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HomeFeaturePictures of Cheerleaders Caught at the Perfect Moment

Pictures of Cheerleaders Caught at the Perfect Moment

Before we leave a few notes on the pictures of cheerleaders caught at the perfect moment, let us talk a little about cheerleading as a profession.

Cheerleading is also a profession. Contrary to what most people think, it needs strength, skill and aesthetics to perform in front of a large wave of audience. Since its inception, cheerleading girls and boys have come a long way, from just being a glamorous audience to entertaining audience to becoming a motivator for the sports teams.

Cheerleaders grace both national and international platforms. These days, the crowd cheers for the cheerleaders. Have you watched Cheer on Netflix? If yes, you may understand these cheerleaders are loved and admired.

They are human beings and so, not always aware of picture-perfect moments. Some moments are awkward, some are scary, some bizarre and some hilarious. With photographers going on clicking and cheerleaders being not conscious of their postures always, we get to see a lot of funny and not-funny-at-all pictures involving these cheerleaders.

Go through this blog post and find out some amazing, meme-worthy cheerleading moments that will surely give you some real cheers.

‘Perfection’ is a word only found in dictionary

A high school student performs the art and aesthetics of cheerleading. Sounds amazing! Time management is not an easy feat, especially for a high school student.

It takes a lot of dedication and devotion to juggle multiple hats. And she does both studies and cheerleading with the same enthusiasm and élan. A truly gifted girl! However, messing up spelling ‘spirit’ is something none imagined.

Unfortunately, her misspelling the world only added fire to the stereotype that cheerleaders are brainless beauty. To those who hold a similar opinion, my simple question is: have you ever met a perfect person in your life? I know the answer; you should revisit your opinion.

The stunt goes wrong

A wrong move and she landed up in the volleyball basket. We have no idea how it happened. Irrespective, she definitely needed some prop not to fall through the loop. However, the photo shooter made no mistake.

She carries a handphone in her pants?

What does the image tell us? It is a mobile phone in her pants. The sports authorities should now seriously think about getting cheerleaders’ skirts tailored with pockets. Or cheerleaders should think about giving a temporary goodbye to their cell phones when they are on duty.

The cheerleader did not think of being caught with her phone tucked in her pants. However, the short skirt flipped up and it gave her away.


How to know she is your bestie?

A best friend is someone who stays with you through thick and thin. He/she gives you support in every possible way. What to make out of this pic? A girl is giving shoulder to her friend so that she can share some moments with her man. She has definitely found her bestie.

Going first is not good always

In the pic, all the girls are trying hard to capture a falling cheerleader and one of them ended up coming under her butt. From the way she fell, it is understandable that she failed to escape some kind of injury. Still, the photo makes us laugh.

Fly high with a big smile

What do you think about this gravity-defying scene? She is caught doing the splits in the mid-air. People are too impressed to take their eyes off. The costume, posture, ease, elegance – everything about her appeals to eyes. And her big smile makes everything look like a cherry on the cake. 

USC cheerleader steals the show

With a beautiful smile and flair for drama, the girl won hearts of millions present at the event. She easily pulled off a jaw-dropping posture in an eye-catching uniform. Her calmness and eyeball-grabbing posture like a seasoned acrobat can give any girl reasons to envy her.

Nothing left for imagination

Cheerleaders, who form the base, have to bear the weight of the pyramid. And they get to see many things that others cannot. The photo is a witness to their pain and pleasure points as well.

They are the support for those who stand on them. But the two girls definitely got to see something that made them amused. We’re not wondering!

Face falling first

It’s anything but a funny picture. We think that her friend failed to catch her in time and she hit the ground with her face falling first. We can only hope that her injury was not serious.

Cheer without fear

These cheerleaders looked feared when one of their friends was falling through the air. They surely felt nervous, imagining the impact. We cannot blame them as the fear of feet flying just right about your face looks really scary.

What was he looking at?

The cheerleader was standing on the guy’s shoulder and he looked straight up. And he was staring? At what? We keep wondering how he felt after the picture went viral?

Beautiful ladies

These sassy cheerleaders looked sexy in their uniforms. They posed for the camera with attitude and in style. These hotties know how to raise the heat. We cannot help but praise their charming look.

Squad goals

SquadGoals 01-BMH

The three cheerleaders give a picture-perfect sizzling pose to tell the world they are best. Yes, we cannot agree anymore. Dressed in a beautiful uniform, they are having a great time together, exuding charm, confidence and camaraderie.

The awesome pic gives a feel of their team spirit, while encouraging young girls to join them for a fabulous pose.

Lending a hand

Was it an awkward moment for the girl? We’re not sure. However, it seems that the man reached his hand to give her some support. It’s wrong to crack a joke at this point. From what we can guess from the pic is her life is in safe hands. That should matter.

It was a huge blow

The girl definitely suffered serious injury. We cannot tell for definite how she ended up there. It could be a backflip gone wrong or a fall from a pyramid. Unfortunately, her face hit the ground first.

Oph, it’s scary

Cheerleading is itself a kind of sport that demands athleticism and aesthetics without any fear. You will be tossed up in the air, with your teammates stretching their upwards to catch you.

For anyone, the scenario is scary. But as a cheerleader, you have to be smiley. But this girl failed to remember that. Her expression gives us a hint of what he was going through at that moment.

Knocked down

There is an interesting story behind this photo. Terrence Jones, a football player, knocked a cheerleader down while ramming into the crowd.

The girl went out of the ground sobbing and had stitches but came back in the second half. The player apologized and gave her flowers after the incident.  

Perfect upside down

The action is pretty impressive. The photo speaks volume for the sheer athleticism of cheerleaders. The flip is too perfect to believe. Oh no, it was not photoshopped.

The girl with a wonky eye

The girl is pretty and the pic is funny. We have no way to know if she was trying to wink or had eyelash issues but it was a moment perfectly captured on the camera.

A wane-be cheerleader

The cute boy looks like a cheerleader. He was doing some practice on the sideline when the game was going on. We do hope he gets his rhythm perfect with a few practices.

Find the odd man out

At the first glance, the oddity may escape your attention but then with closer look, you can quickly find the odd out.

Cheerleading is not always about women. There are many male cheerleaders and they mostly work at the base. However, this man is enjoying his dance steps with the girls.

A funny face

We don’t know what the man saw but he made a funny face. This photo is good meme material and so, doing rounds on the internet.

The man cheerleader holding pom pom looked shocked while staring at the crowd. Maybe it was spontaneous action or reaction or maybe he found something odd in the crowd. Regardless, the picture is hilarious.

Hold me up

Panthers Male Cheerleaders 01-BMH

A male cheerleader held his teammate up with all his strength. It impresses us. The man looks focused, with his eyes almost closed to avoid being directly hit by sunlight.

What’s going on

In the pic, everyone seems to be in different actions and it contributed to only chaos. While the girl on the left finds herself in a weird position, the girl on the right is about to fall. The bases were trying hard to catch them. At the end, they all messed it up.

The ball hit

It happened when the cheerleaders were performing on the sideline. We cannot say for sure how the girl was hit by the ball. But look at her face and you will realize how shocked she is.

Hit on the face

The trick went wrong. While the base was waiting to catch the cheerleader, her feet were about to hit another cheerleader’s face. We hope she managed to avert the knock.

Celebrating like a champ

The woman in the pic gave a perfect pose for the shutterbugs. With her clenched fists and pursed lips, she seems to be celebrating his team’s victory.

Chubby or slim, do some cheerleading

A high-school cheerleader is trying hard to give her best shots. The photo gives some hope to those who are not confident of their look. Cheerleading is definitely for everyone, we love the hidden message.

Bizarre dance move

The girls landed in unison after a perfect flip. Look at their hair that was flying in all directions. A funny pose perfectly captured through a lens!

She needs help to score a point

There is a funny story behind the scene. The ball went behind the backboard of the net and got stuck there during a basketball game, causing a temporary halt in the game.

The players tried to get the ball back but without any success. The cheerleader did a good job with her ‘rescue’ work. The game was resumed.

Catch me if you can

A cheerleader was falling off the cliff of the pyramid. While others were waiting to catch him, they were also cautious about getting the impact.

Not right dear

This type of photo feeds the stereotype that cheerleaders are dumb blondes. However, we think the photo is hilarious. The girl held the play card upside down. Hopefully someone noticed it and told her.

Summary: Contrary to what most people believe, cheerleading is not an easy task. Cheerleaders need an amazing blend of athleticism, aesthetics, attitude and skills. Many times, their pictures are taken at the right time, without their being aware of it.

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