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HomeBusinessWhy are well-worded statements important for the jobs to be done framework?

Why are well-worded statements important for the jobs to be done framework?

When you are figuring out what needs to be addressed, changed, or fixed within your business, you need to identify the problems and come up with solutions that work best for your business needs. Identifying the errors in your business planning can eventually lead to long-term solutions that will benefit your business from the ground up.

Writing well-worded jobs to be done statement is key to success

If you are interested in getting your company involved with adopting a new framework to meet customers’ needs and wants, figure out how to identify your target market, and cater your products towards your loyal base, then you need to use well-worded and accurate statements. By using concrete statements with detailed examples, and statistical information, you can get rid of any gray area that can throw off productivity later down the line.

Formulating and coming up with your jobs to be done framework is just as important as putting these actions into play. Instead of just figuring out that you need to improve a product, you need to clearly state why you need to improve it, how you can improve it, and what will be done to improve the proudest to boost customer satisfaction and customer retention.

But how do you create a well-worded and accurate jobs to be done framework statement? There are a few tips you can take into account before writing your first statement. You can also see more examples of statements for your jobs to be done framework here.

Focuses on a solution, not just the problem

One of the main aspects of writing a well-worded statement for your jobs to be done framework is focusing on the solution, not just the problem. If you find that customers are not happy with one of your products because it lacks durability and breaks too easily, your job’s framework statement should focus on improving the durability of the product by using new building materials or a new design concept.

By coming up with a new way in which you will improve the long-term durability instead of just stating the problem, like “the product breaks too easily”, you are using a problem-solving matter to identify the issue and come up with a solution in the same sentence.

Results in progress after achieved

The second aspect of a healthy statement for your jobs to be done framework includes a statement that will eventually result in progress when the task is completed. For example, if you state that you need to fix the material of a product to make it more durable, but you use the wrong type of material in the jobs to be done framework statement, this will not lead to success when you have completed the task.

Instead, make sure you do research beforehand to figure out how you can read the solution and ensure the solution will help you to address the problem and fix it. There is no point in creating a framework statement if it comes up with a solution that will not make customers happier in the long run.

Relatively stable as the company progresses

The third tip to keep in mind when creating a well-worded statement for your jobs to be one framework is coming up with a solution that is relatively stable and even over time. Instead of coming up with a solution that will radically change your entire business in the upcoming weeks, use a solution that will be relatively the same as your business has been in the past few months to avoid unnecessary and sometimes unnecessary change.

Just because you need to alter one aspect of your business, this doesn’t mean you should go ahead and change multiple characteristics of your company. Figuring out the solution that you need for your identified problem and then come up with a solution that will slowly progress with your business.


As you can see, coming up with a well worded statement for your jobs to be done framework takes some time and effort – but it pays off in the long run. You need to come up with a solution-oriented answer to your question that results in progress when you have completed the task. Lastly, ensure the solution is stable over time to avoid any major changes within the business that can result in loss of customer loyalty.

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