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HomeHealth & Fitness5 misconceptions about running

5 misconceptions about running

I don’t know why, but there are always some misconceptions and myths about running. On the other hand, there are more or less known truths about that same run. So let’s get rid of prejudices, ie turn them into truths about running.

1. Running is not good for the knees

This is definitely the first and biggest misconception about running. Don’t run, you’ll ruin your knees! – The first thing a parent or a caring friend will tell you. I can tell you the same thing if you start doing any other sport or for any other body part used in that sport.

The point is that in engaging in any physical activity, we must engage in it in moderation and gradually. We need to prepare our body for this activity and by slowly developing muscles, strengthening tendons and strengthening blood vessels to deliver energy to the muscles. Otherwise, if we start running without a plan and program, parents / friends will surely be right. But I repeat, they would be right for any other activity, but it is not the running that is wrong, but the person who did not run “according to the rules of the profession”.

Many studies have shown that running actually strengthens the knees (and other joints) and improves bone health, even running after knee replacement can be good. Rather ask yourself if sitting / lying at home in front of the TV is good for our spine?


2. You lose weight from running

Many people decide to run because they want to lose weight and very quickly become disappointed in running because they have been running for a month and nothing has changed. On the contrary, the scales showed a few pounds more. This is a very common case and a school example of how nothing can be solved quickly.

First of all, in order for the accumulated kilograms to start melting, an energy deficit must be ensured, ie more is consumed than is consumed. Very clear and simple math. Running consumes, but the question is how much is entered, ie whether you have changed anything on that side of the formula. Most often not, but it goes with the premise that we can eat as much as we want because we run. Well, this is the most common mistake because you do not pay attention to your intake, and weight loss will start to happen when your intake is slightly less than your consumption. IMPORTANT: this is a very sensitive and dangerous area because improper diet can lead to very dangerous conditions, so in such decisions it is necessary to consult with a nutritionist who will make a diet plan (as your kinesiologist does a training plan).

So, it is true that running can make you lose weight, but only with a complementary diet plan and with proper rest in between to overcome running fatigue.

3. When you run then you can eat what you want

This misconception is logically related to the past, so you should be careful with it as well. Namely, after you have been running for a while, some processes in your body become more organized and start to function a little better. It is definitely digestion, and very often the appetite also improves. And then we should be careful not to get carried away and not to have a counter effect. We often get carried away, so after a half-hour workout we sit down at a table and go eat as if we ran a marathon. Realistically, we didn’t spend anything extra that we should have specifically made up for.

Another thing we really need to watch out for is the way we eat on days without training, and especially during a longer break from running when we typically continue to eat as if we were training. We quickly realize that with such an unadapted diet, we have “gained” 3-4 kilograms of excess.

4. Running is only for young and fit people

Many do not choose to run because they consider running to be for young and fit people. Wrong! Just look at one mass city race and see who participates in it and very quickly we can break this misconception on our own.

It’s just a matter of perception of what running means to someone. If we have before our eyes an athletic rally and a 100-meter race, it is quite clear that this is not for us and that for something like that you really have to be young and athletically built. But you don’t have to for recreational running because running is just for everyone. Of course, running needs to be adapted to your age and your current physical condition / shape and of course – running under the supervision of a coach.

Finally, I will mention the British Fau Singh who on 16.10.2011. ran a marathon at the age of 100 in a great 8 hours! And now tell me, are you young enough for half an hour of running every third day?

5. Running in the rain is not healthy

This is the second most common misconception and also the biggest excuse for not coming to training!

Remember, bacteria and viruses make you sick, not running. You are much more likely to get sick if you spend time indoors where they reproduce much easier and faster. And as for the rain, put a cap on your head and put on a rustle and a run. It is important that after running, get warm as soon as possible and change into dry clothes as soon as possible.

And lastly, to become a runner you just need to start running. It doesn’t matter how fast / slow you are, it’s just important that you run and enjoy it. Welcome to the world of running!

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