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HomeEducation & CareersHow Education Can Effectively Remove Poverty?

How Education Can Effectively Remove Poverty?

Education is indeed so powerful that it can change the future of humanity by changing communities and nations across the world. Along with all its benefits that it has provided to the world, it has also given a hope that it can effectively remove poverty and discontent from different parts of the world.

According to Statista, one can define poverty as the state in which people don’t have enough capital to buy the basic needs of their families. In that case when people aren’t able to get their basic needs, how come will they send their kids to school for education? This is the question that is answered by different free education programs by governments and different NGOs.

In this modern world that is called a ‘Global Village’, it’s certainly not impossible to provide education to your kids if you have no money. Moreover, there are many assignments by a leading assignment writing service UK and other writing firms in which, enough is written about different free education opportunities.

Here are some proven points regarding why education is the ‘key’ to remove poverty from this world.

Global Education Monitoring

A report by UNESCO Global Education Monitoring team has recently provided many clues to overcome poverty through quality education. Moreover, the report states that there can be an effective impact of education on an individual’s earning capacity.

In fact, if all kids left school today with at least basic reading skills, more than 170 million people in different parts of the world can come out from extreme poverty at least. The Child Fund Organization states that the effects of poverty on kids are uncanny and they are led to some lifelong struggles because of poverty. The situation also gets worse when the kids are not given full basic education.

The Connection of Poverty and Education

There is indeed an inextricable link between education and poverty because poor people stop sending their kids to schools so that they can work and earn money. Back in 2016, the Child Fund Organization distributed around 40,000 solar lamps in the different region of India because there were no electricity facilities to read in nights.

The World Bank has also dedicated a full chapter on the relation of education with poverty. The chapter includes a number of instances that prove that education can play (has already played in different countries) a great role in reducing the factors of poverty.

Education and Empowered Women

If you are not making use of the power and potential of your women, you are wasting half of your strength. However, if you at least educate your women, they can effectively improve your lifestyle and can help you to improve your social status from extremely poor to a prosperous family.

According to The Borgen Project, educated women can take better decisions about the personal and economic matters of her home. Moreover, when women are educated, they build immense self-confidence to take care of their families even on rainy days. The project gives an example of the female farmers of Kenya that if they are provided proper education, they can increase the crop yield more than 20%.

Education and Poverty Alleviation

According to a paper by USI, only an additional year of education can have a positive impact on poverty and a person can increase his income by 10%. Moreover, if all the adults of the world had got a secondary education, more than 400 million people were not living in poverty today.

An educated person happens to have more skills and knowledge about how to earn money with consistency, and how to run a family in a limited budget. An educated person can not only increase his sources of income but can also improve his lifestyle accordingly.

Most importantly, to provide funds to the affected country or group of people is not a permanent solution to remove their poverty. Rather, the officials should provide them enough education so that they can learn to use their land, natural resources, and human labor.

 Poverty as a Threat to Humanity

According to research by Semantic Scholar, poverty is actually not less than a threat to humanity in this modern world. Moreover, apart from different programs and agendas over poverty, education is one of the most fundamental principles to ensure sustainable economic growth. It can precisely foster entrepreneurship and technology advances that effectively bring a nation out of extreme poverty. In addition, it also improves the income distribution among people.

Consequently, there is indeed a link between education and poverty that is actually indispensable. If you really want to get your people out from poverty and discontent, you should start educating them now. Remember, a balanced education system not only educated people but also improves productivity, income per capita, and your lifestyle!

Misty Mouhis
Misty Mouhis
Misty is a digital marketers and blogger who works for different online agencies from her home. After completing her studies, she started as a freelance social media marketer and today, she is doing SMO, SEO, SMM, and blog writing as well.
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