Wednesday, October 23, 2024
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HomeHealth & Fitness7 Questions You May Have About Cataract Surgery

7 Questions You May Have About Cataract Surgery

Cataract surgery is one of the most common surgical procedures in the U.S with over 3 million operations performed each year. Cataracts occur when the clear lenses in your eye become “cloudy” looking, making normal vision difficult, if not impossible. Poor vision can prevent individuals from driving and living normal lives.

Here are some things you should know if you or your friends and family need cataract surgery.

1) Can cataracts be fixed with glasses?

Unlike astigmatism, catercats cannot be cured with corrective lenses or even lasers. Surgery typically is the only option. Cataracts occur in the lens of the eye and will only go away with the help of a cataract surgeon.

While this may sound drastic, cataract surgery is one of the most widely performed procedures and is very safe. It is an outpatient procedure that does not require a stay at the hospital.

2) How do cataracts develop?

Most cataracts develop from old age. Over 60% of individuals over the age of 80 will require cataract surgery. It can also develop from radiation exposure, injury or may develop from birth. Cataracts develop when protein accumulates in the lens of the eye.

3) Can you prevent cataracts?

Many of the healthy lifestyle habits that contribute to a long life affect cataracts as well. Eating healthy, avoiding drugs and alcohol can prevent cataracts from forming. Wearing sunglasses and a hat that blocks the sun’s radiation can also prevent cataracts.

Cataracts may come from using  corticosteroid medications. Your doctor will want you if any of your medicines cause long-term health risks. Regular eye exams can determine if you are at a risk of developing cataracts.

4) What is cataract surgery?

The safest and easiest method of cataract surgery involves the use of a high frequency ultrasound that breaks the cataract in pieces that are removed from suction. Instead of a large incision to remove the cateracted, smaller ones are used to promote faster healing. There is also a reduced risk of post operative complications. 

Once the cataract is removed, the lens of your eye is replaced with an artificial lens. This may or may not require stitches. While laser surgery is another type of cataract surgery, it does not have any advantages over conventional cataract surgery in safety, cataract surgery recovery period and post operative care.  It can be very expensive.

5) When is it time for cataract surgery?

Delaying cataract surgery will not permanently damage your eye or make treatment more difficult. If your vision is good you may not need to undergo surgery and may have to. Surgery is recommended when cataracts have a nautical impact on your life.

If you are unable to work or drive, perform daily tasks and if it affects your independence, it may be time to consider getting surgery. Having impaired vision may result in falls or other preventable injuries. Follow your doctor’s medical advice and Don’t delay surgery if the loss of vision is affecting your quality of life.

6) What kind of cataract surgery preparation should I do?

A week before your procedure, your doctor may need to measure the size of your eye and perform an ultrasound. You may need to take eye drops after your surgery and will need a list of your current prescriptions to check for drug interaction. You will not need to stay overnight at the hospital but you should arrange for someone to bring you home.

If you do not experience any cataract surgery complications, you should be able to return to your regular schedule including work within 2 days. Sleep on your back, avoid strenuous activity and do not put pressure on your eye to prevent the new lens from dislodging.

7) Will cataract Surgery affect my vision?

In addition to the benefit of not having your vision obstructed by a cataract, most cataract surgery actually improves one’s vision where they no longer need to wear glasses. Depending on the artificial lens implants or IOL (intraocular lens), they can achieve 20/20 vision. You may need to wear corrective lenses after surgery depending on the type of lens you choose. You may need to have your vision reexamined once your eye is fully healed.


Cataract surgery is the most common surgical procedure. You can easily get medication and eye drops online for cataracts. Even you can simply reach out to Canadian pharmacy referral services to get them quickly.

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