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HomeHealth & FitnessHow Common are Kidney Tumors?

How Common are Kidney Tumors?

Tumors are abnormal growths in the body, and they can appear in the kidneys. These tumors can be either non-cancerous (benign) or cancerous (malignant). Kidney cancer is ninth on the list of the top 10 most common kinds of cancer, but that shouldn’t immediately set you off thinking of the worst if you have a renal mass (abnormal growth in the kidney).

It must be noted that at least one in four cases of renal masses are benign. Studies have also shown that smaller masses are more likely to be benign, while larger growths tend to be associated with cancer. There is also added risk if the tumor grows aggressively as opposed to a slow progression, since aggressive tumors tend to spread more quickly.

If you have any renal-associated symptoms that negatively impact your life, regardless of whether they are tumor-related, you should visit a physician immediately. We recommend you look up one of the Best kidney specialist in Karachi, if you reside in the area.

If you’re concerned about the probability of developing cancerous tumors in your kidneys, this year, renal cancer cases made up about 4.1% of all cancer cases. Also, 40% of identified renal masses are localised, which means that the growth has not spread out from its origin. This is also known as metastasis, and can lead to severe malignancy.

Types of Renal Cancer

Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC)

This is the most common kind of kidney cancer, and this accounts for around 85% of malignant tumors. In this particular type, malignant cells move into the linings of kidney tubules and grow into tumors, though RCC normally manifests itself as a single growth, rather than multiple. However, that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to have multiple growths due to this type of cancer.

RCC also has multiple different sub-types, like papillary RCC, chromophobe RCC, and medullary RCC. while larger growths tend to be associated with cancer. There is also added risk if the tumor grows aggressively as opposed to a slow progression, since aggressive tumors tend to spread more quickly.

Urothelial Carcinoma

The origin of the malignant cells of this cancer is the renal pelvis, and it resembles urothelial cancer of the bladder in terms of genetic make-up and morphology. Smoking and exposure to hazardous chemicals can put you at greater risk of developing both of these kinds of cancers.

Renal Sarcoma

This type of cancer arises from the connective tissue of the kidneys, but it is extremely rare, making up less than 1% of all renal cancers.

Types of Benign Kidney Tumors

Renal Adenoma

These are some of the smallest and slowest growing tumors, which does not generally require urgent attention


These kinds of tumors can grow very large; however, it does not spread like malignant tumors. Because of its morphology, it may lead to a misdiagnosis of renal cancer. malignant cells move into the linings of kidney tubules and grow into tumors, though RCC normally manifests itself as a single growth, rather than multiple. However, that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to have multiple growths due to this type of cancer.


This tumor does not consist of a single kind of cell. It is made up of blood vessels, fat and muscle cells, which means this tumor, though benign, can lead to some worrying complications. One of those complications is bleeding due to its vasculature, which can occur if the tumor gets too big.

If you’re worried about potential kidney cancer, or just a tumor, you should consult a physician immediately to get a better idea of what might be the problem. We recommend you check out these Best kidney specialist in Lahore, if they are convenient for you.

Hi, I’m Amdee and I’m a passionate Blogger, Freelancer, Writer, and Digital Marketer. And also I’m good at Drawing and Designing. I started from a young age and most of the design skills and knowledge are self-taught. Techissue
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