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HomeEducation & Careers5 Tips and Tricks to Improve Your Hiring Process

5 Tips and Tricks to Improve Your Hiring Process

As tough as it is to get hired at a great job, it’s even tougher to hire a great employee. It takes a lot of time, patience, and resume reviewing to build the perfect A-Team—and it’s easy for an excellent candidate to pity the fool with a weak hiring process.

If you’re a business owner, especially a small business owner, you know that the ideal candidate can be a needle in a business casual-clad haystack. But don’t worry—with a little knowledge and planning, you can make the hiring process smooth and effective.

Read on for our top five tips and tricks to make the hiring process work for you.

#1 Communicate Your Expectations Clearly

If you’re in a position to hire employees, you know that business success starts with a solid plan. Coveted candidates can easily sniff out uncertain employers, dissuading them from accepting a position. That’s why you’ll want to map out the exact expectations, preferences, and requirements of any and all positions you’re offering.

Be sure to list the following expectations on all job postings:

       Technical skills

       Interpersonal skills

       Education or training requirements

       Personality traits

       Professional experience


Just like in dating, you are much more attractive when you know what you want.

#2 Cast a Wide Net

We bet you never thought fishing and hiring had anything in common, huh? Well, both activities require casting a wide net to snag the perfect catch. While this may mean sorting through more resumes, it also means you have way more options to choose from.

If you want to find the perfect new hire, you’re going to have to be willing to do some serious searching.

Consider utilizing some (or all) of the following resources:

       Job posting sites like Indeed or Monster

       College job boards



       An internal careers portal

#3 Make Potential Employees Want to Work for You

The hiring process is a two-way street. The more attractive you make the job, the better candidates you’re going to attract. Filling a position with the right person is much more about strategically marketing the job, rather than the job itself.

As you begin to craft your job post, allow these tips to echo in your mind:

     Be clear and concise – Job posts serve a few key objectives: letting potential employees know what you’re looking for and sharing what you can offer them as an employer. Being clear and upfront about both sides of the equation will pay off when it comes time vet candidates.

     Emphasize benefits – You want to attract employees that will work hard for your business, and they want an employer that will look after their best interests. If your company offers benefits like health insurance, paid time off, or options to work remotely, be sure to include it in your job posting. Don’t bury the lede.

     Set realistic expectations – Be honest about your expectations for education level, work experience, and skills in your job postings. You don’t want to waste your time interviewing unqualified candidates, nor do they want to waste all that cologne on a fruitless endeavor. The more specific you can be in terms of what you’re really looking for, the better.

#4 Rely On the Experts

Sometimes, the demands of your vetting process may surpass your company’s resources. Maybe you need to run extensive background checks. In other cases, your dream candidate may require complex legal documentation to work for you. Whatever it may be, you can always hire a professional to help you with these processes.

For issues like immigration, your best bet is to rely on top-notch lawyers to handle visa renewals and other legal proceedings. Thankfully, in today’s increasingly connected world, you can find an immigration lawyer Chicago, NYC, Los Angeles, and beyond that will aid you in this process. From huge cities to tiny towns, globalization has caused stellar candidates from across the globe to settle down in the U.S. for work. If you want to tap into this sprawling pool of talented candidates, you’ll want to do so with the law on your side.

#5 Nail the Interview (Yes, We Mean You!)

The rules of tango apply to interviewing: it takes two people to do it. The candidate isn’t the only one who should be preparing for this sweat-inducing phase of the hiring process. If you want the hiring process to go smoothly, you’ll need to nail the interview just as much as your candidates do.

Before stepping into the room, heed these pieces of advice:

       Write down your questions beforehand.

       Familiarize yourself with the job position in question.

       Review the candidate’s CV prior to the interview and prepare specific questions.

       Hold yourself to the same dress code standards as your candidates.

       Employ a confident handshake and posture throughout the process.

       Secure an appropriate location for the interview.

Even if you think you’re an interviewing pro, taking time to plan will ensure you dot all your i’s and hire all your Mr. T’s (get it? From The A-Team? No, we do not have any more recent movie references).

Start Hiring!

Now that you have the information you need to improve your hiring process, it’s time to start your search. Don’t skimp out on finding the best and brightest employees for your business—a stellar team is a key component to any successful company. By following our tips and tricks, you’ll have everything you need to refine your hiring process and attract some stars.

Happy hiring!

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