Wednesday, October 23, 2024
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HomeHome & FamilyEasy Ways for Moms to Stay Active

Easy Ways for Moms to Stay Active

As a mom, it can feel like you barely have any time for yourself, let alone to get a workout in. Exercise is an important part of life, and should be considered just as vital as healthy meals or drinking enough water. Regular movement is self care, and it’s important that mothers are able to step away from the day-to-day grind to get active and moving. 

When you’re exhausted at the end of each day (or even before it’s even lunchtime), doing more physical labor may seem like it would only drain you further. However, exercise can help you to deal with stress easier, boost your mood and even improve your quality of sleep. For tips on how to fit regular exercise into your routine, even with a house full of kids, keep reading. 

Give Yourself an Energy Boost

It’s hard to gather the motivation for a run or a HIIT routine when you feel like you’re always run ragged. For this reason, you may find it beneficial to give your body a natural boost of energy through the use of supplements. Search the internet for terms like “what is Thrive” or “naturally energizing herbs” to find the right supplement for you and your lifestyle.

Workout with the Kids

Kids of all ages can become a part of your exercise routine. In fact, as soon as you’re cleared to exercise after giving birth, there are several workout programs designed to integrate your natural movements as a newborn mother with a workout that will get your heart rate up. For older children, take your kids to the park or find a family-friendly workout video online and get moving as a family. 

Schedule Your Workouts

You have a feeding schedule, nap schedule and sleep schedule, so it only makes sense that you schedule in your exercise time, too. If you intend to workout during the day, but don’t set up a scheduled time, you may find that the whole day slipped away without a window of opportunity for your own movement. When you have dedicated, reliable times that you set aside for physical fitness, you’re more likely to follow through. Plus, it can feel like a relief to know that you won’t have to stress about fitting a workout in between outings and naps. 

Get Creative

You don’t have to head out at five in the morning for a run, or even head to the gym to get a workout. Even just taking the stairs while running errands, parking farther away in the parking lot or doing lunges while you walk your stroller around the block can keep fitness in your day-to-day life–even if it’s in seemingly insignificant ways. The more you stay in a fitness mindset, the more opportunities for exercise you’ll begin to see. 

Move Right Where You Are

If it isn’t possible to find a babysitter for the gym multiple times per week, home workouts are your best bet. Online fitness videos, yoga subscriptions and even personal trainers that come into your home can all keep you fit and healthy without ever leaving the house. Home workouts are best completed in clean, designated spaces. If you have the space, set up an area that is just for your fitness routine. If not, make sure your workout space is as free from distractions, and scattered toys, as possible. 

Work in Bursts

Some days a full 60 minute workout just isn’t in the cards. However, if you break it down into smaller goals, you can still end the day with as many minutes of fitness as you can, but they may not be back to back. Try to find ways to spend just five minutes doing pushups, and then later try a ten minute stretch of cardio. Your body still gains benefits, even if you can’t fit your workouts all into one session. 

Lean on Loved Ones

At the end of the day, your wellbeing matters just as much as your children. Call up a friend or family member to take the kids and go enjoy yourself by doing your favorite physical activity without kids hanging all over you. A healthy and happy mother is something that your entire family, including you, deserves. 


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