Wednesday, October 23, 2024
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HomeBusinessFirearms Safety Tips

Firearms Safety Tips

Great curiosity arises when we talk about firearms, unfortunately this is due to the lack of space for discussion, through the media, on the subject.

The theme of firearms usually comes up when we deal with the context of crimes, massacres, assaults and robberies, police conflicts and so on. Unfortunately, firearms are used for these purposes, but it is necessary to look at the other side of the coin, as situations in which people were saved by quick actions by people who have firearms, police and so on.

Care and safety with firearms

Despite the “bad image” to which firearms are linked in our society, we cannot deny the benefits and security that they bring us if well used, within the law and with responsibility for the purposes of self-defense.

One of the great doubts for many people is whether the possession of a gun is legalized here or not and what are the procedures for acquiring a firearm legally if this permission is granted.

There are several rules to be followed to maintain safety with firearms. For this reason, we have separated the most relevant points that can happen more frequently on a daily basis, and adapted this material to guide all practitioners of sport shooting, or who have possession of a firearm:

Care in handling the gun

  • Whenever you pick up a gun, make sure it’s loaded, until it’s verified for sure, keep it pointed in a safe place
  • Keep the AR 15 mag loader clean without any oil. Keep it ready for use.
  • When dealing with a revolver open a drum and check all the chambers and with a pistol remove the charger and pull the bolt back several times and with it pulled, insert the little finger into the chamber if you cannot see it.
  • Always make sure that your thumbs are out of the pistol bolt path or the side of the revolver bolt barrel, otherwise you may be injured or burned.

Firearm care at home

  • At home, always keep your gun in a safe place but with quick access.
  • Likewise, get used to always keeping the same place: flashlight, scissors, batteries, ammunition, etc. facilitating access to these tools in the dark and in stressful situations.
  • If there is someone else trained (and authorized) to use the weapon, never move it without warning or the other way around.
  • Do not manipulate weapons in the presence of children who are already discerning, if you are not going to let them handle and be educated for their function (protection) and correct use. This is one of the biggest causes of domestic firearm accidents.

In fact, you only hold the weapon with your ring and middle fingers. The thumb and little finger should not be used to hold the revolver. Hold tightly, as if you are giving a handshake in which you have to prove your strength. Make sure the hand starts to shake a little. Relax a little. There, that’s the right point of tension between your hand and the gun.

The decree determines the weapons of restricted and allowed in the country, but the Disarmament Statute has received some changes earlier this year by a new decree, which eases some issues related to the ownership, possession and purchase weapons.

This document was revised and prohibited the carrying of weapons classified as portable and non-portable, such as rifles and shotguns, except for rural residents (with some prerequisites) who can purchase portable weapons. This classification of the types of weapons carried was established in the new decree.

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