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HomeBusinessCelebrate and Make Christmas Special for Others by Giving Charitable Gifts

Celebrate and Make Christmas Special for Others by Giving Charitable Gifts

Christmas is a month for spreading good cheer to family, friends and everyone around us. It is also a great time to make donations to your favourite charities. Donating for a cause that you care about not only benefits the charities but also it can be deeply rewarding for you too. Millions of people give charity gifts on a regular basis to support the cause they believe in, as well as for the positive effects it has on their own lives. So why is charity giving so gratifying? We’ve taken a closer look as to why you should give charitable gifts and make this Christmas special for others. 

Fund Charities to do More Future Good Deeds

If you’re like most people who genuinely want to make this world a better place. So whether you feel an affinity to animals, the local state park, your alma mater, or any religious organization, they’ll all appreciate whatever donations you can make. Don’t be thwarted by not being able to donate millions or thousands. Even small donations can go a long way. 

Doing Good is Good for Your Health

Studies say when you give charity gifts, your brains’ pleasure centres lit up; this shows how giving actually improves our health. Researchers from the National Institutes of Health have found that when we make charitable donations, it activates the pleasure regions of our brain. Some researchers have even stated that altruistic behaviour even causes our bodies to emit endorphins which give us the good feeling known as “helper’s high.” All these good feelings eventually lead to health benefits.

Tax Benefits

Donating now also helps in tax deductions. Note that donations you have or will make before December 31st of this year will count toward this year’s tax, even if the charge isn’t made until the coming year. Getting a deduction in tax because you have made charitable donation implies that your taxable income will be reduced for this year. The rules around how much amount will be deducted changes on the basis of your income level, donation amount, and other variables.

Charitable Donations Strengthens Personal Values

According to the research, the question- why we give- a feeling of social conscience was the most widely-given reason for giving charity gifts. No matter what type of charity work people support, about 96% said that they feel they have a moral duty to use what they have to help others; this sentiment is very much rooted in their personal values and principles. Acting on such powerful feelings of responsibility is an excellent way of reinforcing our own personal values and feel like we are living in a way that is true to our own ethical beliefs.

Charitable Giving Introduces your Children to the Importance of Generosity

When you share your experiences and how good it feels when you give charity gifts with your children, it inculcates in them from a young age that they can make positive changes in the world. Children naturally love helping others, so nurturing their innate generosity is most likely to mean that they grow up with a greater appreciation of what they have, and they will carry on supporting the thought of charitable donations in years to come.

Doing good for someone doesn’t necessarily need a reason, but still, if it does then the reasons stated above will be enough to motivate you to give charity gifts and make this Christmas special for people who are not privileged!

Naveen is a digital marketing professional with over 4 years of experience. Presently, he is incredibly passionate about software, technology, website design, paid marketing, and content marketing.
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