In an online world with nearly limitless content, getting your website to land on top of search engine results is paramount when it comes to people actually seeing your site. Domain authority is the industry name given to search engine rankings, and increasing that domain authority should be very high on your to-do list regarding your website.
There are several ways to do this, some more common than others, and working to improve that domain authority should be a part of every digital marketing strategy your team has. Here are some tips for getting your site at the top of Google and other search engines.
Add Content Frequently
We’ll get to the “hows” of good content in a second, but planning on having a constant flow of anything new on your site is point number one for increasing domain authority. DA metrics of your site (and your competitors’ sites) are updated about every three weeks, so you want new content at least that frequently… weekly is an even better goal if you have the ability!
Optimize That Content
Search engine optimization is the fancy term for “winning the Domain Authority game,” and the best ways to do so are through intelligently built content. Keyword stuffing is no longer a recommended strategy, but variations of keywords should be included throughout any given content being posted. Utilizing internet services such as BiQ Keyword Intelligence show you what things are being searched the most in regards to your content, and building content to match those searches will get you ahead in the aforementioned DA game.
Good Links
This is a double-sided sword that cuts well in both directions. If you link quality sites to your content (like I just did), it increases the likelihood of being higher on search engines, and it also just adds to the overall quality of your content, making your site much more likely to be linked to in someone else’s content.
Bad Links
As webpages are being added, deleted, and changed on the daily, it is almost as important to go back and ensure all of your content links are still live than it is to create new ones, as mentioned above. The good think with link checking is, you don’t have to change your content, you simply just remove the hyperlink that is sending your readers to nowhere.
Increase Loading Speed
It’s 2020, and nobody has happily waited for a page to load in about a decade and a half. With that, if your site loads slowly, you will lose readers, according to data analysis professionals in the marketing field. In order to do this, you don’t have to be an expert, you just have to use the right tools. Google Developers created a PageSpeed tool that will give you data on your site and let you know the “whys” and “wheres” that are causing your page to load slower than it needs to.
Be Mobile Friendly
In addition to not waiting for pages to load, it’s also the new normal to search for things from a mobile device. In 2019, close to 60% of Google searches were done from a mobile device, meaning if you’re site is not mobile friendly, you’re losing a lot of potential readership. Most web building apps make it quick and easy to “mobilize” your site, and if your web building app does not do that, you should be looking elsewhere.
Be Friendly, Friendly
Social media is also a great place to build readership and turn people on to your content. Depending on the popularity of a given social media post, organic traffic to your site due to said post can be larger than if you created absolutely perfect content on you site from an SEO perspective. Most social media services are now connected and you can share you content across many platforms with the click of a button.
Be Ready for Change
As the SEO world changes as rapidly as any industry around, be ready to tweak all of these strategies as Google tweaks their own algorithms that rank websites. Ultimately, Google wants to provide the best content to those people searching on their site, and creating solid, readable, engaging content is one trend that isn’t likely to change.