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HomeHome ImprovementHow to Sanitize Upholstery for COVID19?

How to Sanitize Upholstery for COVID19?

Upholstery can be a lot of things: functional, decorative, and possibly the biggest culprit in spreading allergens throughout your home. While we love that you value our furniture enough to keep it looking pristine for as long as possible, here at COVID19 we know that no matter how well you care for this valuable item it will eventually need professional upholstery cleaning Sydney Service. Let’s see what upholstery cleaning has to offer towards better health.

What is Upholstery?

Today upholstery is made from synthetic or natural materials and comes in many forms and textures (e.g., fabric, leather). The majority of us probably think first of a couch when we hear the word “upholster”. This word originates from the Middle English word upholder, which means to hold or support. The first documented use of “upholstery” was found in 1625 and described covering items with separate stuffed fabric rather than by using heavy curtains over bare wood frames. The word comes from the Middle English terms upholder (to hold or support) and hollster (a leather holster or sheath).

Why Clean Upholstery?

Over time our precious little family members come to live with us whether we like it or not; all well worth it for what you gain, but there’s another annoying presence that tends to accumulate on your furniture: dander. According to experts, “fur or hair can become trapped in the fabric of sofas and chairs, while dust mites can accumulate in upholstered furniture.”


Dander is microscopic skin particles shed by animals. People with allergies are often sensitive to dander because these pieces of dead skin are very small, dry, and easily become airborne when disturbed. It’s estimated that cats produce about 250,000 skin cells per hour which adds up over time if you keep your kitty companion on your favorite chair. The longer you have a pet the more likely they will live up to their reputation for having an “unpredictable” personality where they decide it’s necessary to scratch or chew what seems like everything within scratching distance. Plus according to Indoor Pet Initiative, “cats lick themselves to keep their coats clean and free of parasites. Licking loosens dead hairs, which are swallowed or spat out.”

Dust Mites

Although not microscopic, another common cause for sneezes is dust mites. According to the National Pest Management Association (NPMA), upholstered furniture is one of the three top places where dust mites are found in our homes. These critters with eight legs are everywhere – they don’t discriminate! They need a dark, damp environment where temperatures are high enough for survival but low enough that their prey isn’t running away from them too fast. This is why dust mite populations tend to rise near bathrooms because humidity levels increase with use of showers.

Your Family’s Health

So, not only is your favorite chair or couch dirty but it’s also the reason you are sneezing more. It’s kind of embarrassing to say that your home looks spotless until you get on all fours and actually look at what lies beneath the furniture that you spend most of your time around. Cleaning upholstery can be difficult because of how porous some materials are but there are ways to make sure it’s sanitized for COVID19. The first step involves identifying what type of material is being cleaned so that best practices towards its care can be followed. Then, the surface must be tested in an inconspicuous spot for about two days before full cleaning begins. Finally, it’s important to either clean the upholstery yourself or hire a professional team that can do it right.

Up-to-Date Cleaning Tips

When you hear about dust mites, your mind might go to those little bags hanging from trees in public spaces which are designed to collect the pests as people pass. This method is often used for public health initiatives but isn’t an efficient way of preventing them from entering your home. According to WebMD, “The problem with dust mite encasements and covers – and pretty much anything else you put on your bedding – is that they don’t keep all types of allergens at bay.” Therefore, what matters most for reducing dander and other irritating particles in your home is knowing how to clean your upholstery correctly.

The most important step in deep cleaning your fabric is testing for colorfastness. It’s normal for a little color to be removed with some detergents, but if the solution you use causes more than a few red spots it’s not safe to continue using any product that contains it.

Once you’ve found a pre-treatment solution the best practice of upholstery cleaning Melbourne succeeds it, there are four steps: Agitating, applying, removing and drying. It might take several sessions over several days just be patient because these steps work better when done properly! In fact one method known as dry foam shampooing can use less water than traditional carpet cleaning practices while also killing microorganisms.

Best Practices

If you are still scratching your head over how to clean upholstery, just remember that it’s extremely important to do it right. The wrong solution for the type of fabric being cleaned is not only dangerous but can void its warranty. When dealing with high-traffic areas be sure to extract all moisture by using a squeegee or extracting tool before allowing newly sanitized fabric to thoroughly dry. Also, pay attention if hot water makes the pre-treatment more effective by decreasing time necessary for soaking. Lastly, cover vents and dust collection systems when drying fabrics in order to prevent contamination throughout your home.

Although some may say otherwise, owning pets is incredibly rewarding but can also cause problems on occasion especially when it comes to allergens. From the family dog that always seems to have a cold to your child’s favorite upholstered chair that is covered in dark spots, learn how to clean surfaces around you before it’s too late.

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