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HomePetHow To Cut Yorkie Nails - The Ultimate Guide

How To Cut Yorkie Nails – The Ultimate Guide

Grooming is an essential step of petting an animal. A groomed and clean pet is much more fun to have around than a dirty and ungroomed pet. Grooming Yorkies is a difficult task as they are quite active and full of energy all the time. However, some groomers or vets are expert at grooming a Yorkie or any other animal. Grooming includes haircutting, trimming nails, etc. cutting the hair or nails is a hard job, and not everyone can do that easily. Therefore, you can go to a groomer for getting his services in this regard.

How To Cut Yorkie Nails - The Ultimate Guide

Grooming consists of brushing and bathing as well. These two are the easier tasks than trimming nails and hair. Hence, these can quickly be done by the owner itself. Since a Yorkie has a beautiful coat of fur on its body; it requires attention and care to it like a human as well. The primary tasks are to keep them clean and controlled which are possible by bathing the puppies and brush the coat regularly.

  • Brushing: brushing is an everyday task for a Yorkie. Make sure to damp its hair a little bit before you start to brush its hair. Keeping the hair of a Yorkie brushed gives a fine and cleaner look to the pup and also avoids many problems which might be caused due to its long hair.
  • Bathing: an animal needs a bath just like a human. However, it can be weekly or bi-weekly depending on how much the pup gets dirty. Bathing a Yorkie does not require too many efforts or stuff. All you need to do is get a dog shampoo and conditioner to give your puppy a soothing bath. However, make sure you are not using a human shampoo and conditioner as it would not work on a dog’s hair due to the difference in the Ph value.
  • Trimming: this is required monthly or bimonthly by the pup. You can take your dog to a groomer or get it done yourself. Depending on the length of its hair and your preference of hairstyle, you can get it a long or short haircut. Some people are not trained enough to give a Yorkie haircut on their own and so they can approach any professional groomer easily. Long hair can also cause several problems to your pooch so you should make sure to get the hair trimmed regularly. If availability of the professional groomer is not easy, you can shave its hair at home. Keep a rounded tip hair cutting scissors with you and cut the hair around its paws. Also, trim the hair around its ear to almost half the ear from its upright point. The most important area which needs regular attention is the anal area. Make sure to cut the hair of circular area around the anus to keep yourself safe from any bigger mess. For male puppies, also make sure to clean the urine daily or otherwise a stain will appear on that area.

After the coat is taken care of, there are several different areas of a dog’s body which require your regular attention. These areas include nails, eyes, ears and teeth etc.

  • Nails: nails is an important part as well. As if not taken care, they can harm the puppy in many ways. Regular clipping is essential for a healthy and happy puppy. However, clipping a Yorkie’s nails is a hard task because they are black which makes it blind cutting. Yorkies are quite small in size which makes their nails quite tiny as well. There are even Yorkies which can fit a teacup. These types of Yorkies are known as teacup Yorkies. For clipping the nails of a Yorkie, you will need scissors, a clipper and a quick stop. The more natural way is to cut the nails at every weekly bath because the nails are softer after a shower and can be clipped easily. Also, the regular weekly clipping of nails will not let them grow too long avoiding you the unwanted hassle. Hold the paw of the puppy gently and then clip the nail from the ends. Make sure to not dig in the clipper too deep as you do not know where the quick starts and cutting too deep can cause it to bleed due to which you will need the quick stop to avoid clotting of blood. Mostly, people require help during nail clipping as dogs hate getting their nails chopped and so a professional groomer does it better.
  • Ears: get the ears checked at every grooming session. If there is wax or dirt in or around the ears, get it cleaned. Make sure to get the ears checked for any infections and if there are any such signs then immediately consult the vet.
  • Teeth: healthy teeth are equally as important for dogs as they are for humans. Get your dog’s teeth checked regularly and brush them daily to avoid gum diseases, bad breath and get rid of plaque. A dog does not get cavity issues, but they still get gum diseases which are extremely painful and if neglected, can also lead to tooth loss. Therefore, pay considerable attention to the teeth of your puppy along with other sensitive organs.

Petting any animal is exciting and a fun pass-time however, their grooming is a hard but essential part. You must always look after your pet like you would look after a human baby and take care of them. Baby animals or even just the animals require a lot more efforts than a human being since the animals cannot speak up about their problems or even cry over their pain to grab attention. Therefore, the pet owners must always give particular attention to their pet’s hygiene and groom to make sure they are safe from any potential disease or pain.

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