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HomeHealth & FitnessEssential Oils that Compliment your Weight loss Regime

Essential Oils that Compliment your Weight loss Regime

In the era of MNCs, Franchises, fast-foods and ready-to-cook meals, time is of the utmost importance and obesity is of the most common appearance. We live in a world where over 30% of the population is obese. A study in 2019 by WHO, showed that 41 million children under the age of 5 were either overweight or obese, and 340 million children between the age of 5-19 were obese or overweight. Tragically enough, in spite of residing in a world with widespread poverty, people die more of obesity than underweight. Malnutrition is often related to underweight and poverty, but very few people realize that obesity can also lead to a type of malnutrition, with deficiency of micro-nutrients. Thankfully, enough obesity is both curable and preventable.

How to loss weight in a healthy manner
A warning to eat in precise manner to help losing weight

If you have been trying to lose weight for ages without any effect, you wouldn’t be the only one. Many like you have spent their precious time and hard-earned money, into expensive diets, yoga classes and dietary pills but none seems to work. This is because you are missing out on a comprehensive approach. Instead of trying to lose weight in specific ways, you need to craft your entire lifestyle in such that will help you lose weight. A diet that will give you the essential nutrients for growth and metabolism whilst evading calorie intake, an exercise thorough on fat burning and nutrient absorbing and a sound rest to support it all.

To accompany this regime, dietary weight lose pills are worthy inclusions with their potent results, however their chances of side effects make them a threat. These dietary pills can accelerate both the effects of diet and exercise, only to deliver you body of other health threats like -diarrhea, abdominal disorder, insomnia, poor heart health and such. Now true the side effects of weight loss pills are too thwarting to health, yet their benefits are impossible to ignore. What is the solution then? The solution is fat burning massage oils.

What is essentially an essential oil?

Essential oils, also known as volatile oils, at the most rudimentary terms can be regarded as natural/herbal oils. In a more scientific sense, an essential oil is a thick hydrophobic liquid with volatile chemical compound from plants. Typically these oils have the odour of the source they are extracted (by the process of distillation) from. Essential oils are called so, as they contain the essence of the plant they are extracted from, in terms of its fragrance. In a way these essential oils largely differ from common fatty oils is that they can completed evaporate without residual remains or stains.

What are essential weight loss massage oils?

Fat burning oils are not known to directly burn through your fat reserve; however, once the nutrients in these oils are absorbed by your body they can trigger indirect effects like, body detoxification and enhanced metabolism that in turn can reduce your fat. Now when you diet and exercise, you will get rid of the upper layers of fat very easily. However, the final chunk, that will make the complete difference in your look, can be quite adamant. This is when you will need all the help you can get, massage oils being one of them.

How it works?

Now remember that a massage with an essential oil won’t break down you fat reserve. However, it will make your skin breathable, relax body muscles and tissues, enhance your blood circulation, reduce stress, boost your flexibility and stimulate endorphins. Now you might ask how are these benefits of fat loss oil massages related to weight loss? Why, it’s quite simple really. With these benefits in motion, you will get a sound rest, an improved metabolism, therapeutic relief to pain ( by stimulating endorphins,) and higher body capacity to indulge in exercise -factors that will directly impact on your weight loss regime.

Different fat loss massage oils and what they are made of:-

Fat loss massage oils are a very popular product, and rightly so, when a major chunk of the world’s population suffer from obesity. Now, with different companies with their own sets of researches and developers, these massage oils see a great range of diversity among them. With chemically advanced products to absolutely herbal ones -choices are one too many. Although, it is hard to argue the edge of one over the other, it is possible to choose over the range of potential side effects. Once again chemical oils are not largely feared to exhibit side effects, but considering the unique anatomy of every individual it is always safe to opt for herbal or Ayurvedic massage oils for weight loss. Additionally, herbal products have their own nutrition values that are absorbed by the skin and muscle tissues for various benefits.

Essential body massage oil to reduce fat
Ayurvedic massage oil for weight loss

Peppermint essential oil

Peppermint oils are great massage oils for promoting weight loss, especially because they are sincere benefactors to your exercise regime. Factors like, energy boosting, relief to sore muscles and reducing damage tissue recovering time, work together to make your workout efforts superiorly effective. Peppermint oil specifically relaxes the bronchial muscles and increases the oxygen retention capacity of brain. This particular benefit will help you cruise through power workout without losing a handle on your breathing. Peppermint oil is also known to have slight influences on increasing your level of satisfaction that can cut down your carb craving.

This natural oil for weight loss, with peppermint extracts prove a soothing cooling effect when applied, concentrated or diluted. Apart from weight loss, Peppermint oil also exhibit, antibacterial, choleretic, carminative, secretolytic and cholagogue actions. Peppermint oil is found to contain, pulegone ( a natural pesticide,) menthol, menthone, cineol, menthyl acetate, limonene, beta-pinene, and beta-caryophyllene.

Grapefruit essential oil

Grapefruit oil is extremely popular massage oil for fat loss. And this is because the effects of grapefruit oil are seen in a much deeper levels of our anatomy. A pivotal compound in grapefruit oil, D-Limonene, helps augment your metabolic activities and cleanse the lymphatic system. And it is this lymphatic system that helps your body commute nutrients from your tissues to blood. This property is not just characterized to grapefruit oil, but every other oil of citrus peel extract.

Grapefruit is also found to impact nerve functions that regulate cardiovascular and digestive activities. Grapefruit oil is majorly comprised of D-Limonene ( 88-95 % ) whilst the remaining is comprised of components like neryl acetate and decyl acetate, vitamin c, Vitamin A, Lycopene, caprinaldehyde, terpinene, pinene, myrcene, thujene, linalool and citronellol.

Ginger essential oil

Ginger oil’s primary benefit is its capacity to enhance digestion and nutrient absorption. This enhanced digestion and nutrient absorption promotes your body’s cellular energy, which in turn, fastens your weight losing efforts. Essential Ginger fat burning oils are found rich in a component called gingerol that characterizes the oil with anti-inflammation and anti-oxidant properties. With reduced pain, swelling and inflammation, you will actively indulge in fat reducing workout sessions. As every essential oil carry the essence of the natural herb it’s extracted from, Ginger essential oil carries the potent energizing essence of ginger.

Massaging with this oil is known to trigger a stimulatingly warm sensation. Additionally it establishes a healthy appetite, clear respiratory tract, reduced feeling of stress, sadness, anxiety, lethargy, fatigue, dizziness, and increased concentration. Due to such strong benefits that will condition you both physically and mentally, the oil is popularly known as,”The Oil of Empowerment.” Ginger essential oil mainly constitutes of, camphene, B-Phellandrene, Alpha – Pinene, Geranial, Zingiberene, Beta – Bisabolene, Beta-Sesquiphellandrene and curcumene.

Cinnamon essential oil

Cinnamon essential oil have two main varieties, depending on its core essence. Cinnamon Leaf essential oil and Cinnamon bark essential oil. However, both the types’ exhibit similar health benefits when applied as an essential fat reducing oil. Balancing blood sugar level and reducing sugar carving are two most prominent benefits. Unstable blood sugar levels lead to excess sugar craving and over-eating. Cinnamon essential oil, balances out both these aspects. When you are following a weight loss regime, barring the entry of new fat is as important as burning the existing fat. Hence, by cutting short on sugar-craving and over-eating, cinnamon essential oil takes care of a significant aspect of weight loss.

Cinnamon oil is also a strong cardio-protecting agent, meaning it will protect your cardiovascular system during your heavy weight loss workout sessions. In addition to these benefits, cinnamon essential oil shows possibilities of immunity boost, pain relief, improved metabolic function, libido stimulation and virus eradication. This significant fat loss oil is comprised of, Cinnamaldehyde, Cinnamyl, Acetate, Eugenol and Eugenol Acetate.

Lemon essential oil

Lemon essential oil, with sharp and fresh smell and pale greenish yellow colour, exhibit an extremely wide range of therapeutic benefits. Lemon essential oils have proven to be, anti-anemic, ani-rheumatic, bactericidal, antimicrobial, anti-sclerotic, carminative, antiseptic, cicatrisant, diaphoretic, haemostatic, febrifuge, insecticidal, rubefacient, vermifuge, diuretic and depurative. When lemon essential oils is diluted in bath or massaged, it can  aid with digestion, energy boosting, fatigue reduction, infection prevention, flu, rheumatism, obesity, depression and stress.

This essential oil is extracted from fresh citrus peel of orange, and is high in Limonene that boosts your metabolism and cleanses your lymphatic system. Additionally, studies show that inhaling the scent of lemon essential oil can establish neural pathways that facilitate activities leading to breakdown of fat. In terms of its composition, it features, Alpha-pinene, Camphene, b-pinene, sabinene, mycrene, Alpha-terpinene, linalool, b-bisabolene, limonene, trans-alpha-bergamotene, nerol and neral.

Fennel essential oil

If you are looking for best massage oils for reducing belly fat, look no more; fennel essential oil is what you need. Fennel essential oil with fennel essence at its core, has a licorice touch to it. The melatonin in fennel essential oil directly impacts your carb craving, consequently preventing any new fat accumulation. Fennel oil is also a great advocate of digestive aid and sound sleep. Together fetching you a complete rest, metabolism and nutrient absorption.

If you are looking for best massage oils for reducing belly fat, look no more; fennel essential oil is what you need. Fennel essential oil with fennel essence at its core, has a licorice touch to it. The melatonin in fennel essential oil directly impacts your carb craving, consequently preventing any new fat accumulation. Fennel oil is also a great advocate of digestive aid and sound sleep. Together fetching you a complete rest, metabolism and nutrient absorption.

Note that the fennel essential oil is found in two varieties -sweet and bitter. The sweet fennel essential oil is too potent in its effects and overdosing may cause narcotic effects. This spicy-smelled herbal essential oil is comprised of -alpha-pinene, mycrene, fenchone, trans-anethole, methyl chavicol, limonene, eucalyptol and anisic aldehyde.

Note that the fennel essential oil is found in two varieties -sweet and bitter. The sweet fennel essential oil is too potent in its effects and overdosing may cause narcotic effects. This spicy-smelled herbal essential oil is comprised of -alpha-pinene, mycrene, fenchone, trans-anethole, methyl chavicol, limonene, eucalyptol and anisic aldehyde.

Where can you buy the massage oils

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where to buy massage oils for weight loss

If you are wondering where to buy massage oils for weight loss, than the solution is pretty simple -e-commerce websites. In current times almost every product you can think of is available through e-commerce portals. The best thing about e-commerce portals is that you get offers in price and quality from different companies on a same product. This gives you a greater flexibility of selection. Additionally, before you plan to buy essential massage oils for weight loss reviews relevant to your product will be available on the internet as well. It is always recommended to go through a couple of product reviews before you settle for a purchase.

Precautionary measures

Remember these natural essential oils are highly concentrated and potent. If it is a massage you are aiming at, you must dilute/diffuse these oils before you apply them on your skin. These oils can also be added by few drops in water and then take a bath dip in it. Now concentrated forms are best avoided, as they might cause irritation or allergies, especially on individuals with pre-existing skin difficulties.

Always note that the effects of nutrients largely depend on the manner of heir absorption by your body. When the nutrients are consumed and absorbed internally by your body, their effects are potent, greater still when directly injected into the bloodstream. In case of massage oils however, their effects are very much indirect. Once you apply the massage oils on your skin, the oil evaporates without leaving any residue, and the nutrients are absorbed by your skin and muscles. The same nutrients when consumed orally will exhibit different biological activities. Although these essential oils for weight loss won’t directly burn your fat, but will trigger condition like sound mind, high energy levels, better digestion and metabolism, reduced sugar craving, reduced stress, and such that will help you achieve your weight loss goals.

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