Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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Before revitalizing our account, even before creating it, the first thing is to set some objectives. It’s not about being around, you have to know what you’re up to. Let’s not make the mistake of saying: “I am already in all social networks and have but … Now, what do I do?” If that happens, please call me.
Before opening an account on Twitter, define some objectives: What do you want to achieve?

When we analyze the results of a digital marketing campaign, it seems that the only thing that matters is the number, the data. The more, the better. But it does not have to be like that. Maybe we should stop, reflect and see what other parameters we must analyze to determine if our strategy is getting good results or not. Therefore, the defined objectives can go beyond simply achieving as many followers as possible.

TwitterFor example, we may not be recruiting the expected number of followers. We do not have hundreds and hundreds of users eager to know what we tweet. However, the ones we have are influential, they retweet us, they contribute content that enriches us, they participate in our conversation … This may be the objectives that we must set ourselves.

In addition, this network allows us to easily contact those users who, by their ability to influence, can help us to viralize our message. It is no longer only through Twitter, but through other channels: their own blogs, inviting them to meetings, presentations, as advisers … Therefore, Twitter is not only add followers, but it is also a social network that puts us in contact with other users: bloggers, influencers … that can help us to give more visibility to our message. To obtain more engagement on your Twitter profile you may try to buy Twitter followers from any authentic sources.


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Once the objectives are set, there is nothing left to do but make it more dynamic, but this is not easy. It requires time, interest, attitude and some experience. Here I leave a series of tips that can help us to dynamize a Twitter account with greater success.

Identify clearly in your username and your bio who you are and what you are going to post, what are your concerns. Now you can also customize your header image, in addition to the background.

What is Twitter?

If you decide to specialize in a subject, write about it , although you can also at certain times give your opinion on other topics. However specialized you may be in fashion, for example, it is also clear that you may be interested in sports, politics, the life of a celebrity or any other topic.

Tweet with assiduity. It is advisable not to shoot tweets as if you had a machine gun. It is better to program them. Tools like Hootsuite can help you but beware, they do not lose relevance. Another very important issue is not to convert your account into a private chat to talk with your friends. Nobody is interested in the least with who you are or what you are going to do.

Facebook and Twitter is not the same. Each social network has its own language. Even if you have your fan page linked to your Twitter account, keep that in mind. On Twitter you can not use more than 260 characters, so you may have to adapt the message.

Use the hashtag to help you thematize your tweets and position you within that theme, for example, # social media, #madrid, # sport … It will help other users interested in these issues find you and begin to follow you.
NEVER TWEETERS IN CAPITAL LETTERS. Writing in capital letters, on the Internet, is synonymous with shouting. It can be very irritating to those who read to you. If you are not enraged, such as @ masaenfurecida, use only capital letters when appropriate grammatically.

Follow the most influential users and interact with them. Surely you will learn from them, and they from you, why not?
Participate in the conversation with other users, but contributing. Do not be spam
Take advantage of the TT of the moment to publish your contents, as long as it is justified. Do not try to publish a tweet “stuck with a shoehorn” the trending topic of the moment.

Add to your tweets images, videos, animated gifs, links … and be as original as possible. This will make them much more interesting, that other users mark them as favorites or retweeted and in this way, achieve more followers.


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It is usually composed of one or two words written without spaces and preceded by the symbol # (pad).

In addition to Twitter, they are also used regularly in other social networks, but especially on Instagram.

When defining a hashtag for an average social action, it is important to take into account the following aspects.

Concise. It must be brief and concise. It is not recommended for more than 8 or 9 characters.
If we use two words, avoid matching two vowels together.

Easy to remember and understand.

Linked to a theme, a product brand or event. For example, it is a hashtag to promote an event, ideally, it would be the name of the event.

Only. Before opting for one or the other, check that it is not linked to another topic or is already being used.
Do you dare to share more tips that can help us successfully boost a Twitter account?

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