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HomeMarketing3 Ways to Gain Ground With Marketing

3 Ways to Gain Ground With Marketing

Operating a business successfully requires mastery over numerous aspects of the operation of said business. While each of these factors has a major role to play, perhaps the most important element of doing business is getting your name out there. That’s where marketing comes in, but marketing isn’t a monolithic practice. Rather, it entails several distinct methods all aimed in their own ways at the common goal of spreading awareness of your business. Here’s what you need to know.


Branding is the foundation of marketing, as the company’s brand is comparable to the soul of the company. It entails things like aesthetics of your company’s brand signifiers like logos, as well as the tone of advertising, to name just a couple. Developing the brand is step one for a company, as it will directly impact the other steps of marketing. For example, before you can commission Catdi printing for the signage of your retail store, you’ll need to provide a color scheme that runs throughout all of your company’s imagery. Think of Coca-Cola’s red and white color scheme. On the note of Coca-Cola, their cursive font is equally iconic. Typeface and color work together to provide a cohesive “narrative” about your company throughout various marketing materials and advertising. Likewise, logos are designed to be a sort of shorthand for your company, a picture that’s worth a thousand words, if you will. Likewise, mascots can provide your business with a face of sorts. The tone and content of advertising is also heavily dependent on the brand, as is a literal narrative one might choose to employ in advertising, all of which speaks to your company’s attitude and values.


Advertising is the most well known form of marketing, as the goal of advertising is to simply be where people are in order to passively lie in wait for consumers to engage with the material. This is most notable when ads present themselves directly to TV viewers, radio listeners, and anyone else enjoying almost any kind of media content. However, advertisements occupy a wide variety of spaces, often in a static way that employs imagery and text. For example, billboards and banner ads provide this kind of advertising, one in the real world and one on the internet. Advertising is often employed not only to spread awareness of the company, but also to make announcements regarding new products or special offers, and even well established and successful companies depend on advertising in order to remain firmly rooted in the public consciousness and continue to gain new customers.

Social Media Marketing

The concept of the online presence of businesses has become a major part of planning any business strategy in the internet age, and that’s because the internet is quickly becoming the go to destination for news, entertainment, and communication. Likewise, the internet is mobile with the help of smartphones, meaning that many people are on the internet more often than they’re offline. The amount of internet users necessitates a strong online presence in order to effectively advertise in the modern era. While banner ads and advertising on video and audio platforms are a welcome addition to the marketing arsenal of many businesses, it’s social media that consistently steals the show. Social media marketing provides not only an additional way to distribute advertisements, but also a number of additional marketing solutions. Social media posts can give companies instant understanding of public perception with ability of users to express interest in said posts, and these posts can be shared, thereby giving your posts increased range over traditional advertising methods. Meanwhile, social media can offer a company the ability not only to advertise, but also to make announcements quickly and easily on a more regular basis. The ability of social media users to comment on posts can also provide valuable feedback and do so much more quickly than traditional means.


Marketing is the cornerstone of any successful business. While the quality of the products and services offered is crucial, awareness of the brand is more foundational for success. Unless you get your name out there, it might not matter that your product is the best around. With these tips at your disposal, you’re prepared to develop informed marketing strategies that are engineered for long term success.

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