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Electrical Inspection Boise Idaho

Why Does a Commercial Property Need an Inspection?

If someone owns a commercial property and people work inside that property, it is very important for the owner to get the commercial inspection done for the sake of the safety of the employees and the structure of the building as well. If a business owner is hiring people to work for him, it is his responsibility to take care of their basic needs and their safety is the first and foremost thing that should be considered first priority. If you are a local then there is good news for you. The very first thing that comes to a person’s mind when he thinks about the safety of the commercial property he owns, there are many companies with various Commercial Inspection Services, Boise can offer to its residents.

In a commercial property inspection, there are many services that are being offered but on the top of the list are the problems that are related to the health of the people working in a commercial property.


There are a number of problems that can be present in a property which can be either health-related or structure-related. The health-related problems are mostly related to the air present inside that property whose contamination makes it dangerous for the humans present there to breathe in that air and develop dangerous diseases. Let’s have a look at the causes and problems that may arise due to continuous exposure. Not only this but there are also some structural problems that can be a threat to the safety of individuals present inside or just the structural layout of the building.


The main health issue that is a trend these days is the presence of radon inside a property that is basically a silent killer. Radon does not affect immediately but over a long period of time. It targets the respiratory health of the people present in the space where they are working for long hours daily and breathing in that contaminated air. It is very important to take care of the health of the employees as this should be the priority. Also, this will have a direct impact on the work as well if the people working there will be sick. Radon cannot be seen, felt, or touched so to detect if there are high amounts of radon present inside a property one needs to get a professional inspection done as soon as possible. Once the amounts of radon present inside a property are detected, if they are high, it needs to be eradicated. Radon mitigation is a way to get rid of this situation.


Mold is a growth that occurs in a dark and damp place. Some time ago, people used to associate mold with just the appearance of the place because it looked bad. After the discovery of the fact that mold was also the reason behind certain respiratory issues and targeted people with allergies, people became more cautious due to the presence of mold inside their property. If you have an employee working for you at your commercial property and he has some certain allergies which get triggered due to breathing in the air where mold is present, they will get sick which will be your responsibility along with the fact that the work will get affected too.


Asbestos is an insulation material present inside the buildings to keep them warm during cold weather and was used in the old time before it was discovered that if asbestos is present somewhere and people are constantly breathing in that air, it will lead towards them catching a disease called as asbestosis which is also related to the respiratory system of a human. If you have a commercial building that was built before the 1980s then this is high time that you should get it inspected to make sure that no such material is present inside it to save your health and the health of your employees.

Natural gases:

It is very obvious that if there is a workplace then it must have a kitchen in it. The gas used in the kitchen reaches the appliances through pipelines and any defect in them may lead to bigger problems as gases are inflammable and fires in buildings are also something that should not be taken lightly. Along with that, it is generally not safe to breathe in air with contaminants inside it.

Electrical System:

Talking about building fires, let’s discuss the number one cause of it, which is a short circuit happening due to a power outage or any other issues with the electrical system of the building. Almost every appliance in a workplace operates with electricity and there are two possible things that can happen. One is the power failure that will lead towards the work getting delayed and the second one is worse which is a fire getting started due to any malfunction in the electrical system of the building. This can not only ruin the structure of your building but can also be fatal so this problem needs to be inspected regularly to make sure that no such problem should happen in the future. The proper procedure is to find the best Electrical Inspection Services Boise has and proceed with the complete and thorough procedure of being alert. It is always better to be safe than sorry so get your commercial building inspected as soon as possible to get rid of any issue that might be hidden from your naked eyes but doing more damage than it shows.

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