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HomeTechnology & Gadgets3 Essential Things A Web Designer Needs To Know Not To Harm...

3 Essential Things A Web Designer Needs To Know Not To Harm A Web Design Project

Due to the growth of the web, Apps development, and social networks, more and more Designers want to migrate or work with the digital medium. As a result, they are also increasing the number of people wanting to join this wave and venture into web design, website creation, and digital media.

Do you know what you do and what it’s like to be a Web Designer? And if you already work with the web and consider yourself a “Web Designer,” do you have a complete idea of ​​what it means to be one and its importance in a web project as a whole?

The Wrong Thinking When It Is Creating Sites

If you think that acting as a Web designer in an ecommerce web design companyis just messing with Photoshop, creating some images, creating some banners, and creating layouts, you are wrong. Web Designer is much more than that. For this reason, they usually have higher salaries, on average, than a person who works only with graphics, for example, and more job openings are popping up out there, with the market always heated.

If you intend to create websites, you should realize that web interfaces are not constant like on a poster. The same content presented on a mobile phone must be submitted on a computer (and so on). And all this, preferably, without changing the address of the page. It would be best if you were concerned about creating a website that is effective, honest, easy to understand, durable, among others.

But many designers who work in creating websites come with limited or very rooted thoughts in the metrics we use in the chart but creating a website may not work so well.

Below you will read three tips that will help you become a better Web Designer:

1 – Every Website Has Coded. Codes Are Not Your Enemies, And On The Contrary, They Can Be Allies. Open Your Mind!

Almost every Designer likes to present the work to the client with guidelines, proportions based on grids, etc. This whole process involves, or should, math calculations, but when they run into some code on the screen, they despair, they say it’s not for them, and they’re not good at math. Now what a contradiction. Mathematics is only one and is valid for both cases (of course, each with its peculiarities).

And one thing that can help you in this is to learn, or at least know, the main languages ​​that render what the user sees on the screen: HTML and CSS. At least knowing these languages ​​will help you a lot in your performance as a Web Designer. Do you know why?

Because you will better understand how the website development process works.

You can improve your performance as a Web Designer in an ecommerce web design company you work for and when you need to create your blog, like this one you are in, for example.

When you need to update your portfolio, find a freelancer, among others.

Even more so because HTML and CSS aren’t programming at all, HTML and CSS involve meanings (semantics) and styling (design), things that you as a Designer have been dealing with for a long time, right?

2 – You Always Have Something New To Learn. Keep Up To Date.

One of the biggest mistakes of any professional is the accommodation, and this is triple for Designers, especially for Web Designers.

Previously, the market’s focus was on:

          analog photolith;



          between others.

Nowadays, the focus is on:



          creation of websites;

          typography for the web;

          between others.

What a difference, isn’t it?

All this change happened very fast, and each day it gets more quickly. So, what is valid today, a year from now, may not be valid anymore.

So, to stay in the Web Design market, whether in the development of websites, apps, and the like, it is indispensable that you keep up to date today and always. It doesn’t matter if you’re a graduate of Harvard or just starting. This maxim applies to everyone.

3 – Listen To What Users Have To Say.

Many times, when we create something, we get too attached to it. This is normal and natural for human beings. However, this can significantly affect the success of a web project.

When creating a website, we are not doing it for ourselves but others. What I can make thinking will be revolutionary, can actually hurt the site’s usability and put the project down. Hardly a web project goes on air 100% perfect with everything in order and satisfies all users.

In website development, a Web Designer has to keep in mind that the project continues even after the launch and that all users’ opinions must be carefully listened to. Whether they are good or not. Therefore, it is necessary to have a critical and analytical sense of yourself and the project and look for the best solution to the problem, even if the indicated answer is not that astonishing thing you planned before.

Remember that “less is more” for creating websites can work very well and make you take leaps in productivity, efficiency, and quality.

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