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HomeBusiness3 Great Ways To Promote Your Business

3 Great Ways To Promote Your Business

If you are getting a new business off the ground, or even looking for ways to improve upon your current company’s visibility and reach, then there are several different approaches that you can take.

The plan of action you choose will depend upon your specific needs and goals, as well as the type of product or service that your company offers. 


A lot of advertising is done digitally these days, but don’t discount the traditional methods. They can be a wonderful way to add some personalized service and give a face to go with the name. There are a number of ways that you can become active in your community and get your business name out there. 

One of the classic ways to promote your company is through door to door sales. Your sales team will be out there interacting with real people and answering their questions. Divide and conquer is the most effective way to do this. Map out a route in advance and how your salespeople divide into teams or go out individually and each covers their designated area. This way you can be sure that no house or business was missed, and you aren’t wasting resources by doubling back to certain places.

This type of selling is easy these days due to all the technology that is available. Mobile devices allow for instant demonstrations and tutorials of new software. When you make a sale, you can also process financial transactions easily and securely and send an instant receipt to your new client. And all the while, you can be in communication with the office for support when you need it, and all new information you input will be available in the system.

If your target customers are unavailable, leave them with a prepared leaflet full of information about your company and contact information to reach your sales team for a follow-up. Also there are ways on how to attract top talents.

You can also offer seminars or classes to the local schools and community to give back and drum up some interest for your business. Give people a sense of what you are all about. Perhaps offer some internships and shadowing opportunities to high schoolers or recent graduates to find new talent to add to your team. This is a way you can help out your local area and benefit your business at the same time.

Through Media and Community

Probably the biggest method of advertisement currently is through the media and social sites and channels. These are fantastic opportunities to get the word out to as many people as possible. A website for your company is an absolute must and can have all the information about you and what you offer. Make the site easy to navigate and include plenty of detailed descriptions and images. Pay attention to customer service, and also make sure that purchase options are secure and simple to use.

Think about doing a radio or television commercial to market your products and services to the surrounding area. These networks get a lot of traffic and can bring in local business. You can also think about running an ad in the newspaper or including an insert.

Another method is to build a brand ambassador team. These are people that know and love your products and will work on your behalf to spread the word and drive more business your way.

To reach people further away and get the work out to a broader audience, social media is your best bet. Create a company profile with your contact information and regularly update it with new and exciting content. Prompt customers to follow you on social media on all communications that you send. 

There are so many various social media sites that cater to different interests, so join them all. Run your ads and tag products to get more visibility. Customers love to get a deal or free stuff, so a promotion or contest with a prize giveaway can be a good option for you as well. 

By Direct Mail or Phone

When you are creating your marketing strategy, don’t forget about direct mailings. Generate an address list of former and potential customers, and send out a letter or even a catalogue that gives details on your business and what you offer. Some people don’t have a large presence online and wouldn’t otherwise know about your company.

Phone calls are also a way to make direct contact with clients. Sales calls are an option and can give information on what you have to offer. You may want to use phone contact as a way to do some research by following up with those who have made a purchase and get their input and any suggestions or complaints that they have. This way you can recognize areas that need improvement and offer a better product and experience in the future. 

Any one of these methods would get some new business going for your company, but if you combine all three, then you will be an unstoppable force! With a plan of action, you can start to spread the word and promote your offerings in a way that will be impossible to resist.

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