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HomeArts & EntertainmentHow To Measure Your Podcast Success

How To Measure Your Podcast Success

So, how do you measure the success of a podcast?

Podcasting is a powerful content marketing medium with a ton of benefits to your business when done well.

Creating podcasts for your business can help you build brand authority, awareness, and trigger conversion, build stronger relationships with your target audience, increase sales, and more.

A report published on the assignment writing services blog suggests that 20% of consumers have purchased a product or service after hearing about it in a podcast.


Think about what that means for your business now that podcast listenership is expected to grow as the demand for on-demand audio continues to grow significantly due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Podcasting is a $1 billion industry already.

If you’re not doing it then you’re giving your competitor the edge.

But creating podcasts is half the battle. You also need to track the performance so you can adjust your content marketing strategy appropriately like paper writer do.

The begging question: How do you measure the effectiveness of a podcast?

How to measure your podcast success isn’t as simple as measuring other marketing efforts. However, there are crucial metrics you can use to measure the success of your podcast to help you determine whether it’s the best marketing medium for your business.

More often than ever, we see marketers make the mistake of measure the effectiveness of their podcast by focusing solely on the number of downloads each podcast episode gets.

While this is just fine, sometimes this isn’t enough to tell whether podcasting is fruitful. There are many other metrics to measure the success of your podcast. -which is exactly what we’re going to talk about in this article.

Ready to learn how to measure your podcast success?

Alright, let’s dive in.

How to Measure Podcast Success

Here are the 5 key metrics you should be watching if you want to measure the effectiveness of your podcast:

Relationship and Trust

When done well, podcasting can build trust with your audience. It can also help to demonstrate industry expertise and build connections with your prospective customers.

The beauty of podcasting is that it helps you build relationships and engage with an audience you’d probably dream of meeting.

And building engagement with these people could bring more revenue to your business

Granted, podcasting helps you build three types of relationships as mentioned below:

Industry experts

According to Jonathan Ludrick, a professional podcaster who works with ProEssay Writing and an uk.superiorpapers.com, podcasting can connect you with prospective customers, referral partners, and industry influencers when done properly. Industry influencers a key people that drive the industry you’re in and can hugely impact your brand. Having them speak at an upcoming live event you’re hosting or asking them to share your podcast episodes with their followers could help to bring your brand to the limelight.

Prospective customers

Podcasting also helps you create relationships with your target customers. Podcasting positions you as an industry expert rather than a salesperson.  This type of connection enhances your brand as you’re connecting 1 to 1 outside of a sales context.

Referral partners

Creating podcasts for your business can also help you build relationships with referral partners. Connecting with the right referral partner can benefit your business hugely especially for businesses in the B2B realm. So the number of referrals coming from the relationships you build with podcast guests is also another key metric to measure your podcast success.

Remember that referral partners can’t find you. You have to ask for them. Podcasting allows you to do this effectively.

You just need to drop an email to your podcast guests asking them to refer to you another guest they known in the industry who can be featured in your next show. And since you have already established a relationship with your podcast guests, they will likely refer you to someone they know can be your podcast guest.

Here are the key things to measure the success of your relationships:

·        The number of target customers you have established relationships with by requesting them to participate in your podcast show.

·        The number of potential referral guests you have built relationships with by asking them to be your podcast guests.

·        The value these relationships have in your pipeline.

·        The number of industry experts you have created relationships with by asking them to be your guests.

·        The number of closed deals coming from referral relationships.

·        The reach and engagement of the posts of industry influencers who have shared your podcast with their audience.

·        Any other opportunities created by these three types of relationships.


There is no denying that backlinks are still important, and will probably continue to be crucial for SEO. Multiple studies suggest that building quality backlinks help to increase organic traffic, increase rankings in SERPs, and can help Google discover new pages and content.

Backlinks also help to establish your brand as a thought leader.

When your podcast is linked to or featured in an authority website, Google counts that as a vote to your website. This way, the search engine pushes your podcast up in their SERPs thus helping to drive targeted traffic to your website. Who doesn’t want all these benefits?

The key metric to measure the success of your podcast:

·        The number of times your podcast show has been linked to (or featured in) by high-quality websites.

Google Analytics and Ahrefs are the best SEO tools to help you measure the performance of your podcast in that case.

Unique Downloads

Unique downloads is also another key metric to measure the effectiveness of your podcasts.

A podcast is a unique form of media unlike YouTube, social media, and others.

For instance, when someone clicks to watch a video on YouTube, Facebook, or other platforms, it’s easy to track your video viewership including the number of people who watched it, the hours they spent watching it, etc.

Podcasts are somehow tricky to track in that someone can either stream or download them.

If someone downloads the podcast, you have to figure a lot of things including how much of it was listened to and more. Note that users can download a podcast and never listen to it or partially listen to it.

While measuring podcast unique downloads is probably the accurate way of measuring the effectiveness of your podcast marketing, it can be challenging tell us uk dissertations.

With this metric, you can measure how many times the same user downloaded the podcast at a single IP address over 24 hours.

Social Media Engagement

Another key metric to evaluate the performance of your podcasts is social media engagement. The fastest way to promote your podcasts is by sharing them with your social media followers. You can also ask industry influencers of guests you feature in your podcasts to share them with their social followers.

Here are the things to pay attention to when measuring the effectiveness of your podcasts:

·        The number of people sharing the podcast content with their followers.

·        The comments and links your podcast is getting after sharing it on social media.

Marketing Content Generated

In today’s digital world business world, no business can afford to do without a content marketing strategy. However, generating relevant, interesting, and unique content ideas isn’t an easy task. Besides, coming up with ideas is half the battle, marketers have to convert ideas generated into multiple types of content that can be consumed by different types of users across multiple channels.

Podcasting helps marketers generate different types of content such as downloads, eBooks, social posts, blog posts, and more.

Here are some of the things you can get with podcasting and how to measure success.

Content ideas

When you host an industry expert as your guest in your podcasts, they bring in their knowledge, expertise, passion, and experience. That means that you have a pool of relatively large pieces of content.

Remember that you’re getting these content ideas for free. Think about how much time and money you could have invested to get these ideas if you were to use other forms of media.

The beauty about this is that your guests will talk about topics that relate to their followers- the people you’re looking to drive to your website who are likely to be your customers.

Different types of written content

You also get the opportunity to convert those relevant, informative, and interesting podcast interviews into written content.

This means that you’re relieved from going through the tedious content creation process that starts from planning to keyword research.

You can create the following type of content:

·        Webinar scripts.

·        Blog posts.

·        Emails.

·        LinkedIn posts.

·        Answer questions on Quora.

·        Social media posts.

·        And more.

To measure the metrics from content created with your podcast, pay attention to the following information:

·        The number of blog posts you’ve created from the podcast.

·        The metrics that were obtained from the blog posts created.

·        The number of LinkedIn posts published from the content obtained from a podcast.

·        The reach and engagement rate for each LinkedIn post published.

·        The number of clicks to your website coming from the LinkedIn posts published.

·        Leads generated from webinars.

·        Engagements coming from emails in your marketing automation sequence.

·        Leads converted into sales after the webinar.

But that’s not all.

You can also create other pieces of content like:

Roundup posts

Besides creating individual articles and blog posts out of a specific podcast episode, you can also generate roundup posts.  This involves repurposing different blog posts related to similar topics into strategic roundup posts.

The beauty with roundup posts is that they allow you to continue engaging with your podcast guests hence strengthening your relationships when you let them know that you have created a roundup post out of the podcast you hosted together.

You can also ask your guests to share your roundup posts with their followers as well hence getting more eyeballs on your content.

Roundup posts can also help you build quality backlinks as these guests are likely to link to the posts from their websites. This is a huge plus to your SEO efforts.

When it comes to marketing content generated with podcasts, here are the metrics to measure:

·        How many pieces of content you have been able to create for podcast episodes you hosted?

·        Is your content calendar full or do you still have a long way to go?

·        Has podcasting helped you cross-promote your pieces of content?

How to Measure Your Podcast Success: The Final Thoughts

Podcasting is here to stay. Creating insightful podcasts will help to take your content marketing game a notch higher. You just need to know what metrics to measure so you can ascertain whether podcasting has a positive impact on your brand.

We hope this article has taught you how to measure the effectiveness of your podcasts.


Good luck!

I am a professional blogger | SEO Expert | And Developer
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