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HomeBusinessB2B Marketing: 10 Strategies That Really Work

B2B Marketing: 10 Strategies That Really Work

The marketing B2B, focused on attracting other companies as clients, it requires own strategies to stimulate sales. To achieve this, you have to try to capture qualified leads so that they end up becoming customers, and, to achieve this objective, it is necessary to apply a series of B2B marketing strategies that help reach companies and convert them into customers.


Top 10 B2B Marketing Strategies

Sales within B2B marketing are totally different from sales that are directed directly to consumers, this means that they need totally different strategies. These are some of the most important:

1. Focus on the customer

One of the most common mistakes in B2B is to think that you are selling to a company, it is like that, but behind a company there is always a person, and you have to reach them. This is in charge of accepting and closing the purchase. In addition to analyzing and meeting the needs of the company, it is also essential to connect with the person in charge to make them understand that our product or service is the best option for the company.

2. Personalize communications

You have to understand that in B2B commerce there are many parties involved, so it is necessary to personalize communications to reach the necessary person or buy ssd chemical solution in kuwait. Creativity is very important, as it will make a difference with competing companies and will make future buyers pay attention to the company. Sometimes it can be difficult to know who really is the person we are communicating with behind the company, but it can be beneficial to do your research to personalize communications and build a relationship with the person.

3. Email marketing campaigns

For many, email is the preferred method of communication. In B2B it is a fundamental part of the strategy, this is because you can reach different potential customers quickly. Of course, the emails cannot be too generic, it is necessary to personalize them so that the person they reach feels special. An example is to put the name of the sender of the message, with this it is possible that the client enters the email to see the promotion or advertising.

4. Boost your online presence

Today the world moves on social networks, therefore, being present in them is essential. There are different ways to use them to generate leads, from sweepstakes to attract customers to contests, the important thing is to set the target audience to reach them faster. The choice of the social network is also very important, Instagram is not the same as Facebook or LinkedIn, and you have to analyze the audience you want to reach in order to focus on the perfect social network. For example, B2B marketing is more focused on having relationships with professionals and companies, so having a good LinkedIn profile as a company is essential. This can help you start conversations with other companies and even discover new companies that may be interested in our products or services,

5. Include videos in content marketing

80% of users stay to watch a video when they enter a web page compared to 20% who decide to read a text.

Including videos in marketing has become a necessity today, in a very short time the most content that will be on the Internet will be videos, so getting ahead is the smartest way to reach more public.

Experts have come to the conclusion that people do not like direct promotions, prefer subtle advertisements or even not knowing that they are seeing an advertisement, which is why this strategy has become one of the most important today. . Making company presentation videos, in which the characteristics of the company are shown, for example, can be a way of making ourselves known.

6. Thought leadership content

Thought leadership content is achieved when a company becomes a source of reference and rigor, when it is a specialist in a specific subject and customers trust it completely. It is very important in B2B, when it comes to generating leads, trust and above all the reliability of the content will be crucial when it comes to prevailing over the competition.

7. Use catboats to get leads

With catboats what you get is a much more personalized treatment. When entering a web page, different doubts may arise, if the company can solve them without having to go to another web, look for an email to send an email or make a phone call, potential clients will trust the project much more. They will solve your doubts quickly and easily and this will help increase the chances of getting more leads. Of course, catboats should be concise and as personal as possible.

80% of users stay to watch a video when they enter a web page compared to 20% who decide to read a text

8. Web design focused on the buyer’s journey

One of the best B2B strategies is to focus on the buyer’s path through the website. There must be different phases and that in none of them, decide to close the page, it is about designing the page in such a way that more conversions are generated. Some of the resources that are most used for this are, for example, landing pages or call to action. The phases of the buyer’s journey are: discovery, consideration and decision phase. Therefore, it will be necessary to adapt the web to accompany the user, for example, the discovery one, it will be necessary to try to attract potential clients, but that this is of quality and they are really interested in our products or services, then it will be necessary to do that the client considers hiring or buying our products, for example, You have to try to get them to interact with the web and fill out a form, subscribe, etc. It must be clear, what are the possible steps that the user will take through the web before the purchase, and adapt the entire design to induce it.

9. Generate sponsored content

It is estimated that by 2025 almost 75% of professionals will want to incorporate sponsored content into their business strategies. It is one of the best ways to have valuable content that has been generated by different people, the most important thing is to understand that this content has to be of quality, it is no longer the ads of before, now the marketing has changed and you have to get there differently than the target audience in order to generate leads.

10. Measure the results

This cannot be considered a B2B marketing strategy as such, but it is vitally important for the different strategies to work. It is essential to measure the results to be able to know what the benefits of the strategy carried out have been and if the previously set objectives have been reached, what type of strategies have worked better or worse. Depending on this, the same strategy will be used or not. The data have to be totally true, and they should be measured after a while since they will have greater reliability.

The B2B marketing strategies   are essential to get more customers and to increase the profits of an enterprise. Choosing the strategies that best suit our company’s product or service can be complicated, so we wanted to tell you about some of the ones that work best. But, everything is testing, not all strategies are valid for all types of business, nor do they work the same. Of course, for them to work, it must be borne in mind that all businesses are different, and each strategy will have to be adapted to the business in question. Personalizing communications or using chatbots to generate leads are some of the formulas that can help you get new customers.


I'm jack connor, and I'm 26 years of age. Iam a Digital Marketing Expert at BFIC. Our company is actively involved in the development of whole financial protocols and ecosystems that will determine the future of digital finance and the economy.
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