Thursday, October 24, 2024
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HomeBusinessHow to Change the Blades on a Riding Lawn Mower

How to Change the Blades on a Riding Lawn Mower

Lawn mowers are used for a variety of different reasons because they can be useful tools to have around any home. One part that is essential to the proper functioning of any lawn mower is the blade or blades that it uses.

The blades on a lawn mower help cut and trim grass and other vegetation so that this clippings can be used as a source of nutrients for the lawn mower’s soil. Without blades, a lawn mower would only push vegetation around and not actually cut it at all.

Changing the blade or blades on a riding lawn mower is an easy process that can help keep the entire machine running properly. Blades need to be changed when they become dull, bent, ripped or otherwise compromised in some way.

It may also become necessary to change the blade or blades if they are simply too worn down from use or if new ones come with a new machine.

Steps to change the blades on a riding lawn mower

Follow these steps below to learn how to change the blades on a riding lawn mower:

Step 1 – Find Out What Kind of Mower You Have

This step is very important because there are different blades for different types of riding mowers. There are regular lawn mowers, zero turn and commercial mowers that all require their own specific blade type and size.

Step 2 – Jack Up the Blades Side of the Lawn Mower

Drive the riding lawn mower onto a flat surface where it will be able to sit comfortably without moving around. If this is not possible, drive it onto an unsafe area such as a steep hill or grassy area so that it cannot move on its own. Park the machine and set both parking brakes to make sure it sits securely in place.

Find and remove the bolts from underneath any side covers on the rider’s left side (right side if, of course, it is reversed). This will reveal the blade underneath and allow you to remove it by hand. If a side cover is not present on this side of the mower but there are still bolts under the mower’s body, remove them before going further.

Once all bolts have been removed from under the lawn mower, jostle the blade while pulling upwards with your other hand. The entire assembly should pull up and off after some work.

Step 3 – Attach New Blades

Once all old blades have been taken off, set them aside into a pile for later disposal or recycling. Make sure that you do recycle any parts from an older mower because they may still be able to serve other functions on the property.

Place a new blade onto the mower’s spindle with each hole over one of the bolt holes already in place from its predecessor. Replace bolts and tighten them down before putting any side covers back into position. Then, you are finished! Simply drive your machine wherever it is needed most to continue enjoying a weed-free lawn during warmer months.

As stated before, different types of lawn mowers have their own specific blades that need to be used for optimal performance and longevity. For example, commercial mowers may require special size blades or certain angles that regular residential riders do not need. It is very important that owners check what type of blade they require before purchasing them from a store or making an online purchase. If the wrong size or type is used, it will not cut correctly and could cause damage to other parts of the mower itself. Check with your owner’s manual for blade details.

Good:  You’ve just removed a blade that has served you well and replaced it with a new one. Now, you can get back to maintaining your lawn and keeping weeds away!

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