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HomeDigital MarketingHow to Use Blogs to Convert Visitors into Customers

How to Use Blogs to Convert Visitors into Customers

How can you convert blog post readers into loyal customers? Are you wondering what content marketing tips you can use to transform website visitors into buyers? If that’s your situation, then this article is for you!

The primary objective of every business is to generate quality leads and convert those leads into income. And the only way to achieve your goal is via customer acquisition and retention. The more buyers you acquire and retain, the more revenue you make.

But identifying proven marketing strategies that help in obtaining paying clients is a challenge for marketers. That is why this article is a powerful resource to you as it will aid in addressing the issue.

You want your blog to be profitable and generate results. But if you’re at the stage where your blog posts are not producing positive ROIs, It is best to re-evaluate your content strategy and integrate blogging tips and content marketing strategies that are working for others.

This approach will help you obtain more worth from your blogging efforts. So, what marketing content tips should you apply that will help you convert readers and profit from your blog?

Let’s get down to business.

5 Effective Ways to Convert Blog Readers to Repeat Buyers

In this blog post, you will learn simple yet powerful tips you can start using to acquire more customers through your blog.

1. Modify Your Blog for a Particular audience.

Who is your ideal blog reader? Do you create content for a particular reader or a universal audience? If the latter is the case, there is no way you can profit from your blog. I didn’t realize this blogging mistake when I started.

But it’s right for you now, because you don’t have to go through the same path on your blogging journey. So, for optimal results, start by defining your target reader. Who do you want to attract to your blog?

For example, when I started my blog, I was writing and publishing content on all things digital marketing without a target audience. For this reason, I wasn’t getting traction. Then I realized that, as a freelance writer and blogger, I need to attract readers who are interested in blogging and freelance writing tips.

For example, have a look at Max Babych’s blog, you can quickly notice that his site is about software development with a focus on startups.

Also, when you visit Ryan Robinson’s blog, you do not doubt but to accept that he modified his blog, particularly for readers who are excited about blogging.

As a result, they are respectively attracting specific audiences and gaining traction. The marketplace is saturated already and with fierce competition. Therefore, to convert visitors, you should modify your blog and niche down to a specific market that will improve your conversions.

So, impress your target readers by helping them to discern the relevance of your blog. Then, you’ll see your website engagement, web traffic, and email list grow significantly.

2. Create Blog Posts About Your Product & Link to The Product Page

Do you have a digital product? That’s awesome! Create blog content about it and add links that direct readers to the merchandise. Tell users how your digital material can help them with individual problems.

It is an efficient content marketing strategy that will drive more traffic to your page and increase sales. For example, if you have a Shopify eCommerce store, blogging about your store is a fantastic way to direct customers and improve store sales.

Nevertheless, even if you do NOT have a product of your own, you can still write about relevant commodities that will help your readers, and add the product link to your posts. But before doing all that, you must be confident that the product is perfect for your target market.

You have to try it out to ensure that it will serve your audience’s needs. In that way, you will build a loyal community of repeat readers and customers. Several bloggers and content marketers are using this blog tip to convert readers to customers.

*Important* Your blog posts should have all the elements of a compelling article. You don’t want to create content that receives negative feedback from your readers and prospective customers.

3. Integrate Social Proof into Your Blog

Social proof is a fantastic marketing strategy that can heighten your blog’s conversion rates. That is because it illustrates the credibility people have in you. If you get your marketing persona to leave positive remarks about your blog, products, or services, that is social proof right there.

It is endorsements from people who are satisfied with your product or services. In other words, happy clients are saying, “you’re are credible and can deliver.” It will help you attract more eyeballs to your site because they see first-hand that others are getting benefits from your blog content or services.

For instance, take a look at a few samples of social proof in action below. These are testimonials from top marketers whom I have worked with and still working with some of them. The testimonials are social confirmations or validations that these experts are happy with my writing services.

Social proof is a psychological marketing strategy. That is why it is so effective in converting leads and customers. Social proof characterizes a mental or emotional phenomenon in which people imitate the activities of others in a quest to align their behavior to particular circumstances.

For example, you may share post materials with your audience because many others in your niche are sharing it. It does not mean that you took the time to read and understand the article to know whether it will benefit your target market.

But the psychological effect of social proof compels you to share the article. It can be in any format, such as:

  • Expert endorsements
  • Testimonials and quotes.
  • As seen on
  • Certifications.
  • Referrals.
  • Positive reviews.

Here is a sample of “As Seen on” on my website;

Therefore, get people to create social proof for your blog. It will help to boost your conversion rates.

4. Create Blogs Around Topics That Excites Your Audience

Writing articles around subjects your readers will find engaging is crucial. So, before you start article writing, ask yourself a few thought-provoking questions to determine topics that’ll improve audience traction and conversions.

Some questions you can ask include:

  • What types of blog topics excite my readers?
  • What kind of blogs are they reading regularly?
  • How can I get readers to keep coming back to my blog for more content?
  • How can I create more engaging blog content?

These few concerns will help you to find the right topics that will always engage your site users. So what are the topics? There is no other than subjects that relate to the problems of your buyer persona.

When a reader searches your blog or Google, he is searching for a solution to the issue he wants to solve. And if you can feed him content pieces that provide the answers to his distressing situation, you will seamlessly convert him to a customer.

In other words, to use blog posts to improve conversions, your articles must accomplish three things:

  1. Answer readers queries
  2. Solve a problem for the reader, and
  3. Add value to the reader by helping him overcome his distress.

Fun fact; there is no other way to establish your brand, acquire more customers, and increase sales than to offer help. For instance, if your ideal reader is looking for how to find his first freelance writing client, and you give him blog posts about how to grow your social media followers, you are missing the mark.

His problem is finding writing work, NOT growing followers on social sites. So, the more relevant your posts are to your audience’s needs, you can quickly transform them into buyers. Such blog topics will help you convert more blog readers into leads and paying customers.

5. Integrate FOMO into Your Blog

If you’re new to digital marketing, you may be wondering, ‘What is FOMO?” FOMO denotes the “Fear of Missing Out.” It is a feeling of eagerness, anxiety, and greed that feeds into your emotions and persuades you to take action.

FOMO proceeds from the belief that your peers, for example, are making profits from their adventure, while you’re not. At this point, the eagerness and anxiety to be part of the experience are FOMO. It is so effective since it makes consumers act right away without thinking twice.

Research points out that over half, 56% of consumers fear missing out on something of value. Thus, because you do NOT want to miss out on the experiences you presume others are enjoying, you resort to checking your emails, favorite blogs, and social media profiles frequently.

You do these activities to ensure you’re not missing out on:

That is the power of FOMO marketing strategy. It urges you to take action.

FOMO Marketing Examples

There are several examples of the fear of missing out marketing tactics, but I will show you only one for inspiration.

Showing visitors that others are buying your product or paying for your services is a remarkable content marketing strategy. When your audience sees people buying, they get anxious and want to join the league.

Here is how Optinmonster is using this strategy to increase sales and revenue;

You can see a live-action below the page that shows when buyers make purchases. It develops in you a sense of curiosity that triggers your desire to buy. In consequence, use this marketing strategy on your blog to help convert more visitors into customers.

Wrapping Up How to Use Your Blog to Convert Readers into Customers

It doesn’t matter whether your blog is new or old. Your primary motive for venturing into content marketing is to make profits and generate income. But when your blog is not attracting the right people or generating traffic, it becomes difficult to make gains.

However, the strategies in this article will enhance your blog’s profitability and help you transform your blogging community into loyal customers. Apply the tips and tell us how it worked for you.

Would you like to add more blogging tips to this article? Our readers want to hear from you in the comments section!

About the author

Moss Clement is the founder of Moss Media—a premium content writing service. He is also the content manager at Writers Per Hour. Moss is working closely with B2B marketers—helping​ several startups grow their online presence by delivering highly informative content pieces​. He has assisted small & medium-sized businesses in building their online reputation.

Connect with him on Twitter, LinkedIn,  Facebook, & Instagram.

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