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HomeHealth & FitnessHow Mental Stress Cause Hair Loss And Will It Grow Back?

How Mental Stress Cause Hair Loss And Will It Grow Back?

There can be different causes of hair loss and we cannot define just one cause. If you are facing hair loss problems there could be number of reasons, like genes, hormonal imbalance, stress and age.

Most of the time it can be difficult to identify what exactly is the culprit of hair loss. If you are young (say below 30) and you are experiencing worst hair loss then you should get bit worried about your hair strands. This might be due to any hormonal imbalance or stress. Mostly people go for hair transplant in very young age and even teenagers are going for PRP treatment.

Sometimes it can be lack of nutritional diet but most of the time reason could be STRESS.

1.Stress and hair loss

Stress plays an important role in hair loss. Emotional stress can considerably slow, or even exploit your hair’s normal growth phase. Once the hair has stopped its growth cycle it remains inactive and ultimately sheds after about two months.

Stress can cause a range of different mental illnesses including anxiety, depression, and insomnia.

Generally, it is the stress for the reason of your hair loss. Most of the time hair loss caused by stress is not permanent and your hair will grow back with time.

2. Depression (Unresolved stress) and hair loss

If you suffer from long term stress (depression) you could be facing other symptoms that include hair loss. Depression and hair loss are related with each other and it can affect the quality of hair. With the passage of time your hair can become fragile and dry. Some anti-depressant medicines can have side effects that cause hair loss.

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3. Anxiety and hair loss

If you experience anxiety you might face hair loss. However, hair fall is never the only indicator of anxiety and it is unusual to experience hair loss if your anxiety is not severe.

Stress and anxiety are technically two separate situations, though, they do overlap. The key problem between hair loss and anxiety is stress. In a lot of ways, anxiety is extensive and constant stress, which can affect the growth cycle of your hair.

4. Will your hair grow back?

In most cases, hair loss caused by mental health problems can be treated. The basic issue of hair fall for the majority of mental health issues is stress.

Generally, stress stops the hair growth phase during a stressful period and remains dormant, which results in shedding of hair. If the stress is extended, the hair will not grow.


On the other hand, if the stress stops your hair will start again its normal growth cycle. And say after a month or so, you will notice your hair fall would have stopped and new hair will start growing.

If you still notice hair loss, there are a number of things that you can do to reduce hair loss and encourage new growth.

5.Nutrition and Diet

Consuming a nutritious and balanced diet is essential for the healthiness of your hair and body.

Although it is necessary to take in all of the key vitamins in a healthy diet, there are several vitamins that are essential for hair growth:

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  • Vitamin C:

This vitamin is necessary for developing the skin’s connective tissues that are found in hair follicles.

Foods that hold vitamin C are broccoli, citrus fruits, bell peppers, and strawberries.

  • Vitamin B:

This vitamin promotes a healthy metabolism, healthy skin and hair. Foods that consist of vitamin B are beans, dark leafy greens, nuts, and avocados.

  • Vitamin E:
  • This vitamin contributes to a healthy scalp. Foods loaded with vitamin E are spinach, sunflower seeds, olive oil, shrimp and broccoli.

Keep yourself hydrated is also necessary for overall good health. Every cell in your body depends on water to function appropriately.

Men should try to drink 15-16 glass of water a day, and women should go for 11-12 glass a day. This is the total can come from water, food, and other beverages. Keep your aim to drink 8 glass of water a day, and let the rest to come from your food and other beverages.

6. Stress management


You should try to manage your stress levels to reduce risk of hair fall. Some ways to reduce stress are:

  • Exercise:

Exercise is an excellent way to reduce stress. Try to have a walk daily, going for a dance class, or doing some backyard work.

  • Hobbies:

 Engage yourself with something that you enjoy doing can be a good approach to fight against stress. Think about doing some volunteer work, doing gardening, joining a theatre group, or opening an art project.

  • Writing:

Take a couple of minutes daily to write down your feelings and the things that can make you stressful. Reconsider the everyday items that generate your stress may assist you to find out ways to manage it.

  • Meditation and breathing:

Breathing and meditation are excellent ways to let you to focus on the present time. You should also try methods that merge meditation with physical exercise, like yoga.

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