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HomeEducation & CareersStructure of a Research Paper

Structure of a Research Paper

The preparation of a student in a particular discipline can take different forms. Along with the study of theoretical foundations, it is also important to independently acquire in-depth knowledge – through experiments or practical research. One way to present this practical research is by writing a research paper. But if this task seems difficult for you, you can always find services that can help you. Just google “write my research paper,” and you will find a writing site where you can find a team of professional writers. There, you can order a research paper sample on the topic you need. 

  1. What is a research paper?

It is an important part of the educational program at school and higher education institutions. A research project is a project independently prepared by a student on a predetermined topic. A research paper often involves an assessment.

  1. The structure and content of a research paper

The requirements of what should be included in the research paper are enshrined in the requirements of your educational institution; therefore, their observance is strictly checked when the paper is accepted for defense. The structure is typical for academic papers – coursework and thesis have a similar composition with minor additions.

  1. Title page

This is the first page of the research paper and contains basic information about the research. It states:

  • The name of the educational institution where the author of the paper is studying. It can be a school, college, institute, or university. If necessary, a structural unit is also indicated, for example, a faculty.

  • Research topic.

  • Name of a student.

  • Information about the supervisor.

  • The year of presenting a research paper and the city in which the educational institution is located.

  1. Content

This section follows immediately after the title page. Here is a listing of the structural elements of a research paper (introduction, titles of individual chapters, etc.) with reference to specific page numbers. As in the book, the content in the research paper quickly orientates a stranger in the composition of the paper and makes it easier to navigate through the text.

  1. Introduction

Here you need to present a brief overview of the research work done. According to the existing rules, the introduction must necessarily touch upon a number of issues, for example, formulate a hypothesis, define goals, objectives, etc. It can be called the rationale for the study. The recommended length is 1-2 pages.

  1. Relevance

It is important for the author of the study to show that the chosen topic is of great scientific and practical importance. The most common situations will be:

  • The question is relevant due to the fact that many researchers have recently turned to it. For example, it can be the use of multimedia technologies in education.

  • The significance of the topic under consideration is determined by its novelty and the lack of developments in this direction. For example, these are programs for distance education in conditions of widespread quarantine.

  1. Hypothesis

This is the assumption formulated by the author of the research paper. In the future, in the course of the research done, he or she must prove the truth or falsehood of his or her version. The results of experiments or theoretical research (for example, among archival materials) should act as confirmation.

  1. Goals and objectives

The author of the research paper must definitely indicate the result to which he or she strives when performing the work. This will be the goal of the research. Next, he or she must determine the objectives, that is, the way to achieve the set result. Traditionally, this is done in the form of a phased algorithm. An incorrectly formulated objective may resemble a plan for preparing the research paper itself, although, in practice, everything should be different – first, research is done, and hypotheses are tested, then a paper is written on their basis.

  1. Subject and object

It is important to distinguish between these two concepts:

  • An object is a phenomenon or structure as a whole, which creates the basis for study. For example, this is a social formation, an individual or legal entity, a social or economic procedure, etc.

  • A subject is a separate aspect associated with an object. For example, the object of the study may be a regional library, and the subject is the service of persons with disabilities.

  1. Research methods

This term refers to the methods that will be used by the student to research the subject of study. Depending on the specific object and purpose, the options change to obtain the necessary information. For example, considering a library service for people with disabilities, an author might:

  • Examine the statistical reports of this organization, determining how many people with disabilities are enrolled in it. To do this, you will need to contact the library administration with an official letter from the university.

  • Check how each of the rooms is equipped for such people.

  • Conduct your own survey among the target group of readers, identifying their most significant needs.

  • Clarify how the issue of services for people with disabilities is being addressed in other libraries.

  1. Main part

The designated topic is fully disclosed here. The first chapter is a review of the literature used, indicating the reasons for choosing these particular sources, their relevance, and their significance for the study. After that, you need to include sections reflecting the progress of the study. Here the author describes the work done, analyzes third-party methods and results, compares them with his or her own, builds an argumentation base for formulating conclusions.

  1. Conclusion

Here is a summary of the research conducted. Determine the correctness of the formulated hypothesis. The results of solving the assigned tasks are presented. Recommendations for their use are given. Further prospects for the study of the topic are considered.

Now you know how to structure your research paper. Also, you should prepare it taking into account all the requirements, and consult with the supervisor. Good luck!

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