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HomeShoppingHow to propose to your beloved geek partner around Christmas

How to propose to your beloved geek partner around Christmas

Several geeks are now using geeky engagement rings to propose to the loves of their lives. You probably have wracked your brains in laboratories through the year, but are hard pressed concerning words for expressing how you feel. Utilize the Christmas season to say your feelings to the person it most matters to. Tell that bespectacled partner exactly how much she matters to you. While popping the all-important question, you should keep the essence alive. Here are some of the ways you can propose to your special one at Christmas.


Gifts to be cherished

You should want to gift something that’s romantic to your beloved when popping the crucial question. You could add a 160 GB iPod already loaded with all her favourite music genres on as a supplement to the all vital engagement ring.


Geek theme for setting the mood

As you’ve been together with your beloved for long, you certainly know her passion, dislikes, and likes. Plan a Christmas party and invite like-minded individuals particularly her pals. Maintain the theme according to her outlook but with just a little twist. Your geek partner will surely enjoy the surprise party with those she loves spending time with – especially you who has gone through geeky engagement rings online and chosen one to use in popping the important question.


Make the most possible of Christmas ball

You could choose to pop the vital question after a dance. Your beloved might love unwinding at pubs through several tequila shots. On the Christmas ball, you could insist that your beloved join you for a dance. Initially, there might be moments’ hesitation but with the music flow and the rhythm of attendees’ dance steps, the appropriate mood will soon occur to help you in popping the all-important question. Intellectuals might forecast geographical fluctuations but certainly not emotional wonders, therefore, you should ensure that you make the most possible of the event you people are attending.


Utilize the tried and trusted mushy path

If you think your beloved partner to be a true high school-kind of a geek, then you should ensure that you make your proposal ceremony a lot mushier. You could obtain a customized tray featuring floral décor of maybe pink lilies and orchids and hide your engagement ring inside it. Also, you could strap the ring to the bud of a fresh rose flower to get an even extra mysterious feel to your proposal.


Never forget to be on your knees when proposing to your beloved partner using any of the amazing geeky engagement rings. Kneeling down greatly enhances the romantic gist of the proposal moment, and the move is sure to melt the heart of even the toughest geek on the entire planet. This Christmas, you must plan out an event to use in popping the all mighty question to your most beloved computer geek using a truly romantic gusto.

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