With so many websites competing for top position among search results, it is only natural that top search engines like Google have to come up with a way to know which websites deserve to rank higher than others. Search Engine Optimization refers to the tools and techniques as well as methods used to influence the rankings of different websites on Google. They are based on the metrics that the Google algorithms use to rank websites and the idea is that by controlling these metrics an SEO expert can effectively control how their website is ranked on Google. Unfortunately, the problem is that Google does not have a habit of making its algorithms known to internet users and so most of the known metrics have only been discovered through deduction and educated trial and error. It doesn’t help matters that Google is also constantly adjusting and changing its algorithms which means that SEO techniques that might work perfectly today could easily become obsolete by tomorrow.
Domain Authority
One of the most important factors that Google usually considers when ranking websites is domain authority. Simply put, the domain authority of a website is a measure of how powerful the website actually is and how competitive it is compared to other websites. This concept was first introduced by the SEO gurus at MoZ as a way to directly compare different websites and is based on three main factors which include the age of the website, its size and its popularity among users. Of course there are also many other factors that are usually taken into account when calculating domain authority scores and most of them are the same factors that Google considers in their algorithms for ranking websites. To Know More about domain authority Visit inet ventures uk .
What is a good domain authority score?
Domain authority is usually measured in terms of scores that range between 0 to 100. Within this range, the best domain authority score is 100 while the lowest possible domain authority score is 0. So generally speaking, a new website launched today will usually have a domain authority score of 0 when it first launches since, as you might recall, age is one of the main factors that are considered when calculating domain authority scores. On the other hand, websites that have been around for decades and which receive high volumes of traffic on a daily basis will usually have domain authority scores higher than 80. So if you are wondering what is a good domain authority score then it will depend on the age of your website.
It is important to point out that all the factors that go into the calculation of domain authority scores will directly impact on the actual score and since it is almost impossible to be perfect on all of them, it is also very difficult to attain a domain authority score of 100. What this means is that you might now want to use domain authority scores as a measure of the success or failure of your SEO efforts since there are some factors, such as the age of the website, that you will always have no control over no matter how hard you work at improving the ranking of your website.