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HomeRelationshipSoldier Catches His Girlfriend Cheating on Him in an Unexpected way

Soldier Catches His Girlfriend Cheating on Him in an Unexpected way

No one person, both men and women, can bear the reality of being cheated on in a relationship. But then, the world is not driven by morality and cheating in relationships is a common cause of brawls and breakups between partners.

However, there are different types of cheating. A woman may forgive her husband’s one-night stand in a drunk condition and is ready to repent. However, not all women are not merciful and make mountains of a molehill.  And there are many other acts of perfidy that are impossible to forgive.

Every conjugal relationship has its own challenges. Long-distance relationships are not easy to maintain, especially when one’s husband is out for months in the military. It takes an unflinching commitment towards your spouse that keeps such a relationship working for years and forever.

A Man, A Woman & An Intruder

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Imagine a scenario where a man in the military is penning his emotions in a letter addressed to his beloved and his wife is eagerly waiting to feel loved and secured in her husband’s warm embrace. On both sides, commitment and sacrifice make things work for them.

In our story, we will talk about a young couple and how a husband is heartbroken after catching his wife’s infidelity. The man thought his wife’s commitment to their nuptial vows is beyond doubt and too strong to break. To his surprise, he was proven wrong.

First Meeting

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The two met each other in Rochester, New York, where the man was undergoing basic training. The girl was only 18 and the boy was a little older than her. They became good friends but it did not take long for their friendship to blossom into love.

Two Parted

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After the boy completed his basic training, he invited the girl to attend his graduation ceremony. He felt that he was the happiest person in the world. But his happiness was short-lived as he would have to join duty in a far-away land. He asked her fiancé to wait and she readily agreed.

He was deployed in South Korea. Skype became a favourite medium for them to stay in touch with each other. He never failed to steal time from his busy schedule to talk to her. However, his girlfriend was seldom seen online; maybe she was busy with her work.

The boy did not mind. As long as he was informed about the whereabouts of his beloved, everything was okay for him. Soon spring set in with its blooms and beauties and she got ready to a break to enjoy nature’s colours.

Ready for Spring-Break

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She informed him about her spring break. Two of her pals would be going with the girl. However, they were on a shoestring budget. He became sad. He was living on a tight budget and could not help her despite being willing to do so. After a couple of days, he got some exciting news from her.

She and her two friends managed to get a temporary job in California and they could earn enough to support their trip. She did not divulge any more. She was happy for her upcoming spring-break and he was happy for her.

His deployment was soon to end. It was a matter of only a few days before he could return home and see her.

Returning Home

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Finally the day came when he set out for home. He was over the moon for the first few weeks. He wanted to make the most of every minute spent with her. A month passed without him being much aware of it as both were busy with each other.

Rumours and Suspicion

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Soon enough, rumours about the girl caught the wind and did not take much time to reach him.

Some people told him that the girl’s job in California was a shoddy one. At first, he laughed it away but after a few days, he could not take it anymore and decided to confront her.

The girl continued to text his beau, pleading for his forgiveness. One day, she told him about a family emergency and requested to borrow his car. He took pity on her and agreed immediately.

They started a conversation. He realized that he was too much in love with her to break the relationship. He decided to give her another chance. She promised that she would not cheat on him again. Everything was sorted out and going fine, at least it seemed so.

Back to Duty

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Soon, the soldier was to leave for his duty. This time, his posting would be in Scandinavia. He did not feel like going away but it was not in his hands. However, he comforted himself that he had some rosy days ahead in Europe.

The girl was doing her best to become a perfect girlfriend when he was in a far-flung country. Though they continued talking to each other via Skype, he could not shrug off his uneasy feelings.

He decided to praise his girlfriend on social media. He wanted to make sure that everything was on the right track.

The soldier posted a pic of him and her taken at the graduation ceremony on a message board and dropped a few words of praise, claiming himself an “alpha”.

Face-to-Face with Uneasy Truth

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Soon, many people recognized her and commented on the post. She was a porn film star. The soldier defended her, saying that it was a once-upon-a-time affair. Soon, he stumbled upon something that left him shattered.

The people, who made no mistake recognizing her, posted her video footage. They were suspicious of his ‘once-upon-a-time’ claim, considering that two different videos were taken months apart. In one of those videos, she was seen wearing the same clothes that she wore when attending his graduation.

Once again, he confronted her on Skype. She admitted and he was shocked. She went on bragging that she cheated on him many times and got involved with 60 men during their courtship.

The man was heartbroken. He cut off ties with her. Time is the best healer. A few months went by and he felt fine. He started feeling for her once again. He wanted to teach her a good lesson.

The soldier got to know that she was working at a daycare centre, namely Toddler’s Workshop in Webster. He sent an anonymous email to the owner, revealing his dark past. He was informed by a friend that the employer warned to fire her if she did not delete those photos.

She tried to get GDP to delete her adult videos, they had the legal rights over these and refused to take them down. She was sacked from her job. Little did he realize that her ex-beau was behind the scene.

After that day, she did not try to contact him any further. We can just hope that she learned an important lesson and won’t get back to the shoddy profession again.

She did not want to talk about her days in California. However, he was adamant and hell-bent on squeezing the details from her. She admitted doing an adult film for GDP, a porn website.

She broke into tears. She did it for money. She confessed her love for him and admitted being wrong. The soldier did not know whether to patch up and part ways with her forever. We hope they started on a clean slate and lived happily thereafter.

Summary: A boy meets a girl one day. They became good friends. Love blossomed between them. The boy was sent to another country. He was a soldier. The girl kept waiting for his return. He trusted her but she shattered his world. He caught her infidelity in an unbelievable way.  What happened next? Read the blog to find out the answer.

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