Graphic designers do a lot of their work on their screens, so when it comes to finding stationary to make the day easier it can be a little stumping at first. However, a few tools here and there should definitely be on your desk if you are a graphic designer because, at the end of the day, you’re a creative at heart, right? Right! The right office supplies are going to make your day run smoother and your life that little bit more organised. What supplies could possibly have that much of an impact you ask? Read on to find out!
Note Paper
We’re all a bit unfamiliar with paper these days, but a few drawings and musings can really unblock that creative flow and are majorly handy when you just need to note something down quickly – without having to close thousands of tabs. Keep a diary, bullet journal or a minimalist notepad on hand for all your small jottings and for sparking that inventive spirit of yours.
Pencil Holders
Every pad of paper needs a pencil with which to draw on! Try to find a creative, cool or colourful pen and pencil holder to stash your stationary in. This will clean up your desk, give you more space and minimise the time you spend digging around for that one pencil that you can’t live without in that specific moment!
If you have some wall space behind or around your desk, you have the perfect spot to mount a lovely, convenient, aesthetically pleasing corkboard! This is such a cute way to dress up your office without being intrusive to the overall space. You’ll be able to pin notes, drawings, ideas and photos to keep you inspired and motivated on those impossibly long days at your desk. This is also a great space saver!
Archival Box
A stylish archival box will spruce up any workspace. Choose yours in simple wood and embellish it yourself with a permanent marker, you’ll have a gorgeously unique and practical office accessory on your hands. Dipping into the archives when you’re feeling stumped is great, it can really shift your mindset and get you going again.
Every good designer needs a good ruler. Grab yourself a colourful ruler to whip out when needed or choose something on theme with the rest of your accessories to have out on display. You could swap this out for a measuring tape if you’re feeling extra traditional.
This one is a little out there, but it could really liven up your working day! A small chalkboard can be used for so much, the possibilities are kind of endless for design, written affirmations, reminders, notes and patterns. Choose something small and subtle to have near your computer or grab a large board to put behind your space.
A clipboard is a little bit of fun, taking you right back to primary school days! This is a great way to store loose leaves of paper, notes or drawings. Prop yours up against the wall or lay it flat next to you, so it works like a creative notepad!
See, stationery doesn’t have to be boring and it’s not just for those professionals in the non-creative fields! Explore creative, cool and handy office supplies to find pieces that add to your day in look, feel and function. Your projects will benefit and you’re sure to feel that tiny bit lighter and brighter at work.