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HomeHealth & FitnessCan you get cancer from laser hair removal?

Can you get cancer from laser hair removal?


Laser hair removal is one of the best methods available for anyone to get rid of unwanted hair in the body. This method can deliver results identical to permanent hair removal. However, the idea of subjecting your skin to a laser beam would not be appealing for many.

That’s because you might assume that there is a possibility for you to be subjected to numerous health issues as you are exposing your skin to the laser light. One of the biggest worries that you will have is identifying whether laser hair removal can lead you to cancer or not. Keep on reading and we will share all facts on whether there is a possibility for you to get cancer because of laser hair removal.

What exactly is laser hair removal?

Before understanding the risks associated with laser hair removal, you should understand what this hair removal method is all about. When you have a clear understanding about the way how laser hair removal works, you will be able to understand the truth behind it.

During the laser hair removal process, a high energy laser beam will be used to help you with getting rid of unwanted hair in the body. That’s because the laser beam is capable of delivering a high energy light beam. This high energy light beam would destroy hair follicle. Therefore, you can get effective results with hair removal through this procedure.

As you go ahead with the laser hair removal procedure, pigment located inside your hair will be heated up to a high temperature. This is more than enough to kill the hair follicle. After destroying the follicle, it will not be in a position to ensure regrowth. Therefore, you will be able to get successful results, which is identical to permanent hair removal.

You will have two different methods available as of now to experience the benefits that come along with laser hair removal. The first method out of them would be to get the laser hair removal from a skin clinic. On the other hand, you will also be able to purchase an at-home laser hair removal device and use that to overcome the health issue as well.

No matter what method you go ahead with, the same principle with a laser beam will be used in order to help you with removing hair from the body. Therefore, you will be able to call it as a relatively effective method of losing weight available to consider as of now.

The relationship between laser hair removal and cancers

Now you have a good understanding on what laser hair removal is. ForeverSilky says while keeping that in mind, it is worthy to understand the relationship that it would have along with cancer as well. Since you are applying the laser beam on your skin, you might wonder whether it will lead you to skin cancer or not.

There are numerous factors that can lead a person to skin cancer. Exposure to UV light given out by the sun rays hold a prominent place out of them. Even if you are exposed to UV light from any other artificial source, there is a possibility for you to end up with getting skin cancer. This is something that you will need to keep in mind at all times.

UV light is extremely powerful. In fact, it has the potential to create damages to the genetic material that can be found within your cells. If the DNA structure of the skin cells are damaged, you will end up with getting a skin cancer. However, it would not happen when you are exposed to UV light for just one day. Years of exposure to UV rays would increase your chances of getting skin cancer. Along with cancer, UV rays are in a position to lead you to many other skin health related issues, such as getting wrinkles on the skin. This is something that you will need to keep in your mind as you go ahead.

When it comes to laser hair removal, you will only be exposing your skin to a laser light. There is no UV radiation in this laser light. Therefore, you shouldn’t worry too much about getting a skin cancer because you go through laser hair removal. Most of the people have this misunderstanding on getting skin cancers because of their laser hair removal treatments.

There are numerous studies conducted in the past in order to get a better understanding to see whether UV light is in a position to lead you to laser hair removal or not. According to those experiments, the scientists have not been able to discover any strong relationship between laser light and cancer. Hence, you will be able to keep the peace of mind and go through laser hair removal.

Can laser hair removal lead you to other forms of cancers?

As you can see, laser hair removal is not in a position to lead you to getting skin cancer. Along with that, you will also wonder whether it can lead you to any other forms of cancer or not as well. The lasers that are being used for laser hair removal don’t contain any UV light. Therefore, you don’t have to worry too much about the other types of cancers that UV light can create as well.

Final words

Laser hair removal is one of the safest and most effective permanent hair removal methods available for you to consider as of now. No person should worry about getting cancers because of laser hair removal. In fact, we don’t even see any person who has got a cancer because of laser hair removal. Therefore, you can keep the peace of mind and proceed with experiencing all the great benefits that come along with laser hair removal. This will be able to deliver an impressive experience to you.

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