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HomeDigital MarketingHow to build a corporate Instagram

How to build a corporate Instagram

Here are 4 elements that will make your corporate Instagram stand out from the competition,

will be run in a professional manner and you will gain more customers:

Take corporate Instagram seriously, that is about photos, content and content plan.

Do you want to run your corporate Instagram well and professionally? Do you want it to bring you profits? These 3 steps are your Instagram must-have:

Take care of the photos.

It’s as simple as that, and many people forget it. People take pictures with a weak phone camera, do not use additional lighting or take pictures without any idea, on the basis of “how it turns out, it turns out”. Effect?

Poor photos that don’t attract attention and encourage neither observation nor interest in the product. It is a waste of time for such careless actions.

Copying Facebook posts is NOT a good idea.

Many people do this. Why shouldn’t you do this? For two reasons.

Firstly. Do you know if you have the same audience on your Instagram and Facebook or if they are completely different people?

If these people match, they will see the same content on your Instagram and Facebook. At best, you’ll end up looking like a boring person / brand that isn’t very exciting and their profiles are rather a bit monotonous – the same everywhere.

Secondly. Instagram and Facebook are two different tools that users have different approaches to and share completely different content on them.

Facebook is becoming a more reliable platform than ever before. Now that the company doesn’t have a Facebook profile, it’s almost non-existent. This is where people check opinions about the brand and learn more about it, Instagram is more intimate and spontaneous.

Let’s see it on an example … If you were some social media, you would be Facebook from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm (when you are at work), and after 4:00 pm to late evening you would be Instagram (more relaxed, funny, lifestyle).

It is for these reasons that it is not worth copying content. It is worth distinguishing between them.

 Task: Create separate content for Instagram and Facebook. Differentiate them and adapt them to the place where you publish them.

 Open your profile to the world and to better opportunities.

What does it mean? This means that you should ensure that:

Your profile was public

This most often applies to people who have decided to create a personal brand over time. If you ever wanted only your friends to be able to view your profile, it’s time to quit or start a new corporate Instagram.

If you have set the so-called private profile, the person cannot view the content you share without your consent (they must first ask for it).

Private profiles have smaller ranges, they cannot use advertising activities in the Instagram network, and … let’s face it – at the beginning of business, we care more about customers, not the other way around, so it is not worth making it difficult for them to find, know and like us

Make your account a business account.

It will take you a minute, it’s free and doesn’t oblige you to anything, and you will gain access to a very detailed statistics panel for every single post you post! It’s also useful to verify your account – check out How to get verified on Instagram here

The second issue is a small gray text that will be added to your bio – thanks to it, the person after entering the profile can immediately see that it is a business profile, he sees who you are or what you do, it is another small element that ultimately affects your reliable.

Direct Messages, i.e. direct contact with a potential customer

Direct Messages, i.e. direct messages. On Facebook, anyone can write a private message to any user (one that only they can see). They are located in the upper right corner of the application.

You get to know your audience.

This is invaluable knowledge, and Instagram gives you the opportunity to talk to each of them individually. As your social media grows, you will inevitably lose the possibility of such direct contact with another human being as at the very beginning.

And the truth is, if you want to create products / content / services that people will buy, they have to be the answer to their actual problems and needs. To get to know them… you have to talk to them.

Instagram gives you such an opportunity – you can not only exchange a few sentences with your recipient, but also enter his profile and see what a person is, what he does, what he is.

Use the potential of Insta Stories

Instagram Stories deserve a separate article (which will probably appear soon), but here I will try to summarize the most important tips. If you are wondering how to stand out on Instagram, you must experiment with this tool.

Insta Stories have been with us since August 2016 and from month to month they are gaining more and more popularity among Instagram users. This is nothing more than short reports in the form of videos or photos that appear on our profile for 24 hours. After this time – they disappear. If you’ve used Snapchat, you surely know this mechanism. Insta Stories of the people you follow can be found at the very top of the application window.

Test, check, act

What works for others may not work for you (and vice versa). Therefore, do not take all the clues you come across as revealed truths! ? Approach them with distance (also from those you are reading now on my blog). Learn to use the tips you encounter as much as possible, but also to approach them with distance and test on your own account.

Only in this way will you find out if it works for you. Don’t be afraid to experiment and challenge the advice of ubiquitous experts? One thing is for sure – instead of figuring out how to stand out on Instagram, act! You just have to act to achieve results. Without it, no tips will have any effect.

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