Wednesday, October 23, 2024
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A commonly accessible source of genuine English language is movies. Movies and films, in their entireness or in carefully chosen slides, are extremely useful for English language education, or any language for that matter, be it French classes in Brisbane or Spanish lessons in the States.

Barely any beginner would protest about having a movie or video clip to watch as part of an English language lesson. But just how do you go about using films and clips? What are the great features of making use of the movies for English language tutoring? Following are five ways you can use popular films with your students for English language practice and acquirement.

Diversities of English can be validated

Wish to know what British English sounds like? Maybe even Australian English? How about the English of India or the West Indies? Then films and cinema are your rescues. Films created in these districts can give you much looked-for first-hand awareness into associated speech basics, Rhotic or Non-rhotic pronunciation, idioms, expressions and other features of local English.

You can also make use of a film to strengthen or demonstrate language with this humble activity.

Provide pupils a worksheet with a list of vocabulary words in one column, and jumbled descriptions in the other. As learners watch the picture clip, they have to match the vocabulary to the list of meanings in line.

Parts of culture can be revealed

A crucial component of language education is culture. So why not integrate both into your language classes at the same time? While watching a movie in British, American, Australian or West Indian English you can see social aspects included in the plot to demonstrate community customs from table manners to wedding ceremonies and memorials, holidays, celebrations and language peculiarities. Do not forget the use of “Classic” flicks either, as they can be a wonderful reserve for the ELT classroom.

Historical change can be effortlessly presented

What were the situations, clothing, food and the English language about 100 years ago? During the 1700s or even before that time? I have in fact discovered the pre-tenth-century epic poem-saga “Beowulf” on DVD. Getting knowledge about or matching historical variations can be heightened by watching era pieces, that is, movies set in a particular historical period and site.

For instance; Gone With the Wind, Humphrey Bogart’s stable of classics, in addition to excellent literature of classic writers which have been transformed into screenplays, film documentaries or impressive dramas

Students’ memory power

After viewing the clip, give pupils a set of incident cards (no more than ten), in pairs or independently. Each card should comprise of one or two sentences of events from the picture clip. These can be as important or unimportant as you wish, conditional on the length of the clip and what the center of the class is. Pupils have to reorganize the events into an accurate order.

Making the use of Audio – Visual elements helps in learning

As frequently proven in research by H. Gardner (1984) and D. Lazear (1992), an audiovisual method is extremely effective in both dropping learner affective filters (Krashen-Terrell, 1984) and in language gaining and knowledge. Visual-Spatial, Musical – Rhythmic, Inter-personal, Intra-personal, and Verbal-Linguistic intelligence learners obtain process and get communicatively-based language basics quite eagerly from movies. Almost every form of learning style can profit from language essentials picked up from watching movies, films, and videos.

Movies are extremely fun to watch

In conclusion, no one, not even the most enthusiastic English language beginner, not even the teacher, wants a course to be made up of only classroom oratory, archetypal classroom practice, grammar, and drills. Movies can provide a longed-for interval to “normal” classroom activity while still lasting to endorse English language skills acquisition and practice. A carefully selected film (or clip thereof) can breathe new life into a class of the most unenthusiastic learners.


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As liberal specialists in our repeated search for additional resources, methods, practices, and systems for growing our range of English language teaching tools, movies, clips, and videos can provide us an effortlessly available, lively resource to augment and expand our English language teaching. The features stated here comprise of only a few of the many advantages we and our students can experience. So, pull out your favorite flick, choose a dramatic or emotional scene, plan a few activities around it and watch the students minds turn on.

Author Bio:
Ashlie Lopez is an experienced writer. She began her writing career with Techvando. Although she enjoys writing about a variety of topics, health care is her passion. She enjoys educating people and readers on how to live a healthier and happier life.

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