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HomeDigital MarketingInteresting and Impactful Marketing Strategies You Need to Use in 2022

Interesting and Impactful Marketing Strategies You Need to Use in 2022

The digital marketing landscape is constantly changing and evolving with the new trends that permeate your industry and the digital market as a whole. One of the biggest drivers of change is the advancement of technology and how people consume online content, but there are many other factors that influence the behavior of the tech-savvy consumer. Without a doubt, it’s an exciting time for companies around the world, as nowadays you have more tools and platforms at your disposal to market your brand than ever before.

That said, you also need to stay on top of the latest developments and know exactly where to invest your marketing dollars. Your goal is to maximize the potential of every marketing channel and avoid financial waste, and for that you need to stay in touch with the trends in your industry. And that’s exactly what we are going to help you with today, as we take a look at some of the most interesting and impactful marketing strategies you should use in 2022 and probably beyond.

Start working on interactive marketing material

Modern consumers are always looking for something new and exciting to grab their attention and help them connect with their favorite brands. While it is absolutely essential that you continue dishing out top-quality written content on a regular basis, now is the time to start diversifying your content offering and add interactive elements to your website and social media. 

Interactive marketing is all about variety and adding value to your brand, and there are many great ways you can spice up your marketing strategy by implementing some interactive ideas. From interactive videos and live events, to infographics and authentic images, and all the way to quizzes, contests, games and polls, the possibilities are endless.

You can use these interactive features on your website and social media to achieve a number of goals, such as lead generation, brand awareness, repeat purchases, better customer acquisition, better word-of-mouth, and more.

Get micro-influencers to support your brand

Influencer marketing is always going to be an important part of business promotion and word-of-mouth in the social media world, and in 2022 and beyond, influencers are only going to gain relevance in corporate marketing. That said, the trends are rapidly shifting from macro-influencers to micro-influencers. 

Micro-influencers are those notable personalities on social media and across the web that have a decent following, but nothing in the ranks of the big influencers that have millions of followers. These are the influencers that have a powerful voice within their “smaller” community of several thousand followers, and those are the influencers you should work with in the years to come.

Instead of paying exuberant amounts of money to a big influencer whose audience may or may not respond to their shoutouts of your brand, you should invest wisely in micro-influencers whose voice will be heart and respected in their communities. This also opens up the opportunity to develop long-lasting relationships with these influencers and thus grow their personal brands alongside your own.

Develop a versatile content strategy

Now that 2022 is fast approaching, it’s time to analyze your current content strategy and start optimizing it for the road ahead. Needless to say, you need to optimize your content strategy for your audience, their unique needs and pain points, but also the new trends in their behavior and how they consume online content. Sure, they still want to read your amazing articles, but they also might want to see other types of content on your site and social media pages.

This is why content diversification is such an important element of any marketing strategy nowadays, as it allows you to keep your content output fresh and engaging for your audience. To that end, consider diversifying your content offering and spicing up your content schedule with videos and infographics, new imagery, more story-driven written content, and the aforementioned interactive marketing tactics.

Make sure that the strategy outlines the exact marketing channels you should use to promote every piece of content as well, because it’s not just about the quality of the content – it’s also about how you deliver it to your audience.

Build your brand’s social proof

One of the best ways to achieve your marketing and sales goals in 2022 and beyond is going to be through social proof. This is a part of marketing psychology, and it aims to build up your brand’s reputation and trustworthiness in the eyes of your customers, your audience, and anyone who comes into contact with your brand for the first time.

To build social proof for your brand, you should start leveraging user-generated content on your website and on social media. This is another way to diversify your content marketing strategy, and it will help people see just how satisfied others are with your products, services, or your brand as a whole. This will prompt potential customers to engage with your company and nudge them in the right direction, which is to decide to buy from you instead of your competitors.

Provide customers with omnichannel experiences

Finally, keep in mind that modern customers want to engage with brands on their own terms, meaning that you need to build a presence on all customer touchpoints in the online and offline realms. This is called omnichannel marketing, and there are many brands with amazing omnichannel experiences you can draw inspiration from, such as Disney, Starbucks, and many more.

The key is to start using all of the available channels to communicate with your customers, and allow them to make a purchase on the channel of their choosing. If you try to force a customer on social media to go to your site to place an order, they might opt out – but if you take their order right there in the chat, you’ve got yourself a satisfied customer.

Over to you

Digital marketing is always evolving, and in 2022 we’ll have some interesting new trends as well as some familiar ones that will forever remain popular with the digital audience. Make sure to use these tactics in your 2022 strategy and you will have no problem achieving your sales and marketing goals.

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