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HomeSports & GamesFunny Sports Pics: What’s So Hilarious About Them?

Funny Sports Pics: What’s So Hilarious About Them?

In this article, we will share some funny sports pics that will keep you amused. Most of these are spontaneous actions/reactions though players love making hilarious faces or giving funny poses on the field.

Flip through the age-old or current albums of sports pictures and you will surely find some of these purely hilarious. Though most of these pictures involve sportsmen, some of them are about hilarious actions/reactions of sports officials and even audience.

Efforts and Elegance

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    This photo is from 2014 Winter Olympics. The camera captured Japan’s Mao Asada making this face while twirling on the ice during the Figure Skating Women’s Short Program.

    Elegance is the most importance aspect of figure skating. A great performance always demands a lot of effort that go unseen. Though the grace of her moves did not go unnoticed, her face told how much difficult it was to deliver perfection.  

    Chaos and Confusion

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    Football is a game of physical contact. Dodging, tackling, collision and injury are a part of the game. Hitting the ground after a rough tackle is common but leaves the players involved with great pain.

    However, in this pic, these actions-reactions gets to a new level as the helmet flies off!

    Helmets are usually a very good cover to mask the players’ expressions and this pic shows what the player felt when he was pinned to the ground. Even if the picture may cause laughter at the first glance, on a close inspection, you may feel pain for the player.

    Prevention Better Than Playing

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    In baseball, we see players step up to hit the ball. What if a ball flying fast at the batter’s head?  Instincts will tell you “Be quick, stay away from the line of the ball”. Chase Headley did just that. He shied away to avoid being directly hit by the ball.

    However, the ball does not look to go straight and hit Headley. However, his panicking made a perfectly funny pose for the cameraman and he did not miss!

    Hit and Make Fun


    Marouane Fellaini plays for Manchester United. He is a popular name among English soccer lovers. The audiences love his skill on field. However, one unfortunate on-field event made him a subject of several hilarious memes.

    Fellaini’s facial expression tells a lot about how much he went through after being hit by a ball. Unfortunately, the incident became a favourite with meme-makers.

    However, the Italian took the jokes in a light vein and even tweeted the pic himself. He even went ahead to thank the fans for the funny pic.

    A Powerful Shot


    Tennis needs enormous strength, agility and flexibility. Players need to move quickly from one side to another to smash the ball and send it to the opponent’s court. All celebrity tennis players are hard hitters; hence, you can imagine how much effort they put in their play.

    A look at the players’ faces tells all about how playing tennis is an all-body movement. It is one of the most hilarious sports pics, where, one of the all-time greats Raphael Nadal is giving his 100% on this shot. Did he score a point after it?

    A Funny Man Making Faces

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    Jordon Poole is a popular basketball player who plays for the Golden State Warriors team. He has made a name for his talent. Jordon is also loved for making funny faces. It is one of those funny photos that expose his funny side.

    Whenever he makes a new funny face, it adds to shutterbugs’ collection and may be, to his own hard disc too. The player will always be remembered for his skill and funny facial expressions.

    We are curious to know what prompted him to make such a hilarious face.

    Caught Unprepared


    Ben Zobrist is a celebrity baseball player. However, you are less likely to get an impression from the photo.

    Zobrist, appearing in the Tampa Bay Rays’ jersey, was caught totally unprepared while trying to catch the ball seemingly on its way to hit his head. He looks focussed on the ball. We hope he managed to avoid being hit on the face.

    Swimmers’ Synchronized Rage

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    Synchronized swimming is a fascinating sport! What seems effortless elegance requires a lot of hard work on part of swimmers. The athletes need to synchronize their movements with the music and their facial expressions should reflect the actions.

    In a word, these athletes are powerful actresses. The facts that intensity of music and movements always produces strange expressions on their face are often overlooked.

    We guess it must have been an intensive moment to make them such an angry face. They deserve a good grade for such a wonderful synchronized reflection of vengeance.

    Oh, That Went a Wrong Way


    When someone is playing, it is nearly impossible to focus on other things. See the pic and the realization will soon dawn on you.

    The hockey player paid a little attention while turning his water bottle and it went wrong. The moment was embarrassing for the player and someone quickly captured it before he realized his mistake.

    The moment is likely to linger in his memory.

    Not a Funny Moment with the Fan 

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    Passive participation of audiences is one of the best aspects of baseball. They can catch the balls that the batters hit out of the field.

    In the pic, a fan seems to get over excited and got hold of the ball when outfielder Scott Podsednik was trying to catch it. Unfortunately, he was hit on the face by the over-excited fan. However, we are sure the fan did not want to punch him but it just happened.

    Giant and Dwarf


    We don’t think it’s a funny photo but the height difference will make you laugh. Manute Bol, at 7 feet, 7 inches, was one of the tallest players in the NBA. On the other hand, Spud Webb is one of the shortest players in the NBA. Spud was 5 feet 6 inches.

    The height difference looks more striking and odd when they are seen standing together in the pic. Both of them was known for their incredible skill and spent a good time at NBA.

    Flawless Move & Funny Face

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    The figure skater was surely enjoying his music and we cannot help but praise his effortless movements. However, his facial expression is too bizarre to praise!

    We admit the photographer did a good job. Had he been late for one second, we could not have such a funny photo. The figure skater was too focused on maintaining balance on the icy floor to be aware of his funny face.

    The movement was graceful but his expression was not.

    Funny or Terrifying?

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    Did Phil Jones see something that inspired him to make such a funny face? However, we guess from his expression that it must have been a terrifying sight.

    We can clearly see lines on his forehead, with eyes bulging out, moth wide open and teeth in full display. The player looks terrified in the middle of the game.

    Did the opponent hit the net? Or was any of his teammates shown a yellow or red card? We don’t know for sure and can only guess.

    Crazy Face

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    The aesthetics in diving is too appealing to take your eyes off. It goes beyond walking to the corner of the springboard, jumping on it and diving into water. A diver twists his/her body in all directions before entering the water.

    The sport is physically demanding as well. The diver’s face says it all. The good part is these moments will last only a few seconds!

    Wrong Timing

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    The football player was not aware of his walking into the TV shot. The timing was wrong. He had removed his face mask and looked utterly confused.

    The referee only adds to the funny moment. He is calm and composed and that makes the player’s look more absurd.

    Love for the Ball


    The photo gives an impression that the goalkeeper stopped the ball from moving into the net. The expression in his eyes reflects the love for the ball. However, the way he looks at the ball is bizarre and hilarious.

    He looks smitten by the ball. It makes one of the funny sports pics. However, we cannot help but love the goalie’s admiration for the ball.

    Catch Me

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    Paired figure skating is more than just balance and aesthetics. It needs a lot of trust on each other. A perfect synchronization is most important. The woman needs to trust her male partner that he will catch her every time after she is thrown and tossed into the air.

    In the image, the woman skater clearly lacks the trust. In fact, she looks panicky and terrified at the possibility of being dropped on the ground. We are sure her partner caught her at the right time but it’s hard to believe from the photo.

    Oops Moments

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    Baseball is not a contact sport. Still, rough collisions are not rare incidents in the game. In the pic, second baseman Brandon Phillips collides with middle fielder Jonathan Villar. The collision definitely hurt both but Villar desperately trying to steal the second base gives the pic a tint of fun.

    Totally Miffed

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    Synchronized swimming is a team sport. The intensity and synchronization of movements makes it fascinating.

    All members must display the same movements at the same time to the beats of the music and also the same facial expression. Needless to say, it’s not an easy feat to achieve.

    Those facial expressions are the main attraction of synchronized swimming. From the pic, we can guess that something must have happened to bring out such a priceless expression that is a great mix of amazement and fear.

    Piggyback Moment

    The football player was trying hard to keep his opponent away from getting control of the ball. However, the tackling went a little bit aggressive. The player seemed to be taking part in an unprepared piggyback ride in the middle of the game.

    Why Picking Your Friend’s Nose?

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    There is an old adage: “You can pick your friends, you can pick your nose, but you cannot pick your friend’s nose.” However, it seems that the basketball player either has not heard the adage or is oblivion to it.

    To be honest, all he was trying to do is to block the shot. But the effort resulted into something that did not go well for both of them.

    Queer Look

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    In this pic, Chinese professional diver Qin Kai has a queer facial expression that tells us all about how much effort goes into scoring a good point.

    If tension in the muscles drops a hint, the face exposes more about the physical intensity of the sport. However, the players are not bothered about their queer expressions. Winning medals is what matters to them most.

    Ball on the Nose


    Photographers are smart. Perfect timing is the key to good photography, especially when it is about hilarious spots pics. In this photo, the photographer took the photo at the right moment.

    When the basketball player lifted his head after falling to the ground, the ball slammed into his nose.

    The photo resembles a dog playing with a ball resting on its nose. However, the incident must have been painful for the player.

    Headless Ghost?  


    Who could have thought that not the swords but the shoulder pads will make the football player look like a headless man? But it happened when those pads eased their way up over the player’s head, making him a headless figure falling to the ground.

    Funny and bizarre it looks! However, we hope that he was not injured after diving to the ground.

    I Wanna Help You

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    After the basketball player dribbled toward the basket, the opponent was trying hard to block his way not to be outsmarted.

    However, the photo gives us just the opposite impression as if the opponent player was helping his rival to dunk the ball, which is not an accepted rule in basketball.

    Throwing with Face?

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    Yes, it helps a shot-putter throw harder. Shot put is a demanding sport though does not look like that.

    The weight of the small metal ball that a female shot-putter holds and throws away is not less than 4 kg. Now that explains the expression on the athlete’s face as she gets ready to throw it away as far as she can with all her might.

    OMG, Is He Possessed?

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    Have we ever seen any tennis player not giving strange expression while hitting the ball hard with their best effort?

    In this photo, American Taylor Dent, who has now hung his boots, looks like being possessed by an evil power, with his left hand strangely resting on his chest. .

    Was it really something eerie Taylor?

    Too Close To Take Our Eyes Off

    Did these two players see the pic? If yes, they must have blasted out in laughter. Basketball is a contact sport. But these two got too much up close and personal with each other.

    Credit surely goes to the photographer who snapped it at the perfect moment. Definitely one of the funny sports pics!

    The photo creates an illusion that one player was trying to plant a kiss on other’s check. Did they really get that far? We’re just joking!

    Summary: This article is a collage of some of the best funny sports pics. Descriptions attached to images make it a more pleasant and hilarious read.

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