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HomeDigital MarketingGoogle Mobile Sites Exam Questions and Answers April 2018

Google Mobile Sites Exam Questions and Answers April 2018

*Disclaimer: All questions below are from live exams within the month of January- April 2017. Using these answers resulted in 80%-90% on the test, so they are not all correct (or I went too fast). Double check your answers when taking the exam!

Which is NOT part of AMP:

  • Inline CSS
  • Analytics
  • Custom Fonts


A good notification:

  • It is relevant
  • It delivers in the background
  • It can be dismissed
  • It has a default action


True or false: Constructing the Document Object Model (DOM) requires style information.

  • True
  • False


Why can an intermittently available mobile network result in a poor experience?

  • Enabling WiFi reduces battery life
  • It uses more data
  • Some assets might not be loaded
  • It is less secure than WiFi


Which metric is affected by slow pagespeed?

  • Viewthrough rate
  • Conversion rate
  • Clickthrough rate
  • Impressions


Which can be sacrificed to reduce the file size of an image?

  • Quality
  • rendering speed
  • color range
  • compression


Which is a benefit of a mobile site over an app for businesses?

  • Shorter development timelines. Mobile sites allow for easy updating (for example, users don’t need to accept or install your updates.
  • You have to build a separate site for tablets and phones
  • Mobile sites require approvals before one can gain access
  • Mobile sites only work on Android


To deliver the fastest possible time to first render, you should minimize the number of:

  • The number of CSS classes
  • The number of critical JavaScript functions
  • The number of critical resources
  • The number of critical HTML classes


Which is NOT part of AMP:

  • Inline CSS
  • Analytics
  • Custom Fonts


Before the browser can render the page, it needs to construct the:

  • Pixel pipeline
  • DOM and CSSOM trees
  • UX trees
  • HTML and JavaScript


Which format is preferred for the multi-device and high-resolution icons?

  • PNG
  • Vector (SVG)
  • Data URLs
  • JPEG


Why do CSS @imports harm performance?

  • They can introduce unwanted dependencies
  • They create a less efficient CSSOM
  • @import loads files less efficiently than <link>
  • They require additional CPU time to parse



Some users are not comfortable converting on their mobile device. What could be an action you can take to improve their experience?

  • Making your primary call-to-action buttons more prominent
  • Showing the desktop version of the site on mobile devices
  • Offering secondary call-to-action buttons, like social sharing
  • Asking the user to register to save their details


What is a tool that you can use to emulate and simulate a site that’s experiencing poor or unreliable connectivity?

  • Speedguidenet


Resources with responses that are ______ for all users are great candidates to be cached by a CDN.

  • Identical
  • Sized
  • Different
  • Variants


region of ______. Any longer than that and you risk taking up too much time.

  • 5 – 6ms
  • 7 – 8ms
  • 3 – 4ms
  • 9 – 10ms


True or false: You can experiment with Google Analytics features by using the Google Merchandise Store demo account.

  • True
  • False


When referring to the critical rendering path in site performance, a critical resource is:

  • any resource that returns 404
  • a resource that could block initial display of the page
  • any resource that must be loaded
  • a resource that takes more than 500ms to load


Why are push notifications important for advertisers?

  • They deliver timely updates to users
  • They give users the opportunity to re-engage with content they are interested in
  • The information they deliver can be acted on immediately
  • All of the answer options are correct


Keeping CSS independent of HTML allows us to treat_______and _______as separate concerns.

  • analytics; optimization
  • images; articles
  • content; design
  • user experience; speed

AMP ______ the page ______ waiting for resources to download:

  • indexes; while
  • caches; before
  • lays out; without
  • displays; after


Which of the following is NOT a best practice to optimize forms on mobile?

  • Exposing options instead of using a drop-down menu
  • Using a real-time validation for errors in forms
  • Showing labels inside form fields for convenience
  • Offering users a numerical keyboard for telephone number field



How does AMP work?

  • Keeps all third-party JavaScript out of the critical path
  • All of the above
  • Doesn’t let extension mechanisms block rendering
  • Allows only asynchronous scripts


To optimize for speed, you shouldn’t use too many webfonts and you should minimize the number of _____.

  • Dingbats
  • Variants
  • Descenders
  • Ligatures


What does “Variant A” in A/B Testing usually represent?

  • Test version of the web page that is modified from the original
  • Original version of the web page


A good notification:

  • It is relevant
  • It delivers in the background
  • It can be dismissed
  • It has a default action


The render tree contains:

  • visible content
  • content of the page
  • the DOM
  • the styles of the page


Which is true about calls-to-action usage on mobile homepages?

  • Same calls-to-action should be used both on mobile and desktop sites
  • Use only menus
  • Keep call to action on the second page
  • Calls-to-action should be prominent on the visible area of the mobile homepage


Research shows that mobile users expect to:

  • tap the logo at the top of a mobile page to take them back to the homepage
  • tap the logo at the top of a mobile page to take them to a “Contact Us” page
  • see the logo below the fold on mobile sites
  • tap the logo at the top of a mobile page to take them to new products


Which allows for efficient font reuse between pages?

  • The local() directive
  • The font matching algorithm
  • Revalidation token
  • WOFF2 fonts


What’s the fastest and best-optimized resource?

  • An image
  • The one not sent
  • Javascript
  • Web fonts


True or false: Constructing the Document Object Model (DOM) requires style information.

  • True
  • False



How can you make the job a lot simpler for the browser?

  • Follow the style guide
  • Add more parents
  • Change the selector to a class
  • Create more complex CSS


Which components often account for most of the downloaded bytes on a web page?

  • Fonts
  • Articles
  • JavaScript
  • Images


True or false: Using a mix of desktop and mobile-optimized pages on mobile sites improves the user experience since some users are more familiar with the desktop version of the site.

  • True
  • False


Which is an example of a situation when an unnecessary resource negatively impacts the user experience.

  • Optimized images
  • Lazy loading
  • One web font
  • A photo carousel on the homepage that allows the visitor to preview multiple photos with a quick click


Why did Facebook create “2G Tuesdays”?

  • To understand how people on 2G use their product
  • To run a random experiment
  • Most users are on 2G
  • Facebook didn’t create “2G Tuesdays”


Why can an intermittently available mobile network result in a poor experience?

  • Enabling WiFi reduces battery life
  • It uses more data
  • Some assets might not be loaded
  • It is less secure than WiFi


What is it that the App shell helps with

  • Creating a fully optimized site
  • Improves elements of the UX
  • Making the full page load faster
  • Making transitions between pages faster


Which of the following statements is true about the mobile experience of users?

  • It’s important to show as much information as possible on the visible part of a mobile site
  • Users are willing to accept longer load times for high-resolution images
  • It’s important to show a prominent “full site” label on a mobile site
  • It’s important to use call-to-action buttons to keep users in the same browser window


Which describes how a Service Worker operates?

  • It runs a programmable network proxy
  • It doesn’t handle network requests coming from the navigation on the website
  • It can be used only when the user is browsing the website
  • None of these answer options describe a Service Worker


Which of these features is part of a Progressive Web App?

  • UX API
  • Location API
  • Call API
  • Add to home screen


For each font on your website you should:

  • Minimize the HTML
  • Make sure to add as many as possible
  • Add CSS
  • Minimize the number of used variants.

Which of the following describes the Payment API correctly?

  • It is designed for external card readers
  • It requires a phone with a fingerprint reader
  • It bypasses the checkout form
  • It replaces your payment processor


Which metric is affected by slow pagespeed?

  • Viewthrough rate
  • Conversion rate
  • Clickthrough rate
  • Impressions


How many times per second do most devices refresh their screens?

  • 100
  • 35
  • 60
  • 20


The first step to optimize the critical rendering path is:

  • analyze and characterize your critical path: number of resources, bytes, length.
  • optimize the number of critical bytes to reduce the download time (number of roundtrips)
  • minimize number of critical resources: eliminate them, defer their download, mark them as async, and so on
  • optimize the order in which the remaining critical resources are loaded: download all critical assets as early as possible to shorten the critical path length.


Google Optimize does NOT currently allow you to:

  • test new website designs, layouts and content with a subset of your visitors
  • serve experiments to specific groups of users that you’ve defined as Audiences in Google Analytics
  • do heatmap analysis to better understand to user behaviour on your site
  • use your existing goals and metrics in Google Analytics as experiment objectives


According to a Google poll, what is the top frustration when users browse the web on their mobile device?

  • Not knowing where to click
  • Waiting for slow pages to load
  • Being shown interstitials
  • Watching a video



Which of the following reports in Google Analytics helps you to identify leakages from the conversion funnel?

  • Product Performance Report
  • Checkout Behavior Analysis Report
  • Device Usage Report
  • Top Landing Pages Report


Which can be sacrificed to reduce the file size of an image?

  • Quality
  • rendering speed
  • color range
  • compression


Before introducing mobile site design best practices to your clients, you should examine their.

  • existing mobile sites
  • page speed scores
  • design process
  • staffing and budget


Which is a benefit of a mobile site over an app for businesses?

  • Shorter development timelines. Mobile sites allow for easy updating (for example, users don’t need to accept or install your updates.
  • You have to build a separate site for tablets and phones
  • Mobile sites require approvals before one can gain access
  • Mobile sites only work on Android


True or false: Mobile pages that load 1s faster see up to a 27% increase in CvR.

  • False
  • True


At a minimum, what Speed Index score should you be aiming for?

  • Less than 5000
  • Greater than 95%
  • Within 10% of similar sites
  • Greater than 5000



How do you prioritize optimization of the mobile site for browser versions or screen resolutions:

  • Optimize all at the same time
  • Look for the oldest version of your site
  • Look for the highest number of sessions and lowest conversion rates (or highest bounce rates)
  • Prioritize the site with the highest conversion rates


True or false: JavaScript can block DOM construction unless explicitly declared as async.

  • False
  • True



Image information such as location and camera description can often be deleted to reduce image sizes. This type of information is called:

  • Raster
  • Vector
  • GZIP
  • Metadata



Mobile sites:

  • are accessed through the desktop device’s web browser
  • have specific functionality for mobile devices
  • need to be downloaded or installed to a device
  • require approvals to access



Which changes to “geometric properties” affect the layout?

  • All of the above
  • Widths
  • Heights
  • Top


True or false: A/B testing allows you to test two or more elements on the site to understand their effects on each other

  • False
  • True


At a minimum, what page weight should you be aiming for?

  • 2MB
  • 1MB
  • More than 3MB
  • Less than 1MB


Which is the best way to discover and prioritize landing pages for UX improvement potential?

  • Checking Exit Pages Report focusing on Page Views metric
  • Checking All Pages Report focusing on Unique Page Views metric
  • Checking All Pages Report focusing on Average Time on Page metric
  • Checking Landing Pages Report focusing on Bounce Rate metric


A Progressive Web App:

  • works even with unreliable network through service worker
  • slows experience and therefore decreases advertisers conversion rate
  • needs high bandwidth environments
  • is the same as Accelerated Mobile Page


In which of the following situations can a high bounce rate be interpreted as a good metric?

  • Campaign landing page brings the user to the first step of a 3-step lead generation form
  • Campaign landing page brings the user to the product detail page
  • Campaign landing page brings the user to a page where the company promotes their phone number to receive calls


True or false: To instruct the browser to use the default device width, you would use [meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width”].

  • False
  • True


Which of the following describes an App shell?

  • It comprises of all page elements which are dependant of the specific page contents
  • It discourages caching of content that overlaps across pages of the website
  • It provides a fast first impression gracefully transitioning to a fully loaded page
  • None


What is a valid event for a Service Worker to emit when it’s registered?

  • Canceled
  • Install
  • Idle
  • Stop


When using Chrome devtools, what should you limit the connectivity to?

  • Regular 2G
  • Regular 3G
  • Regular 4G
  • No Throttling


Which is NOT true about Responsive Sites?

  • Responsive Sites are easier to maintain
  • Responsive Sites are cost-effective
  • Responsive Sites usually have faster load times vs Separate ( Sites
  • Responsive Sites have one codebase, deployment and URL



In the layout step, the browser:

  • first resizes elements before computing their position
  • computes the size and position of render tree elements
  • displays the on-screen elements in their new positions
  • forces the DOM to be rebuilt



Which of the following is NOT true about site search experience on mobile sites?

  • Users rely on filters to narrow down search results
  • Comprehensive search results are better than concise results
  • Smart-search features like auto-complete and corrected misspelling are especially important to have on small screens
  • Positioning site search at the top of a mobile page with an open-text search box is a best practice



Which of the following is NOT a best practice for a financial company to keep users from dropping out of the funnel?

  • Using click-to-call buttons for complicated forms or complex tasks
  • Letting users convert as a guest
  • Asking for registration to use the site
  • Remembering and prefilling preferences of registered users in forms


True or false: Images should never change when rotating a device screen or between different device sizes

  • True
  • False


To deliver the fastest possible time to first render, you should minimize the number of:

  • The number of CSS classes
  • The number of critical JavaScript functions
  • The number of critical resources
  • The number of critical HTML classes


Which most accurately describes the purpose of compression?

  • Minimizing file size
  • Making the code faster
  • Combining files
  • Fitting more into the cache
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