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HomeLifestyleBenefits of straightening that will sublimate your hair

Benefits of straightening that will sublimate your hair

It is undeniable: we are not always tender with our hair. From coloring to straightening, including daily styling, our hair suffers from all this ill-treatment. So when stubborn frizz arises or lackluster curls plague you, you owe it to yourself to bring out the heavy artillery. Are you looking for a gentle, light, yet powerful remedy that delivers superb results almost instantly? Gold Coast Hair Salon can be THE solution.

Whether you want straight hair or tame your curls, this smoothing treatment eliminates frizz and adds a veil of shine while visibly improving the overall condition of your hair. What’s more, the results are immediate! Straightening cuts brushing time in half and lasts up to 12 weeks depending on your hair type and daily maintenance.

Although this treatment can be expensive, the results are impressive: silky, shiny, supple hair… just that! So, for those who are still hesitant to take the plunge, we explain in detail why straightening is worth its investment.


Healthier hair

Even if your hair looks like a hopeless case, you will be surprised at the effects of straightening! Formulated with keratin, a natural component that represents more than 90% of our hair, straightening penetrates very deep inside the hair cuticle. It thus comes to fill the damaged areas and depleted in keratin, to strengthen each hair.


Woman fringe curtain


This treatment temporarily modifies the texture of your hair by increasing its strength, resistance, and elasticity. If your hair has lost its liveliness due to chemical treatments or too much heat, don’t give up hope. The health of your hair can be restored to the tips of the ends. Straightening at Gold Coast Hair Salon will repair and strengthen your hair while wrapping each strand in a protective layer that will prevent possible future damage. Your hair will be perfectly hydrated, so forget about the tons of conditioner and moisturizer!


Perfect care for all hair types

Wavy, frizzy, curly, frizzy, thick, colored, relaxed, or damaged hair: straightening is for you. And as a bonus, it dramatically helps cut drying time for women with porous hair, tames flyaways, and helps smooth out-of-control bangs and more!

Softer, smoother hair

One of the biggest benefits of straightening is that the texture of your hair will literally be transformed. If your hair is thick, this straightening treatment will make it silky, shiny, and incredibly smooth. And the more you apply this treatment, the more the texture of your hair will be improved soft hair

Goodbye frizz!

Smoothing treatment removes up to 95% of frizz. Even on rainy days, your hair will curl noticeably less than before straightening. For many users, this is also the main motivation that pushed them towards straightening. End your frizzy nightmares in just one app!


The comb will slide along your hair

Women who struggle to keep their hair straight often find that straightening is the solution to all of their problems. Curly or difficult-to-style hair becomes much more pliable after straightening. The result: fewer tangles and hair that is easier to brush, comb, and style. Maintenance becomes child’s play! Your hair will stay soft and smooth without spending hours using hair straighteners and other smoothing serums.

Comb and hair: Hair that retains its shape

Afterward, if you want to use heated curlers or a hair straightener on your hair, do not hesitate because it will curl or wave without a problem. Unlike straightening, the hair will keep its full curve. Not with straightening!

Smoothing with lasting effects…

The effects of smoothing last up to 12 weeks, or 3 full months! It is a long time, especially for straightening treatment which makes your hair straight and silky.

But not permanent

Unlike hair straighteners, after about 12 weeks the hair will return to its original appearance, with no dividing line between length and regrowth. This makes straightening the ideal technique for women wanting a return to their natural hair, in transition after straightening or Japanese straightening.

A smoothing that adapts to each

Straightening is a fully customizable treatment. The quantity of product used can be adapted according to the desired result. So, if you just want to reduce your frizz and draw pretty curls while maintaining the volume of your hair, the treatment will be customized to achieve the desired effects. Likewise, following the treatment, you can very easily change your look! You can use a straightening iron to perform a wand straightening or dry your hair on low heat to keep your volume or your curls.


Curly hair women


Note that the results of straightening differ depending on the hair of each: wavy hair will become straight, curly hair will gain in definition, and damaged hair will be restored when frizzy hair is deeply rehydrated.


The effects of keratin smoothing last up to 12 weeks, provided you use suitable products (sodium sulfate-free) to strengthen the treatment. Lifestyle habits also play an important role; if you swim in saltwater daily or wash your hair daily, the effects may not last that long. And the results are cumulative; you improve the overall health of your hair after each new straightening.


Straightening and color

Designed to combine perfectly with color, the action of smoothing is at its best when applied directly after making a color. By filling the hair cuticle with amino acids and nutrients, the straightening product will seal in the pigments and thus enhance the color. If you have already done straightening and want to color your hair, be patient! It is recommended that you let your hair sit for two weeks to allow the color to penetrate the cuticles well.


Shortened drying time

Who wants to waste time with their hairdryer? Thanks to Gold Coast Hair Salonstraightening, your hair will dry in record time. Understand: You’ll minimize damage to your hair from overexposure to heat, and have more time to enjoy the things you love.

90 minutes spent at the hairdresser for 3 months of hair freedom!

For women who live a mile a minute, scheduling an appointment with the hairdresser can become a real headache. All in all, the entire process of straightening in a salon takes just 90 minutes. And it can be even faster for short or low-density hair! It’s much faster compared to other hair treatments like coloring or highlighting. Women with difficult-to-comb hair and a busy schedule are usually the perfect candidates for straightening.


Faster and safer than a keratin treatment

The composition of smoothing is based on amino acids (which are extremely small molecules), which allows the treatment to be rinsed off the same day. Conversely, the keratin treatment must crystallize for 72 hours. This is one of the big differences between straightening and keratin treatment. With straightening, you don’t have to be afraid of over-keratinizing the hair, which often leads to hair breakage.

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Sujain Thomas
Sujain Thomas
Sujain Thomas is a leading blog writer and expert travel photographer. She has written numerous articles and blog posts on topics related to Travel, Food, Lifestyle, Home Improvement, and Photography, etc.
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