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HomeDesign & Development12 Pricey Mistakes to Avoid while Designing Your Website

12 Pricey Mistakes to Avoid while Designing Your Website

Avoid while Designing Your Website

Never annoy people; is one of the core tenets of inbound marketing. Then, the question striking your mind right now is; why do so many websites are still stacked with elements, which are bemoaning the visitors again and again? Perhaps, the sheer excitement involved with the overwhelming task of web designing drives all the user experience quirks of yours away from your mind.

However,  a ‘below-the-average’ user experience might result in high page abandonment rates, poor position in the organic search engine listings, low rates of visitor-to-lead conversion, thereby leading the business to earn a bad reputation. While addressing this concern, we have compiled a list of 12 things, which displease the users the most. Hope, it will serve as a guide detailing on the things not to do while performing the task of website designing.

Slower server time

Our decreased attention spans has led to an increase in the number of times we check our phones every day. But, surprisingly, it has also made us more impatient in context to the timespan we wait for the sites to load, thereby increasing the bounce rate. As per findings of the Kissmetrics Report,  47% of users wish an online page to load within 2 seconds and more strikingly, 40% leave a website, which takes more than 3 seconds to load. Moreover, only a second delay lowers the level of customer satisfaction by around 16%.

Thus, if you wish to lower the bounce rate and want users to stay around your site, then, you must focus hard on the task of optimizing your website’s load performance. Typically, loading time of a page depends on code, videos, image size and other crucial factors. So, you need to learn to monitor and increase the page loading time and resolve the issue.

Creating new windows

Gone are the days, when using a number of new frames for displaying content as a user click through the website was pretty cool. But, now it literally annoys viewers because this phenomena slowers the system response, binds up all the system resources, thereby complicating the visitor’s experience. Though, it is pretty easy to use the tool but, with the wiser choice will be not to use it. With the common feature of tabbed browsing in popular browsers like Firefox, viewers will be able to open links in various new tabs as per their wish.

Ignoring mobile optimization

While browsing through the web on a phone, were you being forced ever to scroll side-to-side for reading a copy on the website? Or have you ever need to click on the ‘zoom’ option because the buttons or words on the page were very small? All these are certain examples of some displeasing UX forms, which people can have on online sites that are not mobile optimized.

Having a non mobile-optimized website will result in reducing the organic search rankings. Thus, mobile optimization is to be surely considered, which if missed out can lead you to decreased online traffic, thereby resulting in decline in the sales.

Deactivating the back button

Evil site builders have figured out how to break the back button of browser such that, as soon as a user pushes it, an undesired thing takes place: there will be an immediate redirect to one unwanted location. It occurs because the ‘back’ button must have been disabled or one window pop up suddenly appears on the screen.

But, it shouldn’t be done. It will finally annoy the users, thereby resulting they would never return to the site.

Broken links

Bad links or hyperlinks, which do not work or directly take you to ‘404’ error pages are one of the most displeasing things for any web surfer. Thus, you should test your site on frequent intervals for ensuring that all the links are functioning as per they are directed to. Furthermore, you can include a link for ‘contact the web developer’ at the footer section of the site such that viewers can contact you instantly about any broken link or error present in your site. It will help you to resolve the errors quickly.

Poor navigational features

Rethink once; when someone visits your site, can they figure out where to go? What to do? What should be the next step? Well, it might seem to you like a ‘no-brainer’ thing. But, as per the findings of a research conducted by Small Business Trends, nearly 80% of small scale B2B websites lack a call-to-action. It is not that they are missing prospective leads and sales because the Call-to-action is being poorly written. They are missing because they do not provide any proper direction on the site or advise people on where to click around.

You must include a precise jargonless page copy, headline copy, which explains what you are all about and clear initial primary call-to-action, which shows viewers what will be the next step like; whether the viewer needs to subscribe for your blog, watch a video, get a free trial or any other step you need them to perform on your website.

Excessive pop-ups

Excessive pop-ups are a serious disruption for the reading experience, which is possibly quite annoying, especially when the call-to-action is featured to quilt-trip you. Well, there is a right way to use pop-ups, which is discussed below:

  • Using them in moderation: By doing this, you would not be constantly bombarding the viewers with contents, which are not of any such interest to the viewers.
  • Making them smart: Smart call-to-action copies allow you to feature a different pop-up for different types of viewers on the basis of whether they are into a certain phase of the buying cycle or they are visiting the site for the very first time.
  • Tracking them:  Assessing the number of clicks and views on each call-to-action pop-up, along with the total number of submissions. If, it does not seems to be performing well, you can try for removing or editing to create an enhanced user experience for viewers. Furthermore, you can also try for A/B variation tests for checking out the various offers and copies.
  • Using a delightful copy: Often, many websites use language with the objective of guilt-tripping visitors for taking the desired action. But, the wiser choice is; not to join their league. It would be better to provide viewers with more and more information while, still letting them to continue reading the content.

Autoplay of multimedia contents

Think of a person with the urge of having a silent browsing session gets bombarded with all your theme songs or any talking head on the video. Well, expectantly, it would certainly be a displeasing experience, especially if all these are automated and he does not find the ‘stop’ button immediately.

The ideal thing to do is: you must be courteous enough and do not force the viewers to view the multimedia contents of your site. Either provide them with the option of choosing when to play them, or have them start while keeping the sound off initially.

Usage of too many colors and font styles

Web pages are expected to present a consistent and unified look, however, the novice site builders often make use of different types of font styles and dozens of colors. This actually result in turning the pages into a total garish mishmash.

Ideally, you should use 2-3 colors and fonts per page. The aim should be to reassure visitors of your stability and solidity, thereby not making them convince that you are typically wildly artistic. Moreover, remember to check that the colors and fonts look sound enough in all kinds of devices ranging from desktops, iPhones to tablets.

Only a contact form is not a fair enough choice

Well, ‘contact-us’ forms seem to be a simple way for generating one opt-in email list. However, it is actually the least valuable source of lead generation available to you. It appears to be a one-time request or problem, which requires to be addressed. The point is; there is no such problem to have a ‘contact us’ form, but, it should not be the only mode of communication in between you and the clients. If the customer or viewer needs any kind of help, they need it now and won’t be interested to fill a form and wait for your response.

Thus, let people contact you via phone, email or social media and provide the details on your website.

Internal linking, which isn’t user friendly

If being done precisely, internal links are truly helpful for viewers. These links direct viewers to other significant piece of information, thereby helping you to improve the organic rankings for important web pages of the site. However, some sites used to have problems while executing the task of internal linking, linking different phrases within copies, pointing viewers to irrelevant pages, which ultimately makes it difficult for the users to go through the site.

Try to include links, which are specifically relevant to your web page, which will enhance the reader’s experience and also include that particular link on your anchor text, which makes most sense.

Failure to link with the social network sites

Businesses mostly have their very own Facebook pages, some also use Pinterest having boards stacked with photos and some others talk about their latest updates on Twitter. The point is; Social media is going to stay on the picture for ages and organizations are benefitting from its presence as well. Thus, not linking your website to the social media platforms is considered as a big ‘no’. You must use social media for promoting the business, thereby driving viewers to the site because, it will help the users to switch from one to the other effortlessly. By doing this rightly, you will be able to drive greater amount of traffic to the site.
So, have these things in mind before designing your website the very next time. The task of web design is truly not so overwhelming, provided if, you are well-equipped and familiar with the do’s and don’ts of it.

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