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HomeRelationshipHusband Wanted to Divorce Wife After Seeing Her Selfie

Husband Wanted to Divorce Wife After Seeing Her Selfie

A man decides to file for divorce after seeing his wife’s photo. Was he insane? Did his wife cheat on him? What was the real reason? To find it out, you have to read this blog post till the end. 

Photos: Not Always Treasure Trove

Photos are visual memories for us. Photos of your wedding, your child’s birthday party, family tour or even mundane daily lives give you reasons to recall sweet moments that you enjoyed with your loved ones. Some photos bring tears to our eyes.

You become emotional after seeing photos of your childhood friends or family albums of your parents and other loved ones who have grown old or are no more in this world. All photos are important. If arranged data wise, they narrate the journey of your life.

Some photos are disturbing and may give you reasons to cut off relations. It happened to John Baker. He looked too much into a photo of his wife and discovered something that went unnoticed initially. Expectedly, the end result was not sweet. He immediately sought divorce from his wife.

A Happy Couple

John and Baker Chloe were a lovely couple. They had been married for five years and living in San Francisco. John used to be away from home for weeks to travel the world while Chloe got busy with her volunteering services at different charities in the city.

Chloe had to manage the household due to the nature of John’s work. When John was back, he had to conform to Chloe’s house rules. At first, it created tension between them but later, John adjusted.

He had always been proud of Chloe. She was beautiful and good natured. John had no reason to suspect his wife while being on business trips for several weeks in a year. 

A Busy Man

John was happy with his job. He was a sales representative in a multinational tech company having partners and customers throughout the world. He always flew first class and checked in luxury hotels. After all, his company was bearing all these expenses.

When John was away – he used to be quite often – the couple went on talking over the phone for hours. Chloe did not like video calling and told John about it soon after they fell for each other. So, they could see each other only after John was back.

However, John used to send selfies after arriving on location but never expected the same thing from Chloe. But in his mind, John always wanted to meet his wife virtually but had no choice but to respect Chloe’s wish.

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A Popular Woman

A beautiful woman always has many admirers. That happened to Chloe. She was popular among her friends and in professional circles. She was acquainted with a large number of people due to the nature of her work. 

Chloe was often invited as a welcome guest at many fundraising events and other occasions. After marriage, Chloe never thought about going to work because John had a decent job. She loved spending her time with children at charities and doing all the things that could help others. 

Chloe was beauty conscious and caring for her health. She loved living life queen size. Chloe loved to hang out with her friends and fettish for good food and shopping. She was known to be a social butterfly in her close circle.

She loved talking to people from all walks of life. Some people mistook her easy-going nature for flirting. Chloe often introduced these men to her single female friends and they were indebted to her for this. 

First Meeting

Chloe met John while working as a model. She even appeared as a playmate on Playboy. At that time, Chloe was single and used to enjoy male attention that came her way.

She made it to a world-famous car show. Chloe was hired by car brands to promote their models. A large number of men and women attended the event. Her eyes met with John’s. 

For Chloe, it was love at first sight. However, John was indifferent towards her. He attended the event with his then girlfriend Heather.

Car Show

John and Heather were looking for a new car. John had got a promotion. So, he could now afford a new car. They had been driving a sedan for a long time. 

The car show event was packed with crowds. John and Heather had been around for a few hours but could not find their dream car.

They were enjoying the ambiance. John felt like relieving himself and went to the toilet. After coming back from the washroom, John saw something that left him speechless. He had never expected Heather to do this to him. 

The Stranger 

An unknown man came to Heather and kissed her, with John standing a few feet away. Heather was shocked. However, John had a feeling that the man was no stranger to Heather.. 

The two got involved in a heated argument. Heather was struggling to keep her voice low. John approached them.

John confronted her about what had happened. Heather was shocked to know that John had watched everything. The man looked surprised and angry with John at the same time.

“Who the hell are you?” The man shouted at John. “That’s what I want to ask you, “ John replied.

Heather wished to have plunged into the ground. “Everything will soon be clear as daylight,” she was thinking. 

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John came to know that Heather had been in a relationship with the man after meeting him at the same car show fair a year ago. 

The man knew nothing about John. It became clear that Heather had been cheating both. Neither man had any idea that they were in a relationship with the same woman.

A mix of sadness and anger overwhelmed John. He had loved Heather like nothing else in his life. He started planning for their conjugal journey ahead. 

The stranger left the place in a huff.  John asked Heather to leave the room right now and she obliged.

“Are You Okay”

John was seated on a chair, with his face buried between his two hands. Chloe watched everything from a safe distance. 

She walked over to John. She asked him if everything was okay. John wanted to be alone in the room. He forced a smile and assured her. .

John was broken from within. The more he tried to suppress his feelings in front of an unknown lady, the more difficult it became to hold back his tears.

They Had Hearty Talk

Chloe brought John a drink. She was trying her best to make John feel at ease. A few minutes later, John felt like opening up. John poured his heart out before Chloe. She felt sorry for him.

The show came to an end, without any of them being aware of it. After their meeting ended, John was feeling relaxed. He promised to call Chloe after getting back home. She had started worrying about the man.

Phone Conversation

Soon after reaching home, John dialled Chloe’s number. They chatted for 3 long hours. She talked about her career, dreams, ambition and other things. John felt that he could go on talking to her for hours. However, in his mind, he was still committed to Heather.

The next day, Heather came to collect her belongings. John accepted everything more easily than he had expected. After she left, John called Chloe and they went on talking for hours.

Dining Out

After a few weeks since their first telephonic conversation, John asked Chloe for dinner. Heather had become a closes chapter for John and he wanted to move on. He had started feeling for Chloe.

He took her out for dinner in a luxury restaurant in the town. They talked, laughed and enjoyed every moment of being together. They stayed there until late hours. They enjoyed each other’s company more than delicious dishes and an expensive bottle of wine.

Afterwards, they took a cab to John’s apartment where they enjoyed another bout of good time together. Since then, they continued to meet. John felt that Chloe was trustworthy, unlike Heather.

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Living Together

It did not take the couple much time to decide that they should live together. A year has passed by and they were really happy with each other. So, why not move in together?

However, John was disturbed for one thing. He had always respected commitment in relationships. This was the reason he would never be able to forgive Heather. John wanted to make sure that he would not have to suffer heartbreak again.

The Condition

John put one condition before Chloe and she felt amused. On that day, they went to a theatre and after coming out of the hall, John decided to disclose the condition to Chloe..

He was hopeful that she would accept it without any grudge because he did not include anything wrong in it. He had full faith in Chloe. Her acceptance would mean a lot to him, John would have peace of mind.

The condition did not shock Chloe. She wanted to make John happy in every possible way and move in together.

“It’s My Request”

“I don’t like you to do nude photo shoots anymore.” Chloe expected this coming her way. She earned good money from normal modelling but had to do nude photo shoots once in a blue moon. 

She was serious about her relationship with John and had thought about not doing nude photo shoots any longer. So, it was easy for her to accept John’s condition gladly.

John was happy. He wanted to move in with Chloe soon. Living together had always been a big decision for him.

The duo started looking for a house and found one in San Francisco. Though they were not familiar with the city, it was a beautiful house and the couple loved it.

John Proposed 

Chloe was busy taking her photo standing in front of the Golden Gate Bridge. After turning, she saw John going down on his knees before her.

Chloe cried out in joy. People around them started clapping.

“Will you marry me Chloe?” John’s voice almost choked.

“Of course, I’ll.” Chloe let out a joy-filled scream.

Time flew away. So much to do before the Big Day! Spring had finally arrived in the city. The couple hosted a lavish wedding party attended by their family and close friends.

The duo walked down the corridor towards the altar to exchange their vows. Their love would soon be solemnized by the priest.

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A Beautiful Ring

Chloe’s wedding ring was embellished with small diamonds. It looked beautiful. John had got it specially made by a Jeweller from France. Her beauty deserved a special treatment.

Chloe could not help but praise John’s taste. A wave of happiness and pride swept her. For any bride, it always feels nice to be loved by her man. Chloe was not an exception.

The ring grabbed the eyeballs of everyone present there. Their wedding photos went viral. A few of Chloe’s friends were abroad and could not attend the wedding gala. They also got to know about her precious wedding ring and asked her to send a photo of the beautiful “bejewelled bride”.

Happily Married

In the years after their marriage, a great deal of changes had happened in their lives. John got the post of a sales representative in the same company he had been working for many years.

Unfortunately, Chloe’s career as a model took a nosedive. As she got older, she had only a few modelling assignments. 

So, she decided to be a good housewife instead of stretching her career long. Moreover, John used to earn a handsome salary and they had been enjoying a good life.

While John’s duty required him to go on trips often, Chloe started feeling lonely at home and decided to join charitable societies. She badly needed something to be occupied with. 

Getting Bored

Chloe accepted the transition from being a busy model to becoming a housewife. Though social works occupied a lot of her free time, she was craving attention and excitement back in her life.

She realized soon that she was not happy with her current life. She was still getting modelling assignments but these were a few and far between. She grew desperate to have some fun and excitement.

John Was Not Happy Either

Though John held a respectable position in his office and earned more than enough for two, he was not happy with his job. He had to stay away from Chloe for weeks at a stretch. It had become like a kind of long-distance relationship.

Only if Chloe didn’t mind taking selfis and video calling, things would have been a little bit easier for John. At least, he could get to see his beloved while being far away from her.

Once he insisted on it before one of his business trips.  

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The Photo

The couple had chatted for half an hour before John went inside to board his next flight. Chloe was on her way home while talking to John over the phone. She plopped down on the couch.

She received a message from John that he had just boarded his plane. “Would you mind sending me your picture? I miss you badly during my trip. It will give me some comfort if I can get to see you, even in photos,” John wrote.

He then set Airplane Mode on his phone, fastened his seatbelt and kept on thinking about her beautiful wife. The plane was to take off in a few minutes. Little did he know what awaited him.

Her Reaction

Chloe’s brows frowned to make an arch while she was reading the message. How could John propose that, knowing well that she did not like the idea?

She worked as a professional model. She always preferred to keep her private and professional life separate. She felt uneasy and wished to decline the request outright.

Suddenly, she realized that John must be feeling sad. Living alone, far away from home! She must be feeling  like talking to her. He was only asking for a photo of her. An innocent request!

She took a few selfies in different postures, chose the best one and sent it along with an emoji to John. She did not think about checking the details.

“Oh, My God!”

After sending the photo, Chloe got a second look at it. She was still looking hot. “Why on earth was she not getting modelling offers?”

She used to be flooded with offers and had to reject many of them because she could not take new jobs due to lack of time. And suddenly she noticed something and became shocked.

“Oh, what have I done?” She yelled while staring at the phone in her living room. She knew there was something in the photo, which would make John angry.

She must act quickly to remove the photo. Her fingers were moving quickly on her phone’s keypad. Unfortunately, the screen went black. Phone battery had died.

John was soon to land, check messages and see Chloe’s photo. Chloe was shivering in fear, imagining how John would react.

John Opened Messaging App

After landing, John changed the mode on his phone. A big smile graced his face. He saw a new message from Chloe. He opened the message app and became happy after seeing his wife’s photo. It was hard for him to keep his eyes off his beautiful wife.

Those beautiful almond eyes, the cascade of thick, shiny hair, her heart-warming smile! Suddenly, John’s heart started beating fast.

He felt a lump in his throat. He had accidently discovered something in the photo and it shocked him beyond words.

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John Met His Lawyer

John was overwhelmed with anger. He was dialling Chloe’s number for the fourth time but she did not receive the call.

Her phone had gone down and he was not aware of it. He tried again. The call went unanswered. John decided to dial another number.

The next minute, he was speaking to a lawyer. John explained everything to him. At the end, John made a request to the lawyer, “Please get the divorce papers in order.”

“A man calls a lawyer after seeing this photo of his wife – What to make out of it? I cannot believe it.“

The lawyer was astonished. “Are you serious?” He asked John. “I would like to give you a piece of advice. Talk to your wife first. She may clear your doubt.”

John took deep breaths a few times and decided to talk to Chloe.

The Conversation

John did not like beating about the bush. He asked her blatantly, “Where is your wedding ring?”

Chloe had told John that she was feeling bored at home. Did she forget to put her ring back on after an exciting time outside her home? 

“Does it happen more often and it’s not the first time?” Chloe could not recall. She had never taken a selfie.

She Explained

Chloe did not want to hide anything from her loving husband. It would not be easy but she must speak the truth. However, she feared that John would think that Chloe had cheated him whenever he was out on a trip.

She knew that John would not forgive her. She promised never to do it again. She was deeply in love with John. Still she did not like to put a lid on the truth any longer. She must confess.

Truth Came Out

Chloe said that she broke her promise on that day. She was feeling bored to death. There were no fundraising events to attend and she was already done with household chores.

She called one of her long-time acquaintances and both went out. Chloe knew John would not approve of what she was doing. But she wanted to do what would excite her most. Moreover, how could John know about it?

Nude Shoot

On that day, Chloe did a nude photo shoot with a professional photographer. Those poses were artistic and not about sex.

Though she gave her words to John that she would never do this kind of photoshoot any more, she loved the fresh air of excitement that killed his boredom.

The shoot was done beautifully. The photographer was experienced. Chloe felt attractive and confident once again, something she had been missing in the last few years. 

She did not expect a kick-start to her modelling career. However, the fact that she still had the flame in her made Chloe happy.

She forgot to put her wedding ring back on. After getting back home, she sent John a photo.

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John’s Reaction

John felt relieved that Chloe was not having an affair with someone. It would feel like being stabbed on the back.

John assured Chloe that he did not mind what she had done. After all, he badly wanted his wife to look attractive. He could understand that Chloe’s life as a housewife must have been boring.

The couple talked about their future. Both confessed that they were not completely happy in their married life. However, they never meant that they wanted to end their marriage.

They loved each other and used to enjoy time together. But John went on trips too often and she felt lonely at home.

Drastic Action

John contacted his boss and told him that it would not be possible for him to go on trips so often. He requested his boss for a suitable position in San Francisco. It would give him enough time to be with his wife every day.

His boss realized the problem. He told John that a management position had been lying vacant. He had a plan to appoint John in the position after his return from the last trip

John jumped at the offer. The boss told John that he would like to discuss the details in his office and John agreed happily.

They Lived Happily Thereafter

Chloe got a job offer. She went on with her sneaky photo shoot. Knowing that her husband was supportive made her more confident.

Chloe agreed not to accept many jobs abroad. Both were happy with their career and private life.

Summary: The husband-wife duo, John and Chloe, were a happy couple. One day, Chloe sent a photo of her to John when he was away on an office trip. The trouble started from there. John got furious after looking at the photo. He even thought about ending the relationship. What went wrong? How did they patch up? Read the post to know the details. 

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