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HomeBusinessHow To Avoid Website Project Delays

How To Avoid Website Project Delays

Today we see professional websites of companies of all kinds taking over search engines, but we do not know how much work Web Design Agency Dubai do to deliver that site, and more importantly; if it really works for them.

It seems easy but the process of designing and developing websites must be taken seriously, with which you would treat what you consider the key piece of your company. Exaggerated? Not at all in times when no one takes off their cell phone.

Taking this into account, most companies quickly search for web designing companies in dubai that can carry out the project, but in many cases they get longer, stagnate, or constantly change in web pages and end up being postponed, sometimes indefinitely go on hold.


This is one of the most common reasons why a website design and development project stops or get freezed.

Regardless of the line of business, all websites require plain text since search engines only read text, not images. 

Regularly, eCommerce website development Dubai ask the client to be the one to write or organize the text because he / she is the one who best knows the business, the company, services, products, and sales and after-sales strategies.

On many occasions this information does not reach the web design company for different reasons that we cannot specify. Although photographs can be found in image banks, providers cannot write information without at least one interview on which to base themselves. 

Solution: Try to collect in a single file or format all the information that can perfectly explain your company. Share this information with other people involved in the project so that everyone is informed.

In some cases, Web Development Companies in Dubai stop receiving responses to emails to resolve doubts, provide data or authorize project progress, even for months and in extreme cases there is no response in years. 


The reasons that lead clients to stop following up with web designing companies in dubai can be due to many reasons such as not understanding what they mean by their doubts, misunderstandings with the project quotes, lack of solvency or attention to the project, disappointment by Web Design Agency Dubai, or even seeing that the process is very complicated than they thought. 

Regardless of all that, the fact is that it happens, and even with the best companies in Dubai.

Solution: Appoint someone to be in charge of the project and set an estimated date of when the site should be completed. Keeping everyone involved in the team informed is essential and reporting at the end of the day on the current stage, which will be the tasks of this person.


This is the most common of all. When looking for the perfect website, companies of all stripes and sizes search among competing or recommended sites for any functionality or detail that seems personally important and indispensable to their business. 

This is usually a good thing when it is concrete, but the difficult thing is sometimes that the managers or heads of the project cannot specify an idea of ​​what exactly they are looking for and the panorama becomes more chaotic when the project leaders do not have experience or knowledge about web pages.

This leads to constant observations, design changes from minimal to radical in structure and functionality, or in site rewrites, constant reworks that lead to delays in site delivery, extra costs and even labor problems.

Many times not having web knowledge is not an impediment to carry the project forward, but there are more cases where not understanding about websites and the process that planning entails becomes more tedious than profitable and unhealthy for the client and Web Design Company in Dubai .

Solution: Try to stay focused; not everything you see on competitors or other sites is useful to you. Remember to ask yourself, How does this suit my business / company? Likewise, if it is necessary to make changes, try to request them all at once, since reworking them brings extra costs, time and problems.


This situation occurs more in large and corporate companies with long chains of command and complex administrative processes, where large decisions go through a meeting with all the managements, for at the end and “already refined” it passes to be approved by the owner, GM or CEO.

This process, in addition to being inefficient, integrates many participants who, although they can contribute something positive to the project, proportionally hinder the possibility of agreeing on critical or basic aspects, because it not only depends on their opinion but on their personal interest, availability of time to meet and even to follow up.

In projects with process companies like this, we have come to require up to more than a year and a half to finalize a website that could have been completed in 6 – 8 weeks.

The reasons for the delay vary and even the patterns that we mentioned here above are repeated: lack of information, follow-up, access, constant and endless changes, communication problems such as “boss is on vacation” and absence or denial of final authority .

Solution: This happens when there are more people involved than there should be in the project. If you are the project manager, manager or CEO who is authorize in the end, make sure that only relevant people of your company that need it are involved, and keep in mind that although you know the turn from tingo to tango, you sought the help of web designing companies in dubai for your website, so treat them not as employees but as valuable allies.


This is another situation that, although it is more common in corporations and large companies, can also occur in companies with a smaller organization.

Sometimes some members of the project team may have problems with Web Design Company in Dubai or other departments involved in the project in question that cause the design of a web page to be exponentially lengthened.

The causes can be of all kinds such as feeling that your position in the company or authority is being attacked or questioned, trying to make it look bad to recommend a known web design agency, looking for a discount or a form of compensation for minimal things … Even simply resisting technological change. Whatever the reason, we cannot allow this type of self-sabotage since your company is the one that suffers the most from this.

Solution: It can be more difficult to find a single solution here. We recommend that you write a log of the meeting agreements and follow up on them. On many occasions, when the conflict is presented by the client’s staff, there may be other problems related to the same staff and this makes it a more complex problem. Reduce those involved and if necessary participate in the meetings.


These are only 5 of the most common causes that web designing companies in dubai experience. We have seen and experienced firsthand, but we do not doubt that there may be more common causes when a website is lengthened in its creation. You must always keep in mind that no one benefits from this type of project and if you really want to venture into new media it is necessary to be firm in the objectives and to make this decision with the seriousness that your company deserves, since it is not only a question of appearance but of the most basic survival in an ecosystem like the free market.

Naveen is a digital marketing professional with over 4 years of experience. Presently, he is incredibly passionate about software, technology, website design, paid marketing, and content marketing.
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