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HomeHealth & FitnessAll You Need To Know About Teeth Grinding- A Short Guide

All You Need To Know About Teeth Grinding- A Short Guide

A sleep-related motion condition is known as teeth grinding or Bruxism. Individuals who grind or clench their brux or teeth while sleeping are more prone to undergo other sleep problems like sleep apnea or breathing pauses and snoring.

Grinding, gnashing, or clenching your teeth is a condition known as teeth grinding. If you grind your teeth, you’re probably familiar with the pain and discomfort it causes. Constant grinding strains your jawbone, muscle, and even your teeth mechanics. Teeth grinding can cause severe damage to your teeth too. Check out this dentist las angeles to treat the issue before it escalates any further.

Treatment for mild teeth grinding may not be necessary. But in extreme cases, teeth grinding can cause the top layers of the tooth to wear down. If you grind or clench your teeth at night, wearing a nightguard can protect your teeth from severe damage and pain. 

Why Is Teeth Grinding Bad?

Most individuals may not be aware that they grind their teeth at night because it usually happens while they sleep. A sore jaw or a constant and dull headache when you wake up in the morning, on the other hand, is a telltale sign of teeth grinding. So several times, someone close to you who hears the grinding in the middle of the night informs the person that they are going through Bruxism or grinding their teeth.

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However, teeth grinding may sometimes be chronic and can cause loss of teeth, loosening, or fracturing in a few cases. Partial dentures, implants, root canals, crowns, bridges, and sometimes even complete dentures may be required when these situations arise.

Chronic teeth grinding can cause fracturing, loosening, or loss of teeth in some people. In addition, teeth can be worn down to stumps as a result of constant grinding. Bridges, crowns, root canals, implants, partial dentures, and sometimes even complete dentures may be required when these situations arise.

Grinding your teeth could even damage your teeth and lead to loss of teeth, and it can also impact your jaws, worsening or causing TMJ/TMD, and may change your facial appearance.

A few symptoms and signs of Bruxism or teeth grinding are the following:

  • Teeth clenching or grinding can wake up your sleeping companion.        
  • Loose, chipped fractured, or flattened teeth.
  • Tooth enamel has worn away, exposing your tooth’s deeper layers.
  • Increased pain or sensitivity in the teeth.          
  • Jaw muscles that are tight or tired, or a locked jaw that won’t close or open completely.       
  • Painful or sore jaw, face, or neck.
  • Pain that is experienced as an earache but isn’t caused by an issue with your ear.          
  • A dull headache begins in the temples and progresses to the back of the head.         

What Are The Causes Of Teeth Grinding?

Medical practitioners aren’t exactly sure what causes teeth grinding, but it could be caused by a concoction of genetic, psychological, and physical factors. The two types of teeth grinding are as follows: 

  • Awake Bruxism– Tension, frustration, anger, stress, or anxieties can all cause Bruxism while you’re awake. However, it could also be a coping mechanism or a habit developed during periods of intense concentration.
  • Sleep Bruxism- It is a chewing activity that occurs during sleep and is linked to arousals.

Even though anxiety and stress can cause teeth grinding, it is much more probable to appear during sleep and is prompted by crooked or missing teeth or an unusual bite. Sleep disorders like sleep apnea could also end up causing it.

Factors Increasing The Chances Of Developing Teeth Grinding


Teeth grinding is prevalent in childhood, but it usually fades away by the time they reach adulthood.

Family history of teeth grinding

Sleep Bruxism or teeth grinding is more likely to run in families. If you suffer from teeth grinding,

Medicines and other compounds

A few psychiatric medications, including some antidepressants, can cause teeth grinding as a side effect. In addition, teeth grinding can be exacerbated by smoking tobacco, drinking caffeinated beverages or alcohol, or using recreational drugs.


Teeth grinding could be caused by stress or anxiety. Frustration and anger are also possible emotions.

How To Stop Teeth Grinding Using A Night Guard? 

If stress is the root cause of teeth grinding, speak with your dentist or doctor about a few ways to cope. A few of the alternatives for Bruxism management that may be made available include getting prescribed medication for muscle relaxants, seeing a physical therapist, beginning an exercise program, stress counseling, But the best option to prevent teeth grinding is to use a mouthguard

A night guard is an oral device that you wear over your teeth while you sleep at night. This guard protects your teeth by working as a barrier between your upper and lower teeth — the force of your jaw clenching at night will be reduced, and therefore your teeth can’t grind against each other.

Types of Night Guard to Protect Your Teeth During Night 

Night guards are designed for different types of teeth grinding, and the best ones are specific to your situation. The right night guard can make a huge difference in whether you wake up tired or healed, with fewer headaches and pain.

  1. Bite Guards: Helps fighting night-time-teeth-grinding. 
  1. Dual Laminate Night Guard: Guard with comfortable inner and hard durable exterior.
  1. Super Hard Flexible Night Guard: A durable night guard used for heaviest grinding for all night. 
  1. Hard Flexible Night Guard (Back Cut): The toughest guard for night grinding with super thin and bare visibility.
  1. Soft Grinding Night Guard: Curated with soft EVA material for preventing heavy clinching.  

Sporting Smiles has the best range of teeth-grinding night guards to help people protect their teeth. They have custom-made tooth-guards for every individual and their teeth-related problems. 

Sporting Smiles is your one-stop-shop for orthodontic supplies. Buy night guard from the best range of mouthguards to protect your smile.

Tips To Avoid Bruxism Or Teeth Grinding

The following are a few tips to help you stop grinding your teeth:

  • Caffeine-containing beverages and foods, such as coffee, chocolate, and colas, should be limited or avoided.
  • Avoid chewing on pens, pencils, or anything else that isn’t food. Chewing gum causes your jaw muscles to become accustomed to clenching, increasing your chances of grinding your teeth.
  • Refrain yourself from grinding or clenching your teeth. If you find yourself clenching or grinding your teeth throughout the day, place your tongue’s tip between your teeth. This exercise helps you relax your jaw muscles.


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A few individuals often grind and clench their teeth regularly. Teeth grinding, also known as Bruxism in medical terms, is not usually harmful. However, when it occurs regularly, it may end up damaging teeth and causing other oral health issues may also arise. Buying the best night guard from Sporting Smiles will help you prevent teeth grinding and further damage to your teeth.

Also Read: Tips for Getting the Mental Health Help That You Need Quickly

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