huge debate between MQL vs SQL, your ultimate aim is to improve your sales. That’s why it’s crucial to keep your server secure. It’s worth it to spend time learning how to protect your database management system.

Here’s how to keep your SQL server and business data safe and secure:

  • Install Firewall: Use a firewall to block access to your company’s information. If you’re planning on using one of the many firewall products available today, make sure that you know which one you are using and that you have enough bandwidth on your network to handle the security needs of your entire company.

  • Audit and Reporting: The latter involves performing regular checks on the servers that are being used. You should make sure that you are taking the necessary steps to keep these servers secure by performing periodic scans for anything that may be causing problems. You should also try to detect any changes that are made to the server to ensure that it is still safe.
  • Regular Updates: Make sure to regularly update your server to secure your data. If you do not take steps to protect your database, you will end up being very vulnerable to a number of attacks. This includes any sort of attack through the Internet, email, network, or even through your network of vendors. It will also include an attack outside of your company as well. Obsolete software programs are vulnerable to cyber-attacks, so ensure performing regular updates.
  • Continuous Monitoring: By continuously monitoring your server, you prevent security risks because you’re able to get rid of them before they cause damage. Along with monitoring, secure backups are important to avoid data loss.
Olivia Wilson
Olivia Wilson
Olivia Wilson is a digital nomad and founder of Todays Past. She travels the world while freelancing & Guest blogging. She has over 5 years of experience in the field with multiple awards. She enjoys pie, as should all right-thinking people.
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