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HomeHealth & FitnessHow to deal With Common Health Problems During Pregnancy?

How to deal With Common Health Problems During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a time of embracing changes as your body adjusts to novel demands of growing and holding a baby inside you. You may be all well and good one moment and wailing the next because you suddenly had an excruciating cramp. Welcome to motherhood!

Cramps are not the only annoying problem that arise during pregnancy. There are several issues like these that although do not pose any risk to your or baby’s well being but sparing some attention you can elevate your quality of life.

Here we are addressing some of these problems with proposed solutions, tips, and tricks that you can try ad get some much-needed relief. You can find and consult the best gynecologist in Pakistan using marham.pk. You can also use marham.pk to locate the best gynaecologist near you.


Leg and foot cramps inflict intense pain and may make you literally jump out of the bed. As these occur usually at night and can be pretty disturbing provided that you are already unable to sleep well.

  • You can mitigate this pain by stretching your calf muscles before bedtime. Always consult your doctor before doing any exercise in pregnancy. You can also get help in this regard from the antenatal classes.
  • When you get the cramp to pull your toes toward your knee while keeping the leg straight. This will relieve the cramp.
  • To relax sore muscles after a cramp, consider using a hot water bottle and massage.

Frequent Urination

The urge to urinate again and again to what seems like a hundred times a day is another bothersome fact of pregnancy. However, limiting your water intake is not what will work well for you and your baby. You need lots of water and staying hydrated is of utmost importance during pregnancy.

  • To limit bathroom trips at night however you can limit water and fluid intake before sleeping.
  • Consult your gynaecologist if you feel pain, pressure, or burning sensation while urinating.


Indigestion and heartburn hit a lot of ladies, especially during the second and third trimester. Avoid self-medication for relief. Consult your doctor If it gets worse. Some useful tips are mentioned below which can help you in this regard.

  • Eat small meals throughout the day.
  • Avoid spicy and fried foods.
  • Stay hydrated.
  • Avoid carbonated drinks as a remedy for indigestion.
  • Avoid laying down right after a meal.
  • Some people feel relief in heartburn by drinking milk or eating some yogurt.

Varicose vein

Swollen, red or purple tinged clusters of very thin veins on legs usually form in pregnancy. These can be painful and cause discomfort. Following steps mentioned below, you can avoid or make the varicose veins less uncomfortable.

  • Avoid standing still for a long time period.
  • Do not cross your legs while sitting.
  • Try to keep your foot higher than the rest of your body while resting.
  • Indulge in gentle physical activity daily like a stroll or swimming if allowed by your gynecologist.
  • Wear supportive stockings.
  • Consult your doctor if you find any painful, red or swollen area on your legs.

Stretch Marks

Another reality of pregnancy is stretch marks that may appear on your thighs, arms, and tummy. Use of a good moisturiser is advised throughout pregnancy to keep skin moist and hydrated and avoid the appearance of stretch marks. You can also consult your gynecologist to recommend a good cream for the prevention of stretch marks.


Backache is a staple during pregnancy. You can alleviate this by resting and continuing the use of calcium, vitamin D, and other vitamins as prescribed by your doctor. You can also ask for some safe to do exercises that you can do to stretch that aching back and get some relief.

Pain under the feet

Thanks to that increasing body weight you also suffer from pain under feet during pregnancy. Counter this by avoiding standing still for a long time. Put your feet in mildly warm water or get a foot massage to feel better. Also, wear supportive and comfortable flat-heeled footwear.
Maintaining a good posture also helps in relieving backache as it can worsen in those who slouch.

Genital Varicose veins

Some women may face varicose veins near the vaginal opening. This is a very painful condition. You can get some relief by resting time and again during the day. Some people find it helpful to practice pelvic floor exercises for this problem.


Many women get affected by haemorrhoids during pregnancy and it gets better only after the baby is born. To improve your condition mention this to your gynaecologist and ensure enough fibre in your diet. Avoid sitting for long periods. Rest enough to relieve pressure on veins. If you have excessive bleeding or find it difficult to pass stool consult your doctor there are medications that can be safely used to counter this problem.

Stress Incontinence

As the pregnancy advances you may feel it impossible to control urine resulting in leakage of urine when you cough or sneeze. This is partly due to the pressure of the growing size of the uterus on the bladder. Weak pelvic floor muscles further add to it.

  • Strengthening pelvic floor muscles will help you counter this problem to some extent.
  • You can consult a physiotherapist for pelvic floor strengthening therapy.
  • Doing Kegels is also recommended to strengthen your pelvic floor.

Stuffed nose

Many women suffer from a stuffy nose, runny nose, and nose bleeds in the initial trimester of pregnancy and this may last till the birth of the baby. This is due to pregnancy hormones which cause the lining of nasal passage to swell and become sensitive.

  • Try no to blow your nose too hard to prevent bleeding.
  • Don’t give in to the temptation of using over the counter remedies. Not all of these are safe to use during pregnancy.
  • You can use plain saline drops with no other added chemicals.
  • The use of steam is also known to relieve this symptom.

To get help in any problem related to pregnancy and conceiving you can visit Marham.pk and find the best gynaecologist in Pakistan. You can also book appointments and get online help via our website and app.  

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