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HomeHealth & FitnessHow Psychiatrists Treat Anxiety? - Secrets Revealed!

How Psychiatrists Treat Anxiety? – Secrets Revealed!

Mental health is as essential as physical help. People often fail to realise this and ends up in different types of trouble. Mental health issues are real, and they exist in the real world. People around us might be going mental health issues as well. There are different types, causes and stages of each mental health issue. However, there are solutions to mental health issues and specified doctors for treating such problems. Psychiatrists and psychologists treat people with mental disorders and help them to get better.

There are different types of mental disorders such as anxiety, and each one of them has its causes, symptoms, effects and way of treatment. These disorders can occur alone or in a combination of more than one in a single person. You must understand your mental disorder to get it treated properly.

How Psychiatrists Treat Anxiety Secrets Revealed

How to get a better understanding of your anxiety?

Anxiety is a mental disorder which is common in all age brackets, and it is not restricted to any specific age group. According to a research done recently, approximately 4% adults and 6% teenagers suffer anxiety problem. Anxiety disorder has more of its types. Following are the kinds of anxiety and their descriptions.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

In this type of anxiety disorder, the patient is continuously stressing over one thing or the other. Either he is worried about his relationship or his job or his finances. He gets a persistent feeling of something wrong to happen to him or around him. The symptoms of this type of anxiety are irritability, lack of concentration, feeling on edge, sleeping issues, and restlessness etc.

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Panic attacks

Panic attacks disorders are the type where the patients get a troublesome feeling of sweating, choking, shortage of breath, pounding of the heart, and trembling etc. These attacks happen out of nowhere, and there is no specific time for them to occur. People suffering panic attacks often get scared and then start to restrict their everyday routine so they can avoid panic attacks and have to suffer through that terrible experience again.

Phobias Disorders

In phobias disorders, people start to fear certain things to an extreme extent. The fears can be of anything and can be as small as spiders and big as oceans and heights. Some situations can have phobia linked to them as well as climbing a mountain etc. The feeling of phobias is troublesome and can completely ruin a person’s state of mind.

Social anxiety

Social anxiety is the type of disorder where people fear social gatherings and try to avoid them as much as they can. It is also called the social phobia. People with social anxiety have a constant feeling of nervousness around people. They feel embarrassed or judged all the time when they are is social gatherings. Social anxiety patients are often shy and have stage fright as well. Some most common symptoms of social anxiety disorder include fear to meet new people, having trouble making new friends, dreading days before a social gathering is to happen.

OCD – Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

OCD is the type where patients continuously feel to make a thing a certain way or are severely obsessed with certain habits or situations. Few of the examples of OCD are having stuff at even digits, arranging things in a specific pattern, obsessed with washing your hands etc.

PTSD – Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

PTSD is developed after a person has gone through a severe mental or physical trauma. The trauma could be anything such as natural disaster, personal problems etc. the symptoms of this disorder consist of frightening dreams, flashbacks of the situation of the incident for an extended period after it has occurred.

Psychological treatment for anxiety disorders

Curing anxiety is a two-way process. It is done with a mutual understanding between the patients and the psychiatrists. During psychotherapy sessions, the doctor practice particular set of skills and techniques on the patient to bring him out of anxiety disorder. The patient is also trained to practice those new skills and methods out of the sessions during situations which are making him uncomfortable or causing him trouble. Exercising the new abilities help the patient to cure anxiety faster and more efficiently. However, the psychologists first make sure if the patient is capable enough to practice the given set of skills without his supervision and then only it is advised to the patient.

Other ways of treating anxiety disorders include group therapy. In this type of psychotherapy session, a group of people with the same disease are collected together and talked through their problem. This helps the patients to have better support from the people who understand the issue which makes it easier for the patient to recover. Another type of treatment is family therapy. In this type of psychotherapy, the family of the patient is given the treatment to make them understand the anxiety disorder of their loved ones. Family therapy helps the patient to get support and comfortable environment at home as the family members stay careful around him and make sure nothing triggers the patient’s anxiety.

Anxiety disorders are entirely treatable and can be cured with the help of a professional psychologist. However, the recovery procedure requires time and effort, and with the advice of your doctor, you can help yourself get out of the disease. Mental health should not be neglected as it can also affect your physical health. There are many highly-trained psychiatrists whose psychotherapy sessions help the people to cure any mental disorder. If visiting a psychiatrist is not convenient or accessible to you, then there is also the facility of online psychotherapy. You can consult an online psychotherapist and get yourself treated right from a place of your convenience.

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