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HomeRelationshipGroom Calls off Wedding after Seeing Her Would-Be Bride’s DNA Test Report 

Groom Calls off Wedding after Seeing Her Would-Be Bride’s DNA Test Report 

How will you react if a groom calls off the wedding after the DNA test of her bride comes out? First, you will feel like cursing him. And then suddenly you will realize that something is wrong with the result, isn’t it? In this blog post, we will tell you about a similar incident. It is up to you to decide whether the groom and the bride made the right decision. 

Alina had tears in her eyes. She looked at Jim. They had spent a long time planning for the BIG day. Now the situation has come to such a point that they needed to make a decision – call off the wedding or carry on with the planning. But one thing is for sure – their relationship would not be the same after Alina’s DNA results came out.

When They Met First


Alina and Jim first met at work. Soon they forged friendship with each other. Jim was a joyous person and had an enviable ability to make Alina laugh anytime. With the passage of time, they started spending time with their colleagues.

One day, Jim asked Alina out for dinner.

First Date

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Their first date was magical. After dinner, they enjoyed their drinks. Next, they went to a park and spent hours talking and giggling. They got to know each other more closely. Alina felt Jim was the right person for her. 

Love Blossomed

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Soon they committed to each other. The office was a good place for their regular meeting. When they could not go out on a date, they used to text each other all night. Both of them had a strong feeling that they were made for each other.

Jim and Alina introduced each other to their friends. They decided to take their relationship to the next level and talk to their parents about it. They planned to meet each other’s parents over the holidays.

Alina went to meet Jim’s parents during the holidays. As soon as they opened the door, something about Jim’s father looked odd to Alina. He greeted Alina but soon started looking at her in a strange way.

Alina did not want to make a mountain of mole hills. After all, Jim’s parents liked her.

However, Alina could never forget the weird look in the eyes of Jim’s dad. The more she tried to ignore it, the more she was convinced that something was not right. She decided to talk to Jim about it.

Jim Was Shocked

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Jim assured Alina that he would talk to his father the next time they would be together. After a couple of months, Jim got an opportunity to ask his father about his weird look. Jim thought his father would laugh it away but he was surprised at his reaction.

The man took a deep breath. And then Jim realized that it was not some sort of misunderstanding. “Something is not right.”

Jim’s dad said something that was unexpected. He told Jim that Alina resembled someone known to him. On being asked who it was, his dad took another deep breath before saying, “Your uncle’s ex-girlfriend”.

Jim was shocked to hear it but soon plated out his logic. He told his father that it was not rare for two people to resemble each other. Moreover, the relationship had ended a long ago and since then, Jim’s dad had not seen the lady.


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Jim’s dad nodded his head but then revealed something that shook Jim. He went on saying that it was not just resemblance but Alina looked just like his brother’s ex-girlfriend. He even checked the social media to be confirmed.

Jim could not understand what these all meant. He asked his dad, “What’s the big deal about it?”

As if he was slowly opening the bottle of secrets, Jim’s dad explained that the woman got pregnant at the time when Jim was born. After knowing her pregnancy, Jim’s uncle left the town and the woman raised the child by herself.

Jim’s head was reeling. His mind drifted to the thought that he did not want to think. The only thing he could make out of his father’s explanation was that Alina was his uncle’s biological daughter. 

Suddenly he remembered that Alina was an adopted daughter and she had no idea who her biological father was. It meant Jim and Alina were cousins. 

Jim tried hard to catch sleep that night but could not. He stayed awake the whole night. Jim could not drive the thought away from his mind that he and Alina had a blood relation.

He browsed through her social media profiles. He wanted to gather information as much as possible. However, the mystery remained unsolved. He was still not sure about who Alina’s biological father could be.

Jim Told Everything to Alina

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The next day, Jim took Alina aside in free time and talked to her. Alina could sense from Jim’s face that something serious had happened.

Jim told everything that he had come to know from his father. He added that he still did not believe it. However, he insisted that they must find out the truth.

Alina was surprised; not a word escaped from her lips.

Alina Reacts

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Alina did not know how to react. How could it be just a plain coincidence? She revisited the timeline in her mind to understand the chronology. She decided to investigate the matter on her own.

Alina could hardly eat or sleep. She was hell-bent on knowing the truth. She tried to figure out the truth. If it turned out that she and Jim were cousins, they might have to end their relationship. She prayed to God that her nightmare turned wrong.

Alina got to know that her state maintained an adoption reunion registry. Therefore, she could get her adoptive parents’ information from the file. She visited the registry office to know the truth.

Unfortunately, she found nothing of importance. Alina was wondering if she would ever be able to discover the truth. She was frustrated. And then, an idea hit her mind.

DNA Test

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Alina signed up for several DNA tests online. She purchased DNA test kits and sent in her sample. The results were expected in a few weeks.

Meanwhile, Jim attempted to track down his uncle who had left the town many years ago. Jim’s dad also started looking for his estranged brother in Albany, New York.

Jim boarded a bus to Albany and visited his uncle’s last known address. He knocked on the door. Little did he know what he would face. 

A Shocking Revelation

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An older woman opened the door. Jim introduced himself and also explained the reasons for his visit.

The woman said that Jim’s uncle had left the house for years. Jim asked further if she had any idea about where his uncle might have gone. The woman said something shocking. She revealed what was apparently unbelievable.

“Your uncle has joined a cult.” Jim thought it a joke. But the woman looked serious. She disclosed that the cult members lived on a farm that was only 30-minute away.

All the residents in the town knew about the cult. However, it was not dangerous and they only kept to themselves.

The new revelations added to Jim’s worries. Now did he have to visit a cult to find out his uncle and talk to him about Alina? It was not less than a drama. But fact is always stranger than fiction.

A Visit to the Cult

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Jim visited the cult. He was a little bit nervous. He was sceptical about how the cult members would react. But the cult was not harmful at all.

Jim was escorted to the cult’s farm. A woman welcomed Jim at the front door of the house. Jim told her that he had been there for his uncle.

The woman grew a little suspicious but agreed to speak to his uncle if he would want to talk to his nephew.

Uncle Emerges

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Jim was waiting with bated breath on the front porch of the farm house. After 20 minutes had passed, an old man emerged. Jim made no mistake of identifying the man as his uncle.

Jim introduced himself to the old man and explained everything. He said that the entire thing was strange, adding that he was curious to know about Alina.

Jim’s uncle burst into laughter. He said that his girlfriend was pregnant with another man’s child. He denied that the child was his.

The man also explained that he had left the town as he wanted a change in his life and it had nothing to do with the child.

Jim thanked his uncle and bid him goodbye. Jim called Alina to give her good news.

Happiness Returned

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Alina jumped in joy. She heavily wanted to stay put with Jim and take the relationship further.

She felt relieved to hear from John. Now she had to wait for her DNA test results to be confirmed. .

DNA Test Report

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Alina’s DNA test report came in after a few weeks. She phoned Jim and requested him to present at the time when she would open the DNA test result on her laptop.  

Alina had sent her DNA samples to three different clinics. She had to check all three.

One by one, she opened the envelope to check if her report matched with the DNA sample of anyone else stored in their system. She found none who could be biologically related to her.

She started looking for siblings, cousins and more. Only distant relatives might not match.

Alina heaved a sigh of relief. There was nothing in her DNA test result to suggest that she and Jim had any blood relation. Moreover, Jim’s uncle also said that he had no child. All the information they have gathered so far turned out inconclusive.

Continued Relationship

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They thought over the possibility of their being cousins but it seemed almost nil. Had they been cousins, they would have got some evidence by now. Hence, they continued their relationship for another couple of years.

One night, Jim took Alina for dinner at the same restaurant where they dined out on their first date. “Will you marry me?” Jim asked Alina in a tone softer and sweeter than anything else in this world.

Alina did not think twice to say “yes”. She was madly in love with Jim. Both were excited. They started planning for their wedding and also about their future together.

Joking about Past

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Sometimes, Jim and Alina used to share jokes, even though it was for a brief time, about the odd story of how they thought they might have a blood relation.

Looking back, everything seemed all nuts. Alina had no idea about her biological parents. However, Jim had no doubt in mind that his uncle was a weird guy. Fortunately, the odds of their being cousins ended up being zero.

Wedding Day Around the Corner

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Jim and Alina started planning for their wedding. They enjoyed their bachelor and bachelorette parties with their close pals. It was like a dream coming true for them.

They had never thought on their first date that they would be so much in love with each other. The closer their wedding day approached, the more they loved each other.

The Big Day

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Finally, the wedding day arrived. A mixed feeling of nervousness and excitement occupied their mind.

All of their friends and close family members were invited to the wedding ceremony.  They were seated on the church pews. Alina along with her bridesmaids was in a back room.

They were talking and laughing over petty affairs while enjoying a few glasses of champagne. All of them were having a very good time.

Alina told her bridesmaids about the weird story. All of them had a hearty laugh. What was about Jim’s uncle’s being in a cult? It was so bizarre.

Alina’s bridesmaids told in unison. “It was all nuts.”

Bolt from the Blue

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Alina even showed them her DNA results. After a long time, she took a closer look at them. She signed into one of the three websites. Nothing new, nothing interesting!

She browsed through the second site. She found a result for a possible new third cousin.  However, it was not a close match.

Then she logged in to the last site. She found a new notification. She opened it and was flabbergasted.

She could not believe it. As soon as she clicked on the match, her hands started trembling. A man had logged in and sent in his DNA results. It was a 99% match – impossible to refute.

Her heart was racing, mouth felt dry. The man was none but Jim’s uncle. She was devastated. Her head was reeling and she could not see anything. Alina fell on the ground and fainted.

Alina’s friends were all around. They rushed to her. They started fanning her and brought her some water. Alina came around soon.

They questioned her about what had happened. She told them everything. At first, her friends did not take her seriously. But they soon realized that she was not joking.

Ceremony Only a Few Minutes Away

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The wedding ceremony was to start in a few minutes. What would Alina do? She asked her bridesmaids to call in Jim. They returned with Jim after a few minutes.

Alina told others to leave the room. She wanted to talk to Jim alone. Jim knew something was not right.

Alina’s lips were trembling. She tried hard to pry open her lips. The world around her came to a standstill.

She pointed her fingers to the computer screen. Jim walked over to her and looked at it. He fell to his knees.

He was shocked and heartbroken. How could it be true?

Jim could not make head or tail of anything. What about uncle’s claim? So, was he lying? The DNA test report could not be wrong. So, they were cousins.

Wedding Cancelled


Jim became teary-eyed. Tears started rolling down Alina’s cheeks. He told Alina they had no way but to cancel the wedding.

After the initial phase of shock, they became sure that luck had other plans in store for them. It was unlikely that they would ever live together. Now Jim needed to undergo his DNA test to find out if his’ and Alina’s would match.

However, there was not even a shade of doubt that he and Alina were related to each other.

Dashed Dream

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Both decided to call off their wedding. They found it difficult but then came to terms that they had to part their ways with each other.

However, they promised to each other that they would be friends forever. They would now have to rebuild their future.

The tragedy took a heavy toll on their mental health. Still, they went on with their lives. They were determined to find happiness once again.

Summary: Jim and Alina were head over heels in love with each other. They started planning for their wedding. The big day arrives. The ceremony was only a few minutes away when they decided to call off their wedding. Why? What prompted them to take such a drastic step? To know it, you have to read this post.

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