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HomeHealth & FitnessCauses of Severe Hair Loss In Women - How To Stop Baldness

Causes of Severe Hair Loss In Women – How To Stop Baldness

Daily hair loss occurs in all people. But how to understand that hair loss has already exceeded the norm and signals a violation of health? Doctors say that there are no specific criteria, and that is why early diagnosis is so problematic. Normally, a person loses up to 100 hairs per day. People do not immediately notice the intense loss and do not take timely measures to preserve the hair. However, some symptoms will help determine the condition of the hair:

The main causes of alopecia – severe hair loss in women

Alopecia is a disease that causes a person to rapidly grow bald. First, the hair begins to fall out strongly. At the same time, the follicle from which hair grows becomes thinner and gradually atrophies. Such a follicle can no longer produce new hair and keep old ones.

The main causes of alopecia are inside the body: a metabolic disorder, a hormonal imbalance (androgen levels increase in women), heredity. The most important thing with alopecia is to notice the onset of the disease in time and not to delay its treatment in any case.

Note! If hair falls out badly, only a qualified doctor will determine the reasons for women. Do not self-medicate, especially if there is suspicion of alopecia.

Unbalanced diet

Women love diets and often practice them. However, many doctors warn that unbalanced nutrition harms hair and leads to their loss. Many diets do not include the products necessary for the normal operation of all body systems.

Weight loss should not occur faster than losing up to 1 kg per week, especially if the woman is not obese. The food should be present: fruits and vegetables, vegetable oils, lean meat or seafood, nuts and cottage cheese.

Hormonal failure in the body

The hormonal background of a woman greatly affects the condition of her hair. The female hormone, estrogen, promotes the growth of beautiful healthy hair. The lack of estrogen, as well as an excess of the male hormone, androgen, leads to the fact that a woman loses her hair noticeably. Hormones are produced in the ovaries, adrenal glands and thyroid gland. The disease of any of these organs leads to hormonal disruption. Lack of estrogen is seen in breastfeeding, when the body tries to restore hormones after pregnancy.

Hair loss also begins during menopause, when estrogen levels drop dramatically. Doctors warn that oral contraceptives also affect hormones and hair loss. Treatment of baldness with hormonal imbalance begins with the treatment of the imbalance itself, since baldness is one of the symptoms and not the root cause.

Side effect of drugs, chemotherapy

Doctors notice that if the hair falls out strongly, the reasons for women should be sought in the medications that she has been taking for the last 4 months.

Chemotherapy drugs cause baldness, up to a complete loss of hair. Most patients lose their hair during these procedures, and this cannot be avoided. But after a few weeks after completing the course of chemotherapy, hair begins to grow again in patients At this time, they need special care: additional nutrition and hydration of the scalp.

Chronic fatigue, stress, fright, depression

The reasons why women lose their hair strongly, often because they perceive events more emotionally than men. Chronic stress and fatigue are the enemies of healthy hair. With prolonged nervous tension, fatigue and depression, the metabolism is disturbed. This, in turn, leads to hormonal imbalance and hair loss. Sharp fright or severe stress also has a detrimental effect on hair health.

Treatment of baldness, triggered by stress, should begin with getting rid of chronic overwork and depression. Doctors advise more rest and be in the fresh air. Regular massage of the scalp is useful for hair and psychological relaxation. Intensive emotional experiences and fright should be avoided. With significant manifestations of depression and chronic stress, the best option would be to visit a doctor.

Endocrine Disruption

The main organ of the endocrine system is the thyroid gland, which produces hormones and regulates metabolism. Violation of her work significantly affects the health and thickness of the hair.

The thyroid gland produces thyroid hormones, and in the event of their insufficiency, hypothyroidism develops in the body, and in the case of excess, hyperteriosis. In hypothyroidism, the hair grows dull and falls out intensively, and the hair follicles are in a resting phase and are not able to continue healthy growth. Hyperteriosis leads to focal alopecia in half the cases. Self-medication will not give results. Treatment of baldness and diseases of the thyroid gland should occur in a complex way – from an endocrinologist and a trichologist.

Mechanical, thermal, chemical head injuries

In case of scalp injury, the hair is significantly affected. If a scar has formed from an injury or burn, the hair will no longer grow in this place. Scarring of the scalp means that the follicles in the damaged area do not perform their functions.

In some cases, the use of physiotherapeutic procedures causes the growth of less damaged hairs. If, after a burn or injury to the scalp, there is no scar or visible tissue changes, then the follicles are able to continue working. In this case, the hair is further nourished and stimulated. Helps rubbing burdock oil into the damaged scalp, the use of darsonval and means of improving blood circulation.

Sudden changes in temperature

Hair follicles are sensitive to temperature conditions, and do not tolerate sharp contrast between cold and heat. Due to the extreme cold, the bulbs are supercooled, the surrounding blood vessels narrow, and the hair does not receive the necessary nutrition. Therefore, the habit of walking without a hat is a common cause of severe hair loss in women.

Hot temperatures also harm the hair, interfere with the healthy nutrition of the bulbs. Therefore, in the summer it is recommended to walk in a light headdress, and in the bath to cover the hair with a special cap. When temperature drops hair care includes additional moisture.


Iron deficiency anemia is a drop in hemoglobin levels in the blood. Anemia causes intense hair loss. This is due to the fact that the body does not have enough iron, and for the time of deficiency it reduces the nutrition of its less important parts (such as hair). Hair loss in anemia will not stop until the causes of the anemia are eliminated. It is not recommended to take products that contain tannin (for example, tea and coffee). Instead, they drink fruit juices and water enriched with minerals.


Severe hair loss in women also occurs due to heredity. However, even having hair problems for parents and their parents does not mean that the gene will definitely launch its program.

Often the gene is present in a “sleeping” form, and does not appear until the end of life. With confirmed hereditary alopecia, hair care is needed. Doctors use complex hair treatment in such cases.

Traumatic hairstyles

Women love tight tails and tightly woven braids (like African braids), but such hairstyles harm the health of the hair.

In addition, the hair is damaged mechanically, from excessive load on them. Hairstyle does not spoil the hair – relaxed braid. Metal hairpins and tight tight elastic bands mechanically harm hair. It is advisable to use wide soft hair bands and exclude metal combs from use.

Fungal diseases of the scalp, dandruff

Fungal diseases appear first in the form of pruritus, after which severe dandruff begins, the scalp noticeably peels off. At the same time, the fungus affects the hairs themselves, they vigorously fall out, become dull. The first signal of the presence of a fungal infection is noticeable dandruff, itching and hair loss. There are several types of fungal hair diseases, but they all lead to serious hair loss and the formation of plaques on the scalp. Fungal skin lesions treat:

  • with the help of antifungal drugs taken by mouth (they are highly toxic and are contraindicated in people with a number of diseases of internal organs);
  • using local products such as health masks for hair and medicated shampoos.

Important to remember! Timely prevention will protect against skin fungus. Doctors insist on careful personal hygiene. Everyone should have their own hair care products, and regularly wash their hair with shampoo.

Chronic diseases

Chronic diseases affect the condition of the hair and their loss. Increased hair loss is observed in autoimmune diseases, tumors, psoriasis, problems with the digestive system and neuropsychiatric diseases.

In such cases, in addition to treating the disease itself, local treatment is used to preserve the hair (firming masks, balms, and professional procedures to stimulate the scalp).

Bad ecology, harmful habitat conditions

Ecology is an external factor that significantly affects the health of hair.

Doctors are advised to avoid non-natural food, drink purified water and avoid aggressive sunlight (or hide hair under headdresses). In addition, residents of megacities are advised to protect their skin and hair from rain, as it now contains substances that are harmful to health. If a person is still wet in the rain, you need to take a shower upon returning home. There are many causes of hair loss. The weakening and diseases of the body significantly affect the condition of the hair. Healthy hair will help complete nutrition, care for the scalp and hygiene. It is important to live measuredly and reduce the amount of stress in life.

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